Page 9 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 9


Alex Jinsung Choi, Ph. D.,
CTO & Head of Corporate R&D Center
SK Telecom

Moving towards 5G:
Vision and Architecture

Over the past few years, one of the key buzzwords in the mobile network                               Figure 1: Key Values for 5G
industry has definitely been 5G. An increasing number of mobile network
operators, equipment manufacturers, research organizations and governments
are actively engaged in discussions on 5G and its key enabling technologies. In
2012, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) coined the term “IMT-
2020” to tentatively describe 5G and announced its plan towards 5G. To be more
specific, ITU plans to define 5G visions and requirements by 2015 and 2017,
respectively. Then, suggestions on key enabling technologies and architecture
which satisfy the defined IMT-2020 requirements will be gathered and
evaluated by the second half of 2017. Based on the suggestions and evaluation
results, the goal is to complete the 5G standardization by 2020. In accordance
with this timeline, many countries and regions around the world have
established organizations1 tasked with better defining 5G services and
infrastructure, while exchanging their intermediate views and technologies.

Although 5G requirements and                          Innovative Service is the top layer that        Figure 2: SK Telecom's 5G Architecture
         technical specifications are still being  includes innovative 5G services. Built upon
         discussed, there seems to be a            differentiated 5G infrastructure capabilities, 5G  technologies capable of enhancing cell          in June 2014. A pre-5G trial service is
common view on some of the 5G                      services will be able to offer a highly reliable   splitting, spectral efficiency, channel         planned for 2018.
requirements: 5G should support 1,000 times        and immersive user experience. In particular,      frequency bandwidth and network operation
higher overall capacity than the current LTE       ultra-high definition video streaming will         efficiency.                                       To achieve successful commercialization of
system and guarantee 1Gbps speed for every         eventually become services that provide virtual                                                    5G, it is necessary for governments, industry
user. There are also diverse efforts being         user experiences such as multi-view video            While both 3G and 4G radio access             and academia to closely collaborate, while
made by the global mobile network operators        streaming and even holograms. Furthermore,         networks (RANs) were built as stand-alone       diligently playing their respective roles.
to define 5G and its requirements. For             the sufficient bandwidth and high reliability      network, 5G RAN will be deployed by             Governments need to develop new
instance, the following is SK Telecom’s view       offered by 5G will facilitate the emergence of     integrating the existing LTE-Advanced (LTE-     regulations and measures to promote
on the 5G requirements. First, 5G should           remote robot controlling services and mission-     A), its evolution technologies, and new radio   standardization on the competitive
provide both 1,000 times faster speeds than        critical IoT services.                             access technologies (RATs). Due to their        frequencies that can be used globally. The
LTE and ultra-low end-to-end latency of less                                                          heterogeneous nature, it is important to build  industry should make proactive efforts to
than a few milliseconds. Second, 5G needs to         Enabling Platform is the middle layer that       an infrastructure where different radio access  verify key 5G enabling technologies and push
accommodate 1,000 times more devices and           creates meaningful and service-centric             technologies are seamlessly integrated. 3GPP    for the technical standardization, while the
things than LTE, and seamlessly connect            values to support the upper “Innovative            has been developing standards for LTE-A         academia is expected to conduct ambitious
them anywhere, anytime. Third, considering         Service” layer by properly transforming the        evolution in Release 13 and plans to start      studies in diverse fields with an open
the massive amount of information to be            mechanical and disjointed underlying               standardizing the new RAT in Release 14         perspective to discover yet more creative
collected from various devices and things, 5G      networks to a service-oriented infrastructure.     from 2016. Therefore it is important to         technologies for 5G and beyond.
is expected to offer personalized services         It utilizes two key enablers to perform this       continuously develop both technologies to       Furthermore, it is imperative for the global
based on dynamic and programmable                  task. The first key enabler is Network             realize 5G RAN. One recent development has      community to reach a consensus on the
network infrastructure and real-time data          Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Software        been the commercialization of one of the key    vision, requirements and timeline for the 5G
analytics. Fourth, 5G should be highly             Defined Networking (SDN), which makes the          LTE-A evolution technologies called tri-band    system so as to set a uniform direction for 5G.
available, reliable and have zero-perceived        network much more dynamic, agile, on-              carrier aggregation, and a PoC trial of 15GHz
service downtime. Lastly, 5G needs to be 100       demand, and flexible. The second key enabler       and 28GHz cm/mm-Wave communication              1 Europe: 5GPPP, China: IMT-2020 PG, Japan: 2020
times more energy-efficient compared to            is a well-defined set of Application               systems providing peak data rates of 5Gbps      and Beyond Adhoc, Korea: 5G Forum
LTE, allowing massive deployment of                Programming Interfaces (APIs), which offer
infrastructure and devices in an efficient and     the ability to automate and orchestrate the
scalable manner. Taking the full advantage of      network both internally for automated
these rich 5G capabilities, our 5G vision is to    network operations and optimizations, and
promise differentiated values in areas of user     externally to the customers and third party
experience, connectivity, intelligence,            applications along with telco assets including
reliability and efficiency.                        TPO (time, place, occasion).

  The 5G requirements and visions should be           Hyper-Connected Infrastructure is the
carefully reflected when designing the 5G          bottom layer that can deliver massive
architecture. In our definition, the 5G            amounts of data to the “Enabling Platform”
architecture is mainly composed of three           layer in a very efficient and seamless manner.
horizontal layers, namely “Innovative              Due to the massive amount of transmission
Service”, “Enabling Platform”, and “Hyper-         data and stringent latency requirements, this
Connected Infrastructure” to properly              layer will include not only the existing
address the above-mentioned five                   network technologies (both as-is and evolved
requirements.                                      form), but also novel network technologies. It
                                                   is necessary to develop a range of

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                        Monday 2nd March PAGE 9
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