Page 11 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 11


AlcaLu sees “technology                                                                                             requirements. 5G can become the
push” as 5G hype driver;
regrets 4.5G moniker                                                                                                network that unites technologies in a

                                                                                                                    way that creates a better end-user

                                                                                                                    experience – if the industry

                                                                                                                    ecosystem can see the value in ‘one     MANAGING EDITOR:
                                                                                                                                                            Justin Springham
                                                                                                                    network to rule them all’ – 5G can be
                                                                                                                                                            SENIOR EDITOR:
                                                                                                                    the overseer of the synergies           Steve Costello

                                                                                                                    between          many  different        CONTRIBUTORS:
                                                                                                                                                            Saleha Riaz,
                                                                                                                    technologies that each add their own    Ronan Shields,
                                                                                                                                                            Richard Handford,
By Steve Costello                      direction of research and standards;  capacity issues where heavy users      unique value,” the executive said.      Paul Rasmussen,
                                       and another which is driven by        are connected to networks. And the                                             Anne Morris,
Despite being one of the hot-          commercial and operational needs      second is “enabling the world of       Peeters also took a light-hearted       Joanne Taaffe,
         topics here at Mobile World   which are trying to understand how    ubiquitous IoT” – “where an infinity                                           Joseph Waring,
         Congress this week, 5G is     5G fits into future operations and    of devices (real, or virtual i.e.      view of the term ‘4.5G’, which many     Ken Wieland
“still a technology push story, not a  revenue streams. It is clear that     applications) each use almost zero
market pull one”, Michael Peeters,     today the first one is the more       bandwidth, but nonetheless eat up      in the industry – including Alcatel-    ALL ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES TO:
Wireless CTO for Alcatel-Lucent,       important one,” he said.              all of the control plane of the                                      
told Mobile World Daily.                                                     network.                               Lucent – have used to describe
                                         There are two “likely, or rather,                                                                                  PUBLISHER:
  “Operators have two primary          visible” paths for operators looking     “IoT today is a catch-all which     technology beyond LTE-Advanced.         Rick Costello
approaches to 5G: one which is         to make the most of 5G, Peeters       contains wearables, objects about
driven by their research               continued.                            the house, white goods that are        “We’re already sorry we ever            PRODUCTION MANAGER:
organisations which need to                                                  powered, cars, camera networks and                                             Samantha Burke
understand whatever 5G may be in          The first will be through the      whatnot – indeed a huge spectrum       used the term. We’d said in some
order to be ready and to drive the     continued support of “ultra           of bandwidth and connectivity                                                  ART DIRECTION & PRODUCTION:
                                       broadband applications”, solving                                             talks that we’d call the set of         Russell Smith, IntuitiveDesign UK Ltd.,
                                                                                                                                                            13 North St, Tolleshunt D’Arcy, Maldon,
                                                                                                                    foundational technologies ‘4.5G’        Essex CM9 8TF, UK,
                                                                                                                    as an easy shorthand.
                                                                                                                                                            PRINTED BY:
                                                                                                                    Immediately, the industry jumped        Servicios Gráficas Giesa, Barcelona

                                                                                                                    on this and everything LTE-A,           Whilst care has been taken to ensure that the data in
                                                                                                                                                            this publication is accurate, the publisher cannot
                                                                                                                    beyond release 12, was suddenly         accept and hereby disclaims any liability to any party
                                                                                                                                                            to loss or damage caused by errors or omissions
                                                                                                                    4.5G,” he said.                         resulting from negligence, accident or any other
                                                                                                                                                            cause. All rights reserved . No part of this publication
Tele2 sets                             Programme, unveiled in December.      operator with “no business case for                                            may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or
tough                                    The programme is designed to        Tele2 to stay in Norway,” said                                                 transmitted in any form electronic, mechanical,
targets in                                                                   Granyd.                                                                        photocopying or otherwise without the prior
volatile                               squeeze even more productivity out                                                                                   permission of the publisher.
market                                 of the group, which has 34 million      An exit was the best option,
                                       subscribers across ten markets.       with a sale to rival TeliaSonera                                                                    A GSMA Publication
By Richard Handford                                                          the safest ticket out of the                                                                        All content © GSMA Ltd. 2007-2015. All
                                         Tele2 wants to save SEK1 billion    country, Granyd concluded.                                                                          rights reserved.
Tele2 CEO Mats Granyd                  ($133 million) annually from 2018     However, regulatory approval
         argued the firm’s recently    onwards.                              was first needed for the                                                       In an effort to minimise the environmental impact of
         announced efficiency drive                                          consolidation. The Norwegian                                                   our event, the GSMA promotes the usage of recycled
is its best bet in an unpredictable      Granyd believes the programme       Competition Authority gave its                                                 materials and waste reduction wherever possible.
world.                                 is necessary in a world where rival   blessing last month. “We have                                                  Building on this commitment, we are now pursuing
                                       operators are not the only threat to  landed in a good deal for Tele2,                                               official Carbon Neutral certification of Mobile World
   Granyd, due to speak in             Tele2: ”The world is changing in an   TeliaSonera and our Norwegian                                                  Congress under the international standard PAS 2060.
Tuesday’s conference session on        ever-faster way and we see            customers,” said Granyd.
M&A, ran through the reasons           increased competition not only
behind Tele2’s Challenger              from our usual competitors but also     His other lesson for the mobile
                                       from outside our industry. They will  industry is the adoption of a data-
                                       come after us and we need to be       centric model. “The future is data –
                                       even more efficient to meet that      I am certain of that.” In 2015, data
                                       competition.”                         traffic in Sweden grew by 31 per
                                                                             cent, he said. With voice and text
                                         And Granyd noted just how           facing a “flat development”,
                                       volatile the mobile market has        operators must monetise their data
                                       become, as it lost out in a           traffic.
                                       December 2013 spectrum auction
                                       in Norway. The defeat left the

                                                                             Telstra calls for industry
                                                                             collaboration to realise IoT potential

 OFFICIAL MWC 15 PARTY                                                       By Anne Morris                         World Daily ahead of her panel          majority of IoT solutions will use a
                                                                                                                    appearance at Congress this week.       short range radio to connect to a
T U E S DAY 3 M A R C H 2 0 : 3 0 - L AT E                                   Telstra said enabling the                                                      local gateway that then backhauls
          TICKETS ON SALE NOW                                                        Internet of Things (IoT) will    A fundamental role of the             the data via fixed line or cellular
                   THEMMIX.COM                                                       raise a number of challenges   telecoms operator will be to            connectivity.
                                                                             and opportunities for operators at     provide a range of networks for
                                                                             the network, application and service   IoT: McKenzie noted that Australia-       Operators are also providing
                                                                             level, requiring industry-wide         based Telstra today provides a          network-agnostic cloud platform
                                                                             collaboration as operators and         number of connectivity options for      service for IoT solutions, which are
                                                                             enterprises tackle the velocity,       its customers including cellular,       designed to make it easier for
                                                                             volume and variety of data             satellite, ADSL, cable and Wi-Fi.       companies to connect, monitor and
                                                                             generated by millions of IoT devices.                                          control devices via a range of
                                                                                                                      However, McKenzie noted that          physical layer connectivity options.
                                                                               “Just because devices are            the role of the operator will also
                                                                             connected doesn’t mean they will       depend on the market: “IoT is not         A further key investment area is
                                                                             be able to interact in a meaningful    one consistent market: it is made       big data analytics due to the
                                                                             way. Due to IoT covering a large       up of many different vertical           growing demand by businesses to
                                                                             number of different technologies       markets that are at different stages    handle and derive insights from the
                                                                             and vertical markets there are many    of development, have different          large volumes of data being
                                                                             different standards and it will be     requirements, and use different         generated by their systems.
                                                                             important for industry to work         technologies,” she commented.
                                                                             together to ensure that the potential                                            “IoT devices in aggregate can
                                                                             of IoT is realised,” said Telstra COO    While some IoT solutions will         generate large volumes of data for a
                                                                             Kate McKenzie, speaking to Mobile      use cellular, satellite and other wide  business, and ‘big data’ solutions will
                                                                                                                    area networks to directly connect       be needed by enterprise customers
                                                                                                                    to the internet, McKenzie said the      who are adopting IoT,” said McKenzie.

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                          Monday 2nd March PAGE 11
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