Page 12 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 12


Fitness                                                                         LinkedIn                                 Q&A r
trackers and                                                                    to further
smartwatches                                                                    'anticipatory'                           John Donovan,
to converge –                                                                   multi-app                                Senior Executive Vice President of Technology
GfK                                                                             strategy                                 and Operations, AT&T

                                                                                                                         Network Evolution in

By Saleha Riaz                         By Ronan Shields                         multi–app strategy. Instead of one       Hall 4 – Conference Village – Auditorium 5
                                                                                monolithic app, we have seven that       Monday, 2 March, 16.00-17.30
While health and fitness               LinkedIn has revamped its                are designed for very specific use
             trackers are currently           operations to accommodate         cases."                                  What are your key messages at Mobile World Congress?
             leading the way in sales         the centralised role mobile                                                Network traffic growth is growing faster than ever before. Between the beginning
compared to smartwatches – 13.5        devices play in contemporary               LinkedIn intends to build upon its     of 2007 and the end of 2014, data traffic on AT&T’s wireless network grew 100,000
million of the former and 4.1          business, with the company building      multi-app strategy to better serve       percent. To keep pace with that growth, we need to rethink how we design and run
million of the latter were sold last   upon its "multi-app strategy", and       the specific needs of its members        our network. We’re confident the software-centric architecture we’re using in the
year – research firm GfK believes a    shifting from an "intention based" to    accessing the network via mobile         IT world can be adapted for the Wide Area Network.
convergence of the two segments        "anticipatory based" offering,           devices, and also intends to pivot
will soon change that.                 according to Joff Redfern,               the nature of the services it offers,    At last year’s Mobile World Congress, AT&T announced its "User-Defined
                                       LinkedIn's VP of mobile product.         according to Redfern.                    Network Cloud: A Vision for the Network of the Future”. What progress has
  The popularity of trackers comes                                                                                       been made since then?
from their significantly lower            As part of this strategy LinkedIn       "I’m also a big believer in the        Since then, we’ve set some ambitious goals and already have real, tangible
average prices and because activity    has halted a "product-first approach"    possibilities of what I call             results. Last December, I said our goal is to virtualise and control over 75 percent
tracking is seen by consumers as       in favour of an experiences-led          'anticipatory computing'. In the         of our network using this software-defined network architecture. We’ve launched
the most important function of a       strategy, that focuses more on what      past, the computing model we all         Network on Demand, our first SDN-enabled network service, which lets
wearable. Added to this is the fact    its members need, he said.               worked with was more intention-          customers adjust their network bandwidth as needed in near real-time. We’re
that most consumers are not aware                                               based. As a user, I would express        also working to virtualise our mobile packet core. This will virtualise network
of the added benefits that come          Redfern added: "A product-first        intent to the computer. (For             functions that run our mobile network onto a common platform infrastructure.
with a smartwatch, GfK research        approach often leads to a disjointed,    instance: 'What’s the best restaurant
has revealed.                          siloed experience for users.             in Barcelona?')," said Redfern.          What progress do you expect to make with the User-Defined Network Cloud in
                                                                                                                         the next 12 months?
  However, Dr Jan Wassmann, global       "When people come to LinkedIn,            "Now, we’ve reached a very cool       This year we’ll lay the foundation for our 2020 goal. AT&T Integrated Cloud (AIC)
product manager for wearables at       they might traverse a number of our      point in time where we’ve evolved        nodes are the physical sites where we’re running virtualised network functions
GfK, believes this will change due to  products... We need all of these         to an inference-based model. The         that are part of our next-generation network architecture. We have 29 sites today
marketing efforts and a blurring of    experiences to work seamlessly           computer anticipates my needs            that are targeted to migrate to this architecture, with a plan to add at least 40
lines between the two segments.        together."                               based on my habits, location data,       more by the end of 2015. Out of 150 network functions we want to virtualise and
                                                                                etc."                                    control with our target architecture, our plan is to transform 5 percent by the end
  “There is a clear convergence of        To help accommodate this,                                                      of this year, ramping up to 75 percent by 2020.
both segments, which started in the    LinkedIn implemented a two-step            So instead of a user having to
second half of 2014… tracker           "cultural change" within the             input specific queries to a service      Virtualising the network is, of course, a very complex process. What lessons
manufacturers are introducing new      company, including launching             provider, it can analyse their           have you learnt in the adoption of SDN and NFV technologies?
models which incorporate smart         mobile apps that provide specific        previous behaviours, and other data      There are a lot of very smart people within AT&T working on this. But the
functions, such as reading             services, along with decentralising      points, to more proactively suggest      innovation ecosystem is so broad these days, that we knew we had to cast a wide
notifications and messages while       the mobile skillset of its employees.    services, he added.                      net. So we’ve deliberately opened this process, and we are embracing ideas and
many smartwatches are being                                                                                              innovation from open source groups, academics, startups and other groups
marketed as hybrid fitness devices,”     Redfern said: "When my                    “We’ve woven in elements of           beyond our own organisation and the traditional vendor community.
he said.                               engineering counterpart - Kiran          anticipatory computing [into some
                                       Prasad - and I started, we had a very    of our mobile apps] to help you do       Is there a serious skills shortage in terms of managing IT and networks, and
  A Juniper Research report in         small mobile staff. That made sense      that. For instance, before a meeting,    navigating the virtualisation progress, both among operators and suppliers?
November said it expects fitness       because at the time very few             you’ll get a ping with information       It’s not just a need for skills, but a need for a broader cultural change. We’ve
trackers to remain the dominant        LinkedIn members were coming to          about the person you’re going to         created a dedicated organisation of more than 2,000 people focused solely on
wearables device type until 2018,      the site through mobile. It was          lunch with that tells you what you       building this software-centric architecture. We’re hiring new talent, and retraining
but predicts that smartwatches will    always clear, though, that mobilising    have in common."                         our current employees. AT&T employees have enrolled in nearly half a million
eventually take over the market        LinkedIn was a priority."                                                         “Emerging Technology Training” courses that we now offer, covering areas such
because they have a broader                                                       Redfern revealed the insights to       as Agile Project Management, Cybersecurity, Network Transformation and more.
appeal.                                  He went on to add: "Every one of       Mobile World Daily ahead of his
                                       us had to embrace the idea of            participation in a MWC panel             In terms of LTE-Advanced, what plans does AT&T have to commercially deploy
  GfK also expects the smartwatch      'keeping simple, simple' - and that’s    session: ‘Integrating Interactions with  carrier aggregation techniques and LTE Broadcast?
market to grow massively, boosted      ultimately what led to LinkedIn’s        the Connected Consumer’, scheduled       Our deployment of LTE-Advanced featuring carrier aggregation is focused on
by a growing sub-segment of                                                     to take place later today. The panel     high-density and high traffic markets at this point. We’re pleased with the results
independent devices which include                                               session is set to take place at 16.00    in improved downlink speeds, peak throughput and latency it’s providing. We
a SIM card to connect directly to                                               in Auditorium 4.                         successfully completed a live trial of LTE Broadcast in January and the response
cellular networks - making these                                                                                         was enthusiastic and the video quality outstanding. It was a positive step to see
more akin to existing smartphones.     Jasper forms IoT alliance                                                         what it can do, and now we have to further investigate the business model side of
                                       with China Unicom                                                                 it. There are many different possibilities, and as a flexible and efficient technology,
  LG Electronics, for instance, will                                                                                     we are excited about the ways it could be utilized.
soon be unveiling “the world’s first   By Anne Morris                           able to offer its business customers
LTE-enabled smartwatch”.                                                        a global platform for the launch,        appliances, video surveillance and    million connected devices at the
                                       Jasper has added China Unicom            management and monetisation of           health monitoring. We’re looking to   end of 2013, putting it in the lead
  Fifty six percent of smartphone            to its network of operator         their own IoT services.                  expand to billions of connections in  globally.
owners in China, Germany, South              partners in a bid to tap into the                                           the next couple of years,” said Tian
Korea, UK and US surveyed by GfK       burgeoning Chinese market for              China Unicom also plans to             Wenke, general manager, business        “China is a large IT market full
see this as an important factor        connected cars and the Internet of       exploit its existing relationships with  customer department at China          of potential and competiveness,”
when considering buying a              Things (IoT).                            26 car manufacturers to address the      Unicom.                               said Amy Teng, principal
smartwatch, as it gives them the                                                connected car market in China.                                                 research analyst at Gartner.
freedom to leave their smartphone        The U.S.-based machine-to-                                                        According to a report from GSMA     “Gartner forecasts that the IoT
at home.                               machine (M2M) software developer,          “We’re already serving more than       Intelligence on China’s M2M market    will include 26 billion units
                                       which provides cloud-based               10 million IoT connections, working      from June 2014, China had 50          installed by 2020.”
  In addition, wearable growth is      services to some of the world’s          with a largest number of
likely to be driven by more            leading operators including AT&T,        automotive manufacturers and
fashionably designed devices, such     NTT DoCoMo and Telefónica, said          supporting various applications
as the BURG 12 Smartwatch              the Chinese operator will now be         across smart cities and buildings,
designed by lifestyle products                                                  smart utilities, smart home
designer Hermen van den Burg, and
jewellery with sensors, not to
mention the soon-to-be-launched
Apple Watch.

PAGE 12 Monday 2nd March                                                        MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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