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Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2014
ArbeitsmarktForschung, Vol. 42, 2010, Pisani-Ferry, J., Vihriälä, E. and Wolff, G., cgi?article=1131&context=peri_work -
pp. 325–36, available at http://doku.iab. ‘Options for a euro-area fiscal capac- ingpapers
de/zaf/2009/2009_4_zaf_moeller.pdf ity’, Bruegel Policy Contribution, Issue
2013/01, 2013. Tomova, M., Rezessy, A., Lenkowski,
Monfort, P. (2008), ‘Convergence of EU A. and Maincent, E., ‘EU governance and
regions — Measures and evolution’, Pissarides, C., ‘Social Europe in a cli- EU funds — testing the effectiveness
European Commission, Directorate-Gen- mate of Austerity’, conference ‘Social of EU funds in a sound macroeconomic
eral for Regional Policy Working papers, Dialogue as a driver in shaping and framework’, Economic Papers 510, 2013.
No 1, 2008. improving employment and working con -
ditions in the EU’, 23 June 2014, Athens, Van Beers, B., Bjilsma, M. and Zwart, G.,
Mundell, R. A., ‘A Theory of Optimum Cur - Greece, ‘Cross-country insurance mechanisms in
rency Areas’, American Economic Review, events/2014/socialdialogueasadriver/ currency unions’, Bruegel Working Paper,
Vol. 51, No 4, 1961. index.htm 2014/04.
Network of Independent Experts on Pöschl, J. and Foster, N., ‘The Importance of Vandenbroucke, F. and Luigjes, C., ‘Unem -
Social Inclusion, ‘Investing in children: Labour Mobility for Spillovers across Indus - ployment Benefits, Activation and the
Breaking the cycle of disadvantage. tries’, MICRO-DYN Working Paper No 29/10, Interaction between Levels of Govern-
A study of national policies’, available 2010, available at ment — Experiences with moral hazard
at index.php?action=filedownload&id=764 in multi-tiered labour market governance
ervlet?docId=11667&langId=en systems’, mimeo, 2014.
Rajan, R., Fault Lines, Princeton University
Organisation for Economic Co-operation Press, 2010. Van Rompuy, H., ‘Towards a genuine
and Development, ‘Responsible Business Economic and Monetary Union’, Report
Conduct Matters — OECD Guidelines For Repasi, R., ‘Legal options for an additional in collaboration with José Manuel Bar-
Multinational Enterprises’, 2006, avail- EMU fiscal capacity’, European Parlia- roso, Jean-Claude Juncker and Mario
able at ment, Directorate-General for Internal Draghi, Brussels, 2012, http://www.con-
MNEguidelines_RBCmatters.pdf Policies, Policy Department C — Citi -
zens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, pressdata/en/ec/134069.pdf
Organisation for Economic Co-operation 2013,
and Development, ‘Skills Strategy, Better RegData/etudes/note/join/2013/474397/ Van Rompuy, H., ‘A consistent strategy
Skills, Better Jobs, Better Lives: A Stra- IPOL-AFCO_NT(2013)474397_EN.pdf for jobs and growth in Europe’, Speech
tegic Approach to Skills Policies’, 2012a. at the conference ‘The missing link in
Sala-i-Martin, X., ‘Region cohesion: evi- the EMU: economic coordination and
Organisation for Economic Co-operation dence and theories of regional growth structural reform’, 2014, http://www.
and Development, Economic surveys — and convergence’, European Economic
European Union, 2012b. Review, Vol. 40, 1996, pp. 1325–52. docs/pressdata/en/ec/144854.pdf
Organisation for Economic Co-opera- Sapir, A. and Wolff, G. B., ‘The great trans- Vroman, W., ‘The Role of Unemployment
tion and Development, ‘Matching Eco- formation: memo to the incoming EU Presi - Insurance as an Automatic Stabilizer
nomic Migration with Labour Market dent’, Bruegel Policy Brief, 2014/04. During a Recession’, IMPAQ Interna
Needs’, 2014a. tional, LLC, 2010, available at: http://
Schmid, G., ‘Inclusive Growth: What
Organisation for Economic Co-operation Future for the European Social Model?’, ments/ETAOP2010-10.pdf
and Development, ‘Economic surveys — IZA Policy Paper No 82, 2014.
European Union’, 2014b. Weyerstrass, K., Jaenicke, J., Neck, R.,
Strauss, R. et al., ‘Paper on supranational Haber, G., van Aarle, B., Schoors, K., Gob-
Parker, J., Souleles, N., Johnson, D. and automatic stabilisers’, Brussels, October bin, N. and Claeys, P., ‘Economic spillo-
McClelland, R., ‘Consumer Spending 2013, ver and policy coordination in the Euro
and the Economic Stimulus Payments vlet?docId=10964&langId=en area’, 2006, available at http://ec.europa.
of 2008’, American Economic Review, eu/economy_finance/publications/
Vol. 103, No 6, 2013, pp. 2530–53, avail - Stockhammer, E., ‘Wage flexibility or publication_summary764_en.htm
able at wage coordination? Economic policy
php?doi=10.1257/aer.103.6.2530 implications of the wage-led demand World Economic Forum, ‘The Global Com -
regime in the Euro area’, Political Eco- petitiveness Report 2013–2014’, Full Data
Pisani-Ferry, J., ‘The Known Unknowns nomic Research Institute, Working Paper Edition, 2014, available at http://www3.
and Unknown Unknowns of EMU’, Bruegel No 160, 2008, available at http://schol- -
Policy Contribution, Issue 2012/18, 2012. tivenessReport_2013-14.pdf
ArbeitsmarktForschung, Vol. 42, 2010, Pisani-Ferry, J., Vihriälä, E. and Wolff, G., cgi?article=1131&context=peri_work -
pp. 325–36, available at http://doku.iab. ‘Options for a euro-area fiscal capac- ingpapers
de/zaf/2009/2009_4_zaf_moeller.pdf ity’, Bruegel Policy Contribution, Issue
2013/01, 2013. Tomova, M., Rezessy, A., Lenkowski,
Monfort, P. (2008), ‘Convergence of EU A. and Maincent, E., ‘EU governance and
regions — Measures and evolution’, Pissarides, C., ‘Social Europe in a cli- EU funds — testing the effectiveness
European Commission, Directorate-Gen- mate of Austerity’, conference ‘Social of EU funds in a sound macroeconomic
eral for Regional Policy Working papers, Dialogue as a driver in shaping and framework’, Economic Papers 510, 2013.
No 1, 2008. improving employment and working con -
ditions in the EU’, 23 June 2014, Athens, Van Beers, B., Bjilsma, M. and Zwart, G.,
Mundell, R. A., ‘A Theory of Optimum Cur - Greece, ‘Cross-country insurance mechanisms in
rency Areas’, American Economic Review, events/2014/socialdialogueasadriver/ currency unions’, Bruegel Working Paper,
Vol. 51, No 4, 1961. index.htm 2014/04.
Network of Independent Experts on Pöschl, J. and Foster, N., ‘The Importance of Vandenbroucke, F. and Luigjes, C., ‘Unem -
Social Inclusion, ‘Investing in children: Labour Mobility for Spillovers across Indus - ployment Benefits, Activation and the
Breaking the cycle of disadvantage. tries’, MICRO-DYN Working Paper No 29/10, Interaction between Levels of Govern-
A study of national policies’, available 2010, available at ment — Experiences with moral hazard
at index.php?action=filedownload&id=764 in multi-tiered labour market governance
ervlet?docId=11667&langId=en systems’, mimeo, 2014.
Rajan, R., Fault Lines, Princeton University
Organisation for Economic Co-operation Press, 2010. Van Rompuy, H., ‘Towards a genuine
and Development, ‘Responsible Business Economic and Monetary Union’, Report
Conduct Matters — OECD Guidelines For Repasi, R., ‘Legal options for an additional in collaboration with José Manuel Bar-
Multinational Enterprises’, 2006, avail- EMU fiscal capacity’, European Parlia- roso, Jean-Claude Juncker and Mario
able at ment, Directorate-General for Internal Draghi, Brussels, 2012, http://www.con-
MNEguidelines_RBCmatters.pdf Policies, Policy Department C — Citi -
zens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, pressdata/en/ec/134069.pdf
Organisation for Economic Co-operation 2013,
and Development, ‘Skills Strategy, Better RegData/etudes/note/join/2013/474397/ Van Rompuy, H., ‘A consistent strategy
Skills, Better Jobs, Better Lives: A Stra- IPOL-AFCO_NT(2013)474397_EN.pdf for jobs and growth in Europe’, Speech
tegic Approach to Skills Policies’, 2012a. at the conference ‘The missing link in
Sala-i-Martin, X., ‘Region cohesion: evi- the EMU: economic coordination and
Organisation for Economic Co-operation dence and theories of regional growth structural reform’, 2014, http://www.
and Development, Economic surveys — and convergence’, European Economic
European Union, 2012b. Review, Vol. 40, 1996, pp. 1325–52. docs/pressdata/en/ec/144854.pdf
Organisation for Economic Co-opera- Sapir, A. and Wolff, G. B., ‘The great trans- Vroman, W., ‘The Role of Unemployment
tion and Development, ‘Matching Eco- formation: memo to the incoming EU Presi - Insurance as an Automatic Stabilizer
nomic Migration with Labour Market dent’, Bruegel Policy Brief, 2014/04. During a Recession’, IMPAQ Interna
Needs’, 2014a. tional, LLC, 2010, available at: http://
Schmid, G., ‘Inclusive Growth: What
Organisation for Economic Co-operation Future for the European Social Model?’, ments/ETAOP2010-10.pdf
and Development, ‘Economic surveys — IZA Policy Paper No 82, 2014.
European Union’, 2014b. Weyerstrass, K., Jaenicke, J., Neck, R.,
Strauss, R. et al., ‘Paper on supranational Haber, G., van Aarle, B., Schoors, K., Gob-
Parker, J., Souleles, N., Johnson, D. and automatic stabilisers’, Brussels, October bin, N. and Claeys, P., ‘Economic spillo-
McClelland, R., ‘Consumer Spending 2013, ver and policy coordination in the Euro
and the Economic Stimulus Payments vlet?docId=10964&langId=en area’, 2006, available at http://ec.europa.
of 2008’, American Economic Review, eu/economy_finance/publications/
Vol. 103, No 6, 2013, pp. 2530–53, avail - Stockhammer, E., ‘Wage flexibility or publication_summary764_en.htm
able at wage coordination? Economic policy
php?doi=10.1257/aer.103.6.2530 implications of the wage-led demand World Economic Forum, ‘The Global Com -
regime in the Euro area’, Political Eco- petitiveness Report 2013–2014’, Full Data
Pisani-Ferry, J., ‘The Known Unknowns nomic Research Institute, Working Paper Edition, 2014, available at http://www3.
and Unknown Unknowns of EMU’, Bruegel No 160, 2008, available at http://schol- -
Policy Contribution, Issue 2012/18, 2012. tivenessReport_2013-14.pdf