Page 38 - Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
P. 38

30 Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014

13. Have you used an ATM for any banking transactions in the past 12 months?

a. Yes
b. No

[SP, IF Q1 = A; shown on the same screen as Q12]

14. Telephone banking is when you access your account by calling a phone number
that your bank has provided. You interact with the system using either voice
commands, your phone’s numeric keypad, or speaking with a live customer
service representative. It does not include accessing your bank using the Inter-
net or apps on your mobile phone
Have you used telephone banking in the past 12 months, either with a land-
line phone or your mobile phone?
a. Yes
b. No

[IF Q1 = A; NUMBER BOXES; RANGE: 1-3; Unique values]

15. What are the three main ways you (or your spouse/partner) interact with your
bank or credit union when you use your accounts? Use number 1 for most
often, 2 for 2nd most often, 3 for 3rd most often used. (You can stop number-
ing below if all the ways you interact with your bank or credit union are cov-
ered in less than three responses).
a. ATM/Cash machine
b. A teller in person at a branch

c. Mail
d. Phone – talking
e. Phone – using touchtone service or voice recognition

f. Over the Internet using a computer/tablet
g. Mobile phone app, mobile web browser, or SMS/text message
h. Family member, friend, or neighbor does the banking for me
i. Other (please specify):[TXT]________________________________


In this section we’ll ask a few questions about your use of the Internet. Right now
we are just interested in your use of the Internet on a computer (desktop, laptop,
or tablet). Later on we will ask about use of the Internet on mobile phones.


16. Do you currently have regular access to the Internet, either at home or outside
your home (i.e., school, work, public library, etc.) that is not provided by GfK,
formerly Knowledge Networks?
a. Yes

b. No
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