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HTC aims high with                                                                                                                                                       NEWS IN BRIEF...
latest One flagship;
pushes into                                                                                                                                                              Peel expands into
wearables                                                                                                                                                                'smart home'
By Steve Costello                          luxury watches,” Graham Wheeler,        are doing with their mobile                  The wearable, called HTC Grip
                                           director of commercialisation           photography,” Wheeler said.                (pictured), is said to offer more           The Internet of Things (IoT) is
Recovering vendor HTC                      product management at HTC, told                                                    accurate tracking, for example              set to become one of the key
        debuted its latest flagship        Mobile World Daily.                       New on the audio front is Dolby          using GPS for outdoor walks rather          trends of Mobile World
        device, One M9, as it looks                                                sound processing for both the              than the more traditional                   Congress, with Alibaba-
to grab some of the smartphone               Options available will be dual-       integrated speakers and headphones.        pedometer (which is still supported         backed Peel set to play a
limelight from Android market              tone silver and rose gold, single-                                                 for indoor use). It can also be             prominent role at this year's
leader Samsung and its Galaxy S6.          tone gunmetal grey, single-tone           The device has a 5-inch full-HD          connected to other devices such as          event. Peel's remote control
                                           gold and dual-tone gold and pink.       display, compared with quad-HD             heart-rate and cadence monitors             app now supports an
  With both devices set to reach                                                   on Samsung’s Galaxy S6 line.               and via Blueooth LE.                        increased number of devices
the market in coming weeks,                  One M9 features a number of                                                                                                  including smart home
alongside a raft of other new              enhancements around the key use           In terms of software, the device           HTC Grip works with any recent            electronic devices like smart
devices unveiled here at Mobile            cases – pictures and video, and sound.  runs a new version of HTC’s Sense          iOS or Android device.                      thermostats, lighting and air
World Congress, competition                                                        user interface, Sense 7, which has a                                                   conditioners.
among vendors will be fierce.                In the former category, HTC has       focus on user customisation and              Details of an international launch
                                           shifted away from its not universally   personalisation.                           were not revealed, although Wheeler        Finnish firm
  In terms of design, the product          popular “ultrapixel” technology in                                                 hinted that this is likely to take place   promises 'lock and
follows an evolution path from the         the main camera to a more                 HTC also announced its first             in line with the US-focused                key' solution for
original One M7 smartphone, which          traditional 20MP camera.                wearable product, although at the          sportswear company’s plans.                M2M
was announced in 2013, through                                                     moment it is focused on the US
last year’s One M8.                          But ultrapixels live on in the        market, following a partnership              “It’s a strategic, longer-term            Finland-based Tosibox has
                                           front-facing camera, which is more      announced earlier this year with           partnership,” he said.                      unveiled an encryption tool
  This time out the finish has a           likely to be used for arms-length       sportswear company Under Armour.                                                       that lets machine-to-machine
subtle two-tone colour element.            selfies and low-light indoor shots.                                                                                            (M2M) network users access
“We’ve taken inspiration from                                                                                                                                             their devices remotely with
jewellery sectors, for example               “We’ve looked at how people are                                                                                              increased levels of security,
                                           using cameras, and how tastes are                                                                                              as IoT emerges as one of the
                                           changing in terms of what people                                                                                               key trends for network
                                                                                                                                                                          operators to negotiate. The
j MOBILE CONNECT Cont. from P1               Mobile Connect launches and           Alliance will deploy services using          “The number of leading network            "lock and key" solution lets
  The mobile identity service has          beta trials are to follow this year,    the GSMA specification                     operators who have launched or              users interact with remote
                                           stretching across all major                                                        committed to deploy services                equipment and robots in
been launched in Bangladesh (Robi,         geographical regions.                     GMA counts Bell Canada,                  based on the GSMA Embedded                  industrial and manufacturing
part of the Axiata Group), China                                                   Deutsche Telekom, Orange,                  SIM Specification is now more than          plants, according to Tero
(China Mobile and China Unicom),             The GSMA Embedded SIM                 SoftBank, Telecom Italia and               20 worldwide,” said Alex Sinclair,          Lepistö, Tosibox, CEO.
Indonesia (Indosat, member of              Specification for remote over-the-air   TeliaSonera among its operator             GSMA’s chief technology officer.
Ooredoo Group, plus Telkomsel and          provisioning of machine-to-machine      members, while M2M World                   “The backing of these leading M2M          Real-time network
XL Axiata), Malaysia (DiGi, part of        (M2M) devices is also gaining           Alliance comprises Etisalat, KPN,          alliances further demonstrates that        performance gets
Telenor Group) and Sri Lanka               ground, promising to accelerate the     NTT DOCOMO, Rogers, Singtel,               the industry is firmly united behind       a boost
(Dialog Axiata and Mobitel).               Internet of Things market.              Telefonica, Telstra, Telenor               this common and truly global
Etisalat Group has enabled Mobile                                                  Connexion and VimpelCom.                   standard, an important factor that          Network analytics firm JDSU
Connect in eight markets, including          The industry association                                                         will drive the market to scale going        has unveiled its latest
Benin, Cote D’Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon,        announced that operator members           America Movil, China Mobile, KDDI        forward.”                                   performance assessment
Niger, Nigeria, Togo and Tanzania.         of the Global M2M Association           and Tele2 also have plans to launch                                                    tools to help mobile
                                           (GMA) and the M2M World                 services based on the specification.                                                   operators better troubleshoot
                                                                                                                                                                          issues on their networks.
j MOZILLA Cont. from P1                      “By leveraging Firefox OS and         Huawei details wearables ambitions                                                     JDSU's updated offering
  The devices will come in various         the power of the Web, we are re-                                                                                               includes its real-time
                                           imagining and providing a modern        By Steve Costello                          screen with the executive stating           ethernet network
form factors – flips, sliders and          platform for entry-level phones,”                                                  that the 286 pixels-per-inch display        performance tool that lets
slates – that attempt to balance           said Li Gong, president of Mozilla.     As its rival vendors used their            oustrips rivals such as Motorola’s          operators monitor "live-
basic phone requirements with                                                               pre-Mobile World Congress         Moto 360 (205 ppi) and LG’s G               traffic", as opposed to
more advanced features such as a              “We’re excited to work with                   press conferences to unveil       Watch R (247 pixels per inch).              "synthetic traffic", as well as
smartphone, including apps,                operator partners like KDDI, LG         their latest high-end smartphones,                                                     its video service assurance
content, maps, camera, video, LTE,         U+, Telefonica and Verizon              Huawei instead chose to focus on             It also includes 6-axis motion            tool, which enables end-to-
VoLTE, email and web browsing.             Wireless to reach new audiences in      wearables, including its move into         sensor and heart-rate monitor.              end performance of video
                                           both emerging and developed             the smartwatch space.                                                                  traffic from its source to a
  Meanwhile Orange is to launch a          markets and offer customers                                                          But the device, which will be             user's device.
3G smartphone using current Firefox        differentiated services,” he added.       After unveiling the Huawei Watch         available in gold, silver and black,
in 13 of its African and Middle                                                    (pictured), Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei’s    will not launch commercially until        generates “much higher” customer
Eastern markets in Q2, 2015. The              The reference to developed, as       consumer business group, initially         “the middle of this year” – and no        usage to other smartbands.
operator is promising an aggressive        well as emerging, markets is            focused on the design of the device,       pricing guideline was given.
pricing of its Klif offer starting at      interesting, as is the inclusion of US  noting that rival products are “more like                                              Talkband B2 has been slimmed-
under $40 (including voice, data and       giant Verizon Wireless in the new       gadgets, not like classical watches”.        Also showcased at the event was         down and offers a “more business
text), that will take the mobile internet  initiative.                                                                        an update to the Talkband B1              like professional design”. Available
to those previously unaddressed.                                                     The Android Wear powered                 combination wristband/Bluetooth           with black, white (both €169) and
                                              “Verizon aims to deliver             device has a round sapphire glass          headset unveiled by Huawei here           gold (€199) finishes, it is due to be
  The Orange Klif, which is                innovative new products to its                                                     last year – which the company said        available by the end of April 2015.
manufactured by Alcatel One                customers, and this initiative is
Touch, offers connectivity speeds          about creating a modern, simple                                                                                                And Huawei also showcased its
up to 21 Mb/s and is dual SIM. It          and smart platform for basic                                                                                                 Talkband N1 headset. In addition to
also sports a 2MP camera and a             phones,” said Rosemary McNally,                                                                                              offering voice call features, it has
micro-SD slot. But the focus of the        vice president, device technology                                                                                            4GB of embedded storage good for
device is its web browsing                 at Verizon.                                                                                                                  1,000 songs.
capability, the central pitch of the
Orange offer.                                Following today’s announcements,                                                                                             The design also means the
                                           Firefox OS will be available from                                                                                            earbuds can be transformed into a
  The Orange Klif is also the first        operators in more than 40 markets                                                                                            “fashionable necklace accessory”.
Firefox OS phone powered by a              over the next 12 months on a total of
MediaTek processor.                        17 smartphones.                                                                                                                Priced at €119, availability is
                                                                                                                                                                        scheduled for May 2015.

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                Monday 2nd March PAGE 3
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