Page 42 - Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
P. 42

34 Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014

a. In the last 6 months

b. 6 to 12 months ago
c. 1 to 2 years ago
d. More than 2 years ago
e. I don’t remember



29. What was the main reason why you started using mobile banking when
you did?
a. I got a smartphone
b. My bank started offering the service

c. There is no bank branch or ATM near my home or work
d. I became comfortable with the security of mobile banking
e. I liked the convenience of mobile banking
f. To receive fraud alerts or check my account for fraudulent transactions
g. Other (please specify):[TXT]_____________

Mobile Payments Users



Mobile payments are purchases, bill payments, charitable donations, payments to
another person, or any other payments made using a mobile phone. You can do
this either by accessing a web page through the web browser on your mobile
device, by sending a text message (SMS), or by using a downloadable app on your
mobile device. The amount of the payment may be applied to your phone bill (for
example Red Cross text message donation), charged to your credit card, deducted
from a prepaid account, or withdrawn directly from your bank account.


30. Have you made a mobile payment in the past 12 months?
a. Yes → [MOBILEPAY = “YES”]
b. No → [MOBILEPAY = “NO”]


1: “YES”

2: “NO”
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