Page 16 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 16


                       Li Gong,
                       President of Mozilla

Firefox OS
powers up

In less than two years, Mozilla has greatly expanded the reach of Firefox OS,
extending to nearly 30 countries on 16 smartphones. These include the
world’s most affordable smartphone, launched by Cherry Mobile in the
Philippines, and the new mid-range Fx0 launched by KDDI in Japan. The
recently announced Panasonic Ultra HD 4K TV powered by Firefox OS is
another avenue of growth. Mobile World Daily caught up with Li Gong,
President of Mozilla, who oversees the strategic development of Firefox OS.

MOBILE WORLD DAILY (MWD):                       demonstrate that Firefox OS is increasingly       MWD: WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED                        LG: There are still billions of people who
HOW DO YOU DEFINE THE                           penetrating across different markets and form     FROM USERS AS YOU BRING NEW                     don’t have access to the Web. As part of our
MOMENTUM YOU'VE ACHIEVED IN                     factors, putting us in a strong position to grow  FIREFOX OS DEVICES TO MARKET?                   mission to promote openness, innovation and
THE LAST YEAR AND HOW DOES                      the ecosystem in the next year.                                                                   opportunity online, we’re working with the
THAT SET YOU UP FOR THE NEXT                                                                        LG: We are always learning from our users.    GSMA to explore potential solutions to
STAGE OF FIREFOX OS                             MWD: CHERRY MOBILE IN THE                         Mozilla is completely focused on empowering     connect more people, services and devices
DEVELOPMENT?                                    PHILIPPINES DELIVERED ON THE                      people and we listen to the user’s needs for    and put the power of the Web in more
                                                PROMISE OF A NEW ULTRA LOW                        different products and in different markets.    people’s hands.
  Li Gong (LG): Firefox OS is proving the       COST CATEGORY OF PHONE, WHICH
flexibility of the Web as the platform by       WAS FIRST RAISED AT MWC LAST                        For example, when we first did our market       For example, we have run initial field tests
enabling operators, hardware manufacturers,     YEAR. IS THIS AS LOW IN PRICE AS A                research in emerging markets we noticed a       in Kenya, Brazil, Bangladesh and India. In
users and developers to have more control.      GOOD FIREFOX OS EXPERIENCE CAN                    recurring theme. For many people, a Firefox     Bangladesh we did research to see what types
We define success by the people, standards,     GO?                                               OS smartphone would be their first              of apps people would create if they could
industries and technologies that benefit from                                                     computing device. As the complexity of          easily do so. We discovered that the DIY or
the power of the Web.                             LG: It is an exciting challenge to provide      smartphones continues to increase, we felt it   ‘maker’ spirit is very important to
                                                the features that make a great user               was important to focus our efforts on building  Bangladeshis. Their feedback is helping us
  With the help of our partners, the number     experience at a price that traditionally puts     an easy-to-use first experience with features   adapt our suite of Webmaker tools to
of Firefox OS smartphones and countries         these out of reach. The Cherry Mobile ACE         those users asked for and features that would   empower more users to build for the Web.
they are available in has almost doubled since  proved that with Firefox OS it is possible to     improve their lives and meet their needs, such
last year, from the world’s most affordable     build a durable ultra-low cost smartphone         as an FM radio to stay connected, a flashlight    Firefox OS is designed to be customizable
smartphone in the Philippines, to the mid-      that supports dual-SIM, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi       for safety or a simple cost control app to      and remove the gatekeepers who stunt
range Fx0 phone from KDDI in Japan and the      features. This goes to prove the versatility of   monitor usage.                                  innovation and creation on other platforms.
debut of three ultra low cost phones in India,  the OS which continues to be demonstrated                                                         Ultimately, we are looking to build a group of
one of the fastest growing mobile markets.      now across other devices.                           The flexibility of Firefox OS means we can    mobile operators, device manufacturers,
                                                                                                  continue to customize solutions for users       educators, international development donors
  These and other developments all                                                                based on local needs. We’re excited to evolve   and NGOs who are devoted to positively
                                                                                                  Firefox OS with our local community,            changing the future of online life.
“Firefox OS is proving the                                                                        partners and users as it expands across more
flexibility of the Web as the platform”                                                           device categories and to new regions with       MWD: HOW HAVE YOU BEEN HELPING
                                                                                                  new market needs.                               DEVELOPERS EXPLORE THE
                                                                                                                                                  POTENTIAL OF FIREFOX OS IN THE
                                                                                                  MWD: WHAT PROGRESS HAS BEEN                     LAST YEAR?
                                                                                                  MADE IN YOUR PARTNERSHIP WITH
                                                                                                  THE GSMA TO ADDRESS THE LACK OF                   LG: The release of the Firefox OS Flame
                                                                                                  LOCALLY RELEVANT CONTENT                        reference device last June enabled more
                                                                                                  ACCESSIBLE THROUGH MOBILE                       developers, software testers, localizers and
                                                                                                  DEVICES?                                        early adopters around the world to

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