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Chapter 4: Restoring Convergence between Member States in the EU and EMU
European Commission, ‘Communication Hall, R., ‘Quantifying the Lasting Harm Series, No 1525, 2013, available at
from the Commission to the European to the U.S. Economy from the Financial -
Parliament, The Council and the Euro- Crisis’, NBER Working Paper No 20183, wps/ecbwp1525.pdf
group — Results of in-depth reviews 2014, available at
under Regulation (EU) No. 1176/2011 papers/w20183 Jara, H. X. and Sutherland, H., ‘The impli-
on the prevention and correction of mac - cations of an EMU unemployment insur-
roeconomic imbalances’, COM (2014) Haltmaier, J., ‘Do Recessions Affect ance scheme for supporting incomes’,
150 final, 2014c. Potential Output?’, Board of Governors of Social Situation Monitor, Research note
the Federal Reserve System, International 3/2013, 2014.
European Commission, ‘EU Employment Finance Discussion Papers, No 1066,
and Social Situation Quarterly Review, 2012, available at http://www.feder - Jauer, J., Leibig, T., Martin, J. P. and
Special Supplement on Trends social Pujani, P., ‘Migration as an adjustment
expenditure and distributional impact of ifdp1066.pdf mechanism in the crisis? A comparison
policy changes until 2013’, 2014d. of Europe and the United States’, OECD
Hebousa, S. and Zimmermann, T., ‘Esti- Social, Employment and Migration Work -
European Parliament, ‘Adjustment mating the effects of coordinated fis- ing Papers, No 155, 2014.
to Asymmetric shocks’, ECON 104, cal actions in the euro area’, European
1998, available at http://www.europarl. Economic Review, Vol. 58, pp. 110–21, Juncker, J. C., ‘A new Start for Europe: My 2013, available at http://www.sci- Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and
chap1_en.htm Change, Political Guidelines
S0014292112001572 for the next Commission, 2014.
Eurostat, ‘Labour market policy —
expenditure and participants. Data 2010’, Hoffmann, M. and Sørensen, B. E., ‘Don’t Kempkes, G., ‘Cyclical adjustment in fis-
2012, available at http://epp.eurostat. expect too much from EZ fiscal union — cal rules: some evidence on real-time and complete the unfinished integration bias for EU-15 countries’, Deutsche Bun -
12-001/EN/KS-DO-12-001-EN.PDF of European capital markets!’,, desbank, Discussion Paper No 15, 2012.
9 November 2012,
Fitoussi, J.-P. and Saraceno, F., ‘How article/hedging-macroeconomic-risk- Kenen, P., ‘The Theory of Optimum Cur-
Deep is a Crisis? Policy Responses eurozone-fiscal-union-versus-capital- rency Areas: An Eclectic View’, in Mun-
and Structural Factors Behind Diverg- markets dell, R. A. and Swoboda, A. K. (eds.),
ing Performances’, OFCE / POLHIA Monetary Problems in the International
No 2009–31, 2009, available at http:// International Labour Organisation (ILO), Economy, University of Chicago Press, ‘Minimum wages and collective bargain - Chicago, 1969.
WP2009-31.pdf ing. Towards policy coherence’, Global
Wage Report 2008 / 09, available at Krugman, P., ‘Lessons of Massachusetts
Fosfuri, A., Motta, M. and Rønde, T., ‘For- for the EMU’, in Torres, F. and Giavazzi,
eign Direct Investment and Spillovers lic/@dgreports/@dcomm/documents/ F. (eds.), Adjustment and growth in the
through Workers’ Mobility’, Journal of publication/wcms_100786.pdf European Monetary Union, Cambridge
International Economics, Vol. 53, pp. 205– University Press, Cambridge, 1993,
22, 2001, available at http://ac.els-cdn. International Labour Organisation (ILO), pp. 241–60.
com/S0022199600000696/1-s2.0- World Social Security Report, 2014/15.
S0022199600000696-main. Krugman, P., Peddling Prosperity: Eco-
pdf?_tid=45d725aa-0839-11e4-9d07- International Monetary Fund (IMF), ‘2013 nomic Sense and Nonsense in the Age
00000aab0f01&acdnat=1405000460 Spillover Report –– Analytical Underpin- of Diminished Prosperity, W.W. Norton &
_4db84ae3edf76f1c408fb5a2f7eab0aa nings and Other Background’, IMF Mul- Company, Inc., 1994.
tilateral Policy Issues Report, available
Frankel, J. and Rose, A., ‘The endogene- at Levy, H., Matsaganis, M. and Sutherland,
ity of the optimal currency area crite- eng/2013/070313a.pdf H., ‘Towards a European Union Child Basic
rion’, The Economic Journal, Vol. 108, Income?’, International Journal of Micro -
No 449 (July), 1998, pp. 1009–25. International Monetary Fund (IMF), ‘The simulation, 2013.
German-Central European Supply Chain
Frazer, H. and Marlier, E., ‘Minimum Cluster Report’, IMF Country Report, Mankiw, G., Romer, D. and Weil, D., ‘A Con -
Income Schemes across EU MemNo 13/263, 2013, available at http:// tribution to the Empirics of Economic
ber States’, Synthesis report, EU Net- Growth’, Quarterly Journal of Econom-
work of National Independent Experts cr13263.pdf ics, Vol. 107, No 2, 1992.
on Social Inclusion, 2009.
Islam, N., ‘What Have we Learnt from Marzinotto, B., ‘The growth effects of EU
Gros, D., ‘A fiscal shock absorber for the the Convergence Debate?’, Journal of cohesion policy: a meta analysis’, Bruegel
Eurozone? Lessons from the economics Economic Surveys, Vol. 17, No 3, 2003. Working paper, No 2012/14, 2012.
of insurance’,, 19 March 2014, Jaccard, I., ‘Liquidity Constraints, Risk Möller, J., ‘The German Labor Market
shock-absorber-lessons-insurance-eco- Premia, and the Macro-economic effects Response in the World Recession —
nomics of Liquidity Shocks’, ECB Working Paper De-mystifying a Miracle’, Zeitschrift für
European Commission, ‘Communication Hall, R., ‘Quantifying the Lasting Harm Series, No 1525, 2013, available at
from the Commission to the European to the U.S. Economy from the Financial -
Parliament, The Council and the Euro- Crisis’, NBER Working Paper No 20183, wps/ecbwp1525.pdf
group — Results of in-depth reviews 2014, available at
under Regulation (EU) No. 1176/2011 papers/w20183 Jara, H. X. and Sutherland, H., ‘The impli-
on the prevention and correction of mac - cations of an EMU unemployment insur-
roeconomic imbalances’, COM (2014) Haltmaier, J., ‘Do Recessions Affect ance scheme for supporting incomes’,
150 final, 2014c. Potential Output?’, Board of Governors of Social Situation Monitor, Research note
the Federal Reserve System, International 3/2013, 2014.
European Commission, ‘EU Employment Finance Discussion Papers, No 1066,
and Social Situation Quarterly Review, 2012, available at http://www.feder - Jauer, J., Leibig, T., Martin, J. P. and
Special Supplement on Trends social Pujani, P., ‘Migration as an adjustment
expenditure and distributional impact of ifdp1066.pdf mechanism in the crisis? A comparison
policy changes until 2013’, 2014d. of Europe and the United States’, OECD
Hebousa, S. and Zimmermann, T., ‘Esti- Social, Employment and Migration Work -
European Parliament, ‘Adjustment mating the effects of coordinated fis- ing Papers, No 155, 2014.
to Asymmetric shocks’, ECON 104, cal actions in the euro area’, European
1998, available at http://www.europarl. Economic Review, Vol. 58, pp. 110–21, Juncker, J. C., ‘A new Start for Europe: My 2013, available at http://www.sci- Agenda for Jobs, Growth, Fairness and
chap1_en.htm Change, Political Guidelines
S0014292112001572 for the next Commission, 2014.
Eurostat, ‘Labour market policy —
expenditure and participants. Data 2010’, Hoffmann, M. and Sørensen, B. E., ‘Don’t Kempkes, G., ‘Cyclical adjustment in fis-
2012, available at http://epp.eurostat. expect too much from EZ fiscal union — cal rules: some evidence on real-time and complete the unfinished integration bias for EU-15 countries’, Deutsche Bun -
12-001/EN/KS-DO-12-001-EN.PDF of European capital markets!’,, desbank, Discussion Paper No 15, 2012.
9 November 2012,
Fitoussi, J.-P. and Saraceno, F., ‘How article/hedging-macroeconomic-risk- Kenen, P., ‘The Theory of Optimum Cur-
Deep is a Crisis? Policy Responses eurozone-fiscal-union-versus-capital- rency Areas: An Eclectic View’, in Mun-
and Structural Factors Behind Diverg- markets dell, R. A. and Swoboda, A. K. (eds.),
ing Performances’, OFCE / POLHIA Monetary Problems in the International
No 2009–31, 2009, available at http:// International Labour Organisation (ILO), Economy, University of Chicago Press, ‘Minimum wages and collective bargain - Chicago, 1969.
WP2009-31.pdf ing. Towards policy coherence’, Global
Wage Report 2008 / 09, available at Krugman, P., ‘Lessons of Massachusetts
Fosfuri, A., Motta, M. and Rønde, T., ‘For- for the EMU’, in Torres, F. and Giavazzi,
eign Direct Investment and Spillovers lic/@dgreports/@dcomm/documents/ F. (eds.), Adjustment and growth in the
through Workers’ Mobility’, Journal of publication/wcms_100786.pdf European Monetary Union, Cambridge
International Economics, Vol. 53, pp. 205– University Press, Cambridge, 1993,
22, 2001, available at http://ac.els-cdn. International Labour Organisation (ILO), pp. 241–60.
com/S0022199600000696/1-s2.0- World Social Security Report, 2014/15.
S0022199600000696-main. Krugman, P., Peddling Prosperity: Eco-
pdf?_tid=45d725aa-0839-11e4-9d07- International Monetary Fund (IMF), ‘2013 nomic Sense and Nonsense in the Age
00000aab0f01&acdnat=1405000460 Spillover Report –– Analytical Underpin- of Diminished Prosperity, W.W. Norton &
_4db84ae3edf76f1c408fb5a2f7eab0aa nings and Other Background’, IMF Mul- Company, Inc., 1994.
tilateral Policy Issues Report, available
Frankel, J. and Rose, A., ‘The endogene- at Levy, H., Matsaganis, M. and Sutherland,
ity of the optimal currency area crite- eng/2013/070313a.pdf H., ‘Towards a European Union Child Basic
rion’, The Economic Journal, Vol. 108, Income?’, International Journal of Micro -
No 449 (July), 1998, pp. 1009–25. International Monetary Fund (IMF), ‘The simulation, 2013.
German-Central European Supply Chain
Frazer, H. and Marlier, E., ‘Minimum Cluster Report’, IMF Country Report, Mankiw, G., Romer, D. and Weil, D., ‘A Con -
Income Schemes across EU MemNo 13/263, 2013, available at http:// tribution to the Empirics of Economic
ber States’, Synthesis report, EU Net- Growth’, Quarterly Journal of Econom-
work of National Independent Experts cr13263.pdf ics, Vol. 107, No 2, 1992.
on Social Inclusion, 2009.
Islam, N., ‘What Have we Learnt from Marzinotto, B., ‘The growth effects of EU
Gros, D., ‘A fiscal shock absorber for the the Convergence Debate?’, Journal of cohesion policy: a meta analysis’, Bruegel
Eurozone? Lessons from the economics Economic Surveys, Vol. 17, No 3, 2003. Working paper, No 2012/14, 2012.
of insurance’,, 19 March 2014, Jaccard, I., ‘Liquidity Constraints, Risk Möller, J., ‘The German Labor Market
shock-absorber-lessons-insurance-eco- Premia, and the Macro-economic effects Response in the World Recession —
nomics of Liquidity Shocks’, ECB Working Paper De-mystifying a Miracle’, Zeitschrift für