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Chapter 4: Restoring Convergence between Member States in the EU and EMU
References growth rates and output gaps’, Eco- Symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming,
nomic Papers 420, 2010, available at 2010, available at http://www.federal-
Agénor, P.-R., ‘Business Cycles, Economic
Crises, and the Poor: Testing for Asymmet - publications/economic_paper/2010/pdf/ ke20100827a.htm
ric Effects’, World Bank Staff Paper, 2001, ecp420_en.pdf
available at Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.), A European
doi/pdf/10.1596/1813-9450-2700 Baldwin, R., Martin, P. and Ottaviano, Unemployment Benefit Scheme — How
G., ‘Global income divergence, trade to Provide for More Stability in the
Allard, C., Koeva Brooks, P., Bluedorn, and industrialization: the geography of Euro Zone, 2014, http://www.bertels -
J. C., Bornhorst, F., Christopherson, K., growth take-offs’, Journal of Economic
Ohnsorge, F., Poghosyan, T. and an IMF Growth, No 6, 2001, pp. 5–37. CF7DDFF6-9B5C76BC/bst_engl/hs.xsl/
Staff Team, ‘Toward a Fiscal Union for ebook_120589.htm
the Euro Area’, IMF Staff Discussion Note Ball, L., ‘Hysteresis in Unemployment: Old
SDN/13/09, September 2013, https:// and New Evidence’, NBER Working Paper Blanchard, O., Dell’Ariccia, G. and Mauro, 14818, 2009, available at http://www. P., ‘Rethinking macroeconomic policy’,
sdn1309.pdf IMF Staff position note, SPN/10/03,
Alogoskoufis, G. and Manning, A., ‘Tests of Ball, L., ‘Long-Term Damage from the ft/spn/2010/spn1003.pdf
alternative wage employment bargain- Great Recession in OECD Countries’,
ing models with an application to the UK NBER Working Paper No 20185, 2014, Bordo, M. and Meissne, C., ‘Does Ine-
aggregate labour market’, European Eco - available at quality Lead to a Financial Crisis?’,
nomic Review, Vol. 35, 1991, pp. 23–37. w20185 NBER Working Paper No 17896, 2012,
available at
Andersen, T., ‘Tuning unemployment Balleer, A., Gehrke, B., Lechthaler, W. and w17896.pdf
insurance to the business cycle’, IZA Merkl, C., ‘Does Short-Time Work Save
World of Labor 2014, Vol. 54, http://wol. Jobs? A Business Cycle Analysis’, CESifo Brischoux, M., Jaubertie, A., Gouardo, C., Working Paper, No 4640, 2014, avail- Lissot, P., Lellouch, T. and Sode, A., ‘Map-
insurance-to-the-business-cycle-1.pdf able at ping out options for a European mini-
bitstream/10419/93443/1/cesifo_mum wage standard’, Tresor-Economics,
Andor, L., ‘Basic European unem- wp4640.pdf No 133, 2014.
ployment insurance as an auto-
matic fiscal stabiliser for an ‘EMU Balta, N. and Mohl, P., ‘The drivers of total Burda, M. and Hunt, J., ‘What Explains
2.0’, Speech /14/485 20/06/2014, the German Labor Market Miracle in the
factor productivity in catching-up Econo -
available at mies’, Quarterly Report on the Euro Area, Great Recession’, NBER Working Paper
press-release_SPEECH-14-485_en.htm Vol. 12, No 3, 2014. No 17187, 2011, available at http://www.
Arulampalam, W., ‘Is unemployment Barro, R. and Sala-i-Martin, X., ‘Conver-
really scarring? Effects of Unemploy - gence across states and regions’, Brook - Cahuc, P., ‘Short-time work compensa-
ment Experiences on Wages’, The Eco- ings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1, tions and employment’, IZA World of
nomic Journal, Vol. 111, No 475, 2001, 1991, pp. 107–82. Labour 2014, Vol. 11,
available at articles/short-time-work-compensa-
pdfplus/798307.pdf?acceptTC=true Beblavý, M., Gros, D. and Maselli, I., ‘Rein - tions-and-employment-1.pdf
surance of National Unemployment Ben -
Asdrubali, P., Sorensen, B. E., and Yosha, efit Scheme’, mimeo, 2014. Carnot N., Evans P., Fatica S. and Mourre
O., ‘Channels of Interstate Risk Sharing: G., (2014), ‘Improving Income Stabilisa-
United States 1963-1990’, The Quarterly Beblavý, M., Gros, D. and Maselli, I., 2014, tion in EMU: An Analytical Exploration’,
Journal of Economics, Vol. 111, No 4, Time for some shock (absorption): Rein- CEB Working Paper No 14/022.
1996, pp. 1081–110. surance of national unemployment insur -
ance should be a Commission priority. Caudal, N., Georges, N., Grossmann-Wirth,
Atkinson, A. and Morell, S., ‘Economic Economic Policy, CEPS commentaries. V., Guillaume, J., Lellouch, T. and Sode,
crises and Inequality’, Human Develop- A., ‘A budget for the euro area’, Trésor-
ment Research Paper 2011/06, available Beetsma, R. and Giuliodori, M., The Effects Economics, No 120, October 2013,
at of Government Purchases Shocks: Review
files/hdrp_2011_06.pdf and Estimates for the EU, 2011. File/392340
Atkinson, A. B., ‘Ensuring social inclusion Bell, D. N. F. and Blanchflower, D. G., CEPS, ‘Cost of non-Europe of the Absence
in changing labour and capital markets’, ‘Young People and the Great Recession’, of an Unemployment Insurance Scheme
Economic papers 481, 2013. IZA Discussion Paper No 5674, 2011, for the Euro Area — Simulation exercise’,
available at paper written for the European Parlia-
D’Auria, F., Denis, C., Havik, K., McMor- ment, 2014, http://www.europarl.europa.
row, K., Planas, C., Raciborski, R., Röger, Bernanke, S., ‘The Economic Outlook and eu/meetdocs/2009_2014/documents/
W. and Rossi, A., ‘The production function Monetary Policy’, Speech at the Federal empl/dv/eui_study_social_dimension_/
methodology for calculating potential Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic eui_study_social_dimension_en.pdf
References growth rates and output gaps’, Eco- Symposium, Jackson Hole, Wyoming,
nomic Papers 420, 2010, available at 2010, available at http://www.federal-
Agénor, P.-R., ‘Business Cycles, Economic
Crises, and the Poor: Testing for Asymmet - publications/economic_paper/2010/pdf/ ke20100827a.htm
ric Effects’, World Bank Staff Paper, 2001, ecp420_en.pdf
available at Bertelsmann Stiftung (ed.), A European
doi/pdf/10.1596/1813-9450-2700 Baldwin, R., Martin, P. and Ottaviano, Unemployment Benefit Scheme — How
G., ‘Global income divergence, trade to Provide for More Stability in the
Allard, C., Koeva Brooks, P., Bluedorn, and industrialization: the geography of Euro Zone, 2014, http://www.bertels -
J. C., Bornhorst, F., Christopherson, K., growth take-offs’, Journal of Economic
Ohnsorge, F., Poghosyan, T. and an IMF Growth, No 6, 2001, pp. 5–37. CF7DDFF6-9B5C76BC/bst_engl/hs.xsl/
Staff Team, ‘Toward a Fiscal Union for ebook_120589.htm
the Euro Area’, IMF Staff Discussion Note Ball, L., ‘Hysteresis in Unemployment: Old
SDN/13/09, September 2013, https:// and New Evidence’, NBER Working Paper Blanchard, O., Dell’Ariccia, G. and Mauro, 14818, 2009, available at http://www. P., ‘Rethinking macroeconomic policy’,
sdn1309.pdf IMF Staff position note, SPN/10/03,
Alogoskoufis, G. and Manning, A., ‘Tests of Ball, L., ‘Long-Term Damage from the ft/spn/2010/spn1003.pdf
alternative wage employment bargain- Great Recession in OECD Countries’,
ing models with an application to the UK NBER Working Paper No 20185, 2014, Bordo, M. and Meissne, C., ‘Does Ine-
aggregate labour market’, European Eco - available at quality Lead to a Financial Crisis?’,
nomic Review, Vol. 35, 1991, pp. 23–37. w20185 NBER Working Paper No 17896, 2012,
available at
Andersen, T., ‘Tuning unemployment Balleer, A., Gehrke, B., Lechthaler, W. and w17896.pdf
insurance to the business cycle’, IZA Merkl, C., ‘Does Short-Time Work Save
World of Labor 2014, Vol. 54, http://wol. Jobs? A Business Cycle Analysis’, CESifo Brischoux, M., Jaubertie, A., Gouardo, C., Working Paper, No 4640, 2014, avail- Lissot, P., Lellouch, T. and Sode, A., ‘Map-
insurance-to-the-business-cycle-1.pdf able at ping out options for a European mini-
bitstream/10419/93443/1/cesifo_mum wage standard’, Tresor-Economics,
Andor, L., ‘Basic European unem- wp4640.pdf No 133, 2014.
ployment insurance as an auto-
matic fiscal stabiliser for an ‘EMU Balta, N. and Mohl, P., ‘The drivers of total Burda, M. and Hunt, J., ‘What Explains
2.0’, Speech /14/485 20/06/2014, the German Labor Market Miracle in the
factor productivity in catching-up Econo -
available at mies’, Quarterly Report on the Euro Area, Great Recession’, NBER Working Paper
press-release_SPEECH-14-485_en.htm Vol. 12, No 3, 2014. No 17187, 2011, available at http://www.
Arulampalam, W., ‘Is unemployment Barro, R. and Sala-i-Martin, X., ‘Conver-
really scarring? Effects of Unemploy - gence across states and regions’, Brook - Cahuc, P., ‘Short-time work compensa-
ment Experiences on Wages’, The Eco- ings Papers on Economic Activity, Vol. 1, tions and employment’, IZA World of
nomic Journal, Vol. 111, No 475, 2001, 1991, pp. 107–82. Labour 2014, Vol. 11,
available at articles/short-time-work-compensa-
pdfplus/798307.pdf?acceptTC=true Beblavý, M., Gros, D. and Maselli, I., ‘Rein - tions-and-employment-1.pdf
surance of National Unemployment Ben -
Asdrubali, P., Sorensen, B. E., and Yosha, efit Scheme’, mimeo, 2014. Carnot N., Evans P., Fatica S. and Mourre
O., ‘Channels of Interstate Risk Sharing: G., (2014), ‘Improving Income Stabilisa-
United States 1963-1990’, The Quarterly Beblavý, M., Gros, D. and Maselli, I., 2014, tion in EMU: An Analytical Exploration’,
Journal of Economics, Vol. 111, No 4, Time for some shock (absorption): Rein- CEB Working Paper No 14/022.
1996, pp. 1081–110. surance of national unemployment insur -
ance should be a Commission priority. Caudal, N., Georges, N., Grossmann-Wirth,
Atkinson, A. and Morell, S., ‘Economic Economic Policy, CEPS commentaries. V., Guillaume, J., Lellouch, T. and Sode,
crises and Inequality’, Human Develop- A., ‘A budget for the euro area’, Trésor-
ment Research Paper 2011/06, available Beetsma, R. and Giuliodori, M., The Effects Economics, No 120, October 2013,
at of Government Purchases Shocks: Review
files/hdrp_2011_06.pdf and Estimates for the EU, 2011. File/392340
Atkinson, A. B., ‘Ensuring social inclusion Bell, D. N. F. and Blanchflower, D. G., CEPS, ‘Cost of non-Europe of the Absence
in changing labour and capital markets’, ‘Young People and the Great Recession’, of an Unemployment Insurance Scheme
Economic papers 481, 2013. IZA Discussion Paper No 5674, 2011, for the Euro Area — Simulation exercise’,
available at paper written for the European Parlia-
D’Auria, F., Denis, C., Havik, K., McMor- ment, 2014, http://www.europarl.europa.
row, K., Planas, C., Raciborski, R., Röger, Bernanke, S., ‘The Economic Outlook and eu/meetdocs/2009_2014/documents/
W. and Rossi, A., ‘The production function Monetary Policy’, Speech at the Federal empl/dv/eui_study_social_dimension_/
methodology for calculating potential Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic eui_study_social_dimension_en.pdf