Page 7 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 7


             Tim Sherwood,
             Vice President, Mobile Market Development and Strategy

Achieving the Promise
of Truly Global Mobility

Delivering a ubiquitous global mobile experience

Mobile communications is a global                 accelerate innovation, enabling content and     net, while enabling MNOs to deliver the           quoted in For
phenomenon. However, the customer                 application providers to compete in new         home network experience, with value-added         enterprises to benefit from this medium, co-
experience, when moving between                   markets, while giving customers the user        services. It is an important element in           operation with a trusted messaging partner
countries, is far from desirable. This            experience they require.                        changing how the mobile market views global       is required to deliver successful and
lack of consistency is a barrier to                                                               service mobility.                                 consistent message termination, on a local
mobile communications reaching its                A CONSISTENT, UBIQUITOUS GLOBAL                                                                   and global basis.
full potential. Mobile network                    MOBILE EXPERIENCE                               PROACTIVELY MANAGING QUALITY
operators (MNOs), enterprises,                                                                    OF EXPERIENCE                                       Mobile messaging lets MNOs provide a
content providers or over-the-top                 The way roaming works today does not                                                              route to enterprises for them to deliver a
(OTT) players that can give their                 necessarily support a dynamic future for        To better manage the quality of subscriber        range of value-added services including
customers the same positive                       global mobility. So what does a consistent,     roaming experience, MNOs need to ensure           targeted advertising, travel information, e-
experience, wherever they are, have               ubiquitous global mobile experience mean?       service availability by proactively managing      commerce security and more.
an advantage and will shape the                                                                   their network and accelerating trouble
future of the mobile market.                      • For end users, it means a consistent          resolution. This requires MNOs to monitor            Mobile messaging is a mature technology,
                                                    experience and quality similar to “at home”   signaling messages, which control roaming         being used in new ways. An emerging
Although mobile adoption has gone                   regardless of location.                       traffic, to ensure that roaming users are         commercial model is the concept of
         global in the last few years, mobile                                                     correctly registered and that the user            sponsored data, where the cost of data usage
         services continue to be restricted by    • For enterprises, content, and application     experience is being delivered seamlessly.         is charged to a sponsoring 3rd party.
cost, quality and connectivity issues. User         providers, it means the ability to reach and                                                    Sponsored data could have widespread use
uncertainty and lack of confidence, when            engage mobile users globally with a              Existing monitoring and reporting tools        cases, ranging from enhanced expense
moving from the home network to a visited           consistent user experience.                   tend to be functionally limited and do not        management for employee BYOD, improved
network, tells us exactly where we are as an                                                      present correlated views to help MNOs             customer loyalty through promotional
industry. The adoption of mobile                  • For mobile operators, it extends their        quickly diagnose issues. Some tools provide       programs, and a new way to embed customer
communications is a global phenomenon but           virtual service border, helping to maintain   reporting functions only, while others may        support / helpdesk features into a mobile
mobile services remain localized and restricted.    strong relationships with customers.          focus solely on trouble shooting. Data            app. Sponsored data creates new revenue
                                                                                                  correlation between tools can be                  streams for MNOs, while giving enterprise
FRICTION-FREE, CROSS BORDER                       EXPANDING THE VIRTUAL SERVICE                   cumbersome and inefficient.                       brands a new differentiator, delivering ‘free’
COMMUNICATIONS                                    BORDER                                                                                            services to their customers and partners.
                                                                                                    A holistic view encompassing reporting,
While the internet has enabled frictionless,      At present data roaming usage requires          troubleshooting and commercial optimization       PARTNERING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN
cross-border communications for about 20          backhaul of roaming traffic back to the         is required. This calls for a real-time business
years, mobile is still evolving as a global       roamers’ home network, which is both            intelligence approach to roaming services.        To realize the vision of truly borderless,
broadband access technology. If we think          inefficient and expensive. MNOs can look at     This lets MNOs optimize the subscriber            affordable and consistent mobility services,
about how development and innovation              ways to reduce costs, while bringing the        roaming experience, minimize service              the industry needs a structure that lets all
would have been limited if each country had       internet closer to the roamer wherever they     disruption by proactively monitoring network      ecosystem players connect and collaborate to
multiple closed internets, we can then begin      are. This is where ‘Regional Breakout’ can      health, and identify key trends to further drive  reach users on a global basis. The fast and
to imagine the potential of mobile on a truly     help. While the concept of Local Breakout       revenue growth and operational efficiencies.      efficient way to enable this collaborative
global scale.                                     (LBO) is relatively well understood, LBO                                                          environment is through partnership with a
                                                  standards are still immature and setup is non-  ENABLING NEW ENTERPRISE                           provider that already has the required
   An inconsistent user experience drives         trivial. LBO data services are provided as      COMMERCIAL MODELS                                 multiple relationships with other global
customers to seek alternate ways to access        truly local, so normal home services,                                                             MNOs, together with experience in delivering
mobile data when they roam. The challenge is      including Blackberry access or access to        The “always-on” nature of mobile makes it a       global applications, media and services.
to win back and retain customers by               VPNs, are not possible.                         potentially significant driver for enterprise
delivering a consistent quality of service                                                        brand engagement. When the mobile industry           For an MNO, approaching these
across operator networks, while giving users        By contrast a managed Regional Breakout       looks beyond simply protecting existing           opportunities on a global scale can be
affordable access to voice and data services      service delivers a much improved, “roam like    revenues, new business models enabling            complex. But if they select a partner with a
wherever the customer might be. A                 home” user experience at a lower cost. It       enterprise services can emerge.                   global platform, they can easily and cost
ubiquitous, cross-border mobile experience is     removes the backhaul overhead and                                                                 effectively connect with other MNOs and
required to help minimize subscriber churn to     associated latency from existing roaming           For example mobile messaging is a simple       content providers to simplify and accelerate
alternative roaming options. When this            arrangements. A managed regional breakout       and cost effective media that is increasingly     time to market with low risk. It is a matter of
happens the entire mobile ecosystem can           approach also provides for multiple roaming     being used for a variety of targeted brand        recognizing the opportunity and then finding
                                                  partner rollouts quickly and at low cost.       engagement activities. Outbound marketing         the right partner to make the ubiquitous
                                                                                                  text messages have up to 98% open rate and        global mobile experience a reality.
                                                    Regional Breakout encourages silent and       45% response rate, according to a survey
                                                  low spending roamers to use their devices on-

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                      Monday 2nd March PAGE 7
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