Page 8 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 8


NEWS IN BRIEF...                  2G networks                                                                                                                  NAB chief warns

D-Link launches                   supporting three- FCC chairman over
smart home in a                   quarters of cellular 600MHz auction plans
                                  M2M market                                                                                                                   By Ken Wieland                             “We have a great relationship with
D-Link has announced the                                                                                                                                                                               the FCC staff and commissioners,”
latest addition to its mydlink    By Matt Ablott                              declining faster than those of 3G                                                Gordon Smith, president and             maintained Smith. “Unfortunately, the
Home range, the Smart                                                         modules as the 4G market matures.                                                         chief executive of the         chairman [Tom Wheeler] has shown
Home HD Starter Kit,              More than three-quarters of                                                                                                           National Association of        little interest in ensuring that the
designed to help                              cellular M2M connections          4G is able to support a range of                                               Broadcasters (NAB), a lobby group       millions of Americans who rely on our
homeowners take a hands-on                    today are running on 2G         high-bandwidth M2M applications                                                  for US broadcasters, spoke out          service can keep accessing their local
approach to their security        networks, according to a new GSMA           such as connected cars and digital                                               ahead of his appearance at Mobile       broadcasters. We want to be a partner
systems. The kit combines         Intelligence report - potentially           signage.                                                                         World Congress against the FCC’s        with him and are willing to work
three of D-Link’s most            prolonging the service life of 2G                                                                                            handling of the so-called “incentive”   together to resolve the outstanding
popular mydlink Home              networks in many markets.                     “When planning to deploy M2M                                                   600MHz auction.                         issues regarding the auction.”
products that are built to                                                    services enterprises and OEMs
easily talk with, and trigger,      The new report published today,           need to take a number of factors                                                    “In its quest to auction more and      Smith also expressed concern
one another.                      ‘Global cellular M2M technology             into the account when choosing the                                               more spectrum to the wireless           that the reverse auction for
                                  forecasts and assumptions’, finds that      network connectivity, such as an                                                 industry, the FCC is treating           broadcasters was far too complex.
Affirmed Networks                 77 per cent of cellular M2M                 application’s data requirements,                                                 broadcasters and their viewers as       “They should be making it easy for
brings Sprint’s                   connections worldwide were running          longevity, price point, and form                                                 mere inconveniences in the              broadcasters to participate and
Elfman on board                   on 2G as of Q4 2014. By 2020, it is         factor,” added Kechiche.                                                         process,” he told Mobile World Daily.   should not implement rules that
                                  forecast that 2G will still account for 44                                                                                                                           artificially deflate prices,” he said.
Affirmed Networks, a network      per cent of connections, despite the          “4G only accounts for a small                                                    It’s not the first time that NAB has
functions virtualisation (NFV)    development of next-generation M2M          share of overall M2M connections                                                 voiced disquiet about how the FCC          The 600MHz auction is now slated
solution provider, has            applications that will be required to       today but will become increasing                                                 intends to auction off 600MHz           for early 2016, although it was
appointed Steve Elfman to its     run on faster 3G/4G networks.               recognised as an M2M platform as                                                 airwaves currently used by              originally intended for 2014. Smith is
board of directors. Elfman                                                    OEMs and enterprises look to ‘future                                             broadcasters to provide TV services.    keen for it go ahead, once issues have
retired from Sprint last year,      “Many operators are choosing to           proof’ their M2M applications.”                                                                                          been addressed. “We have long
where he was president of         keep their 2G networks and                                                                                                     In August 2014, NAB filed a           supported the auction because we
network operations and            spectrum in place to support those             GSMA Intelligence forecasts that                                              lawsuit against the FCC that            believe it can be conducted
wholesale, and will advise        common M2M applications that                total cellular M2M connections will                                              included criticism of the regulator’s   successfully, achieving a balance
Affirmed Networks on selling      only need to transmit small                 reach one billion globally by 2020,                                              decision to change the methodology      between freeing up spectrum for
to mobile operators.              amounts of data, such as vehicle            up from 243 million in 2014.                                                     used to predict local television        mobile wireless service and continuing
                                  tracking, personal healthcare                                                                                                coverage areas and population           a robust broadcast service,” he said.
Openwave                          devices and smart meters,” said             Global M2M connections by                                                        served. NAB said this “could result
Mobility aims to                  report author Sylwia Kechiche.              technology generation as % of                                                    in significant loss of viewership of      Smith is participating in a panel
make data silos                                                               total cellular M2M connections                                                   broadcast TV stations after the FCC     discussion today – The Seismic
easier to view                      2G is seen as an attractive M2M           Source: GSMA Intelligence                                                        ‘repacks’ TV stations into a            Spectrum Shake-Up – in Hall 4,
                                  platform as 2G modules continue to                                                                                           shrunken TV band.”                      starting at 14.00.
Openwave Mobility, which          decline in price, having decreased
provides software to manage       substantially from around $55 a             2G                                                                         2020
and monetise mobile data,         decade ago to $10 today, on                                                    23%                                     2014
has released a subscriber         average, according to the report. By                                                                                   2010
data federator (SDF) to act as    contrast, 3G M2M modules are                3G 1%
an interface between              priced at around $40 and 4G M2M             4G 22%
operators’ data silos. The        modules at $50. The report notes,
SDF, which reads and writes       however, that 4G module prices are                                                                    7%
to existing data, aims to offer
a consolidated view of all                                                                                                                  93% 77% 44%        Visa, Airtel hope for
subscriber data.                                                                                                                                               payback from new
                                                                              33%                                                                              partnership
WIT Software
releases enriched                 LG claims smartwatch first                                                                                                   By Richard Handford                     represents a 71 per cent increase
calling app                                                                                                                                                                                            over the previous year.
                                  By Richard Handford                         that makes its face more refined.                                                Visa and Bharti Airtel have
WIT Software, a rich and                                                      The watch also boasts a polished                                                          struck a deal that will          And Airtel wants to grow that
unified communications            LG yesterday unveiled its latest            metal finish and screwless                                                                introduce new digital          figure further by joining forces with
software company, has                    devices, of which the most           design. The watch, which comes                                                   payment services to the operator’s      the likes of Visa. Following the
released Enriched Calling as             eye-catching were two new            in silver or gold, has a stitched                                                existing money subscribers in seven     latest deal, Airtel users will be able
a white-label downloadable        smartwatches: the LG Watch                  leather strap.                                                                   of the seventeen African markets        to draw cash from ATMs and make
App for iPhone and Android        Urbane and its sibling the LG Watch                                                                                          where it has a presence.                payments from their Airtel
smartphones. Enriched             Urbane LTE.                                   “We are not competing against                                                                                          accounts. For both transactions,
Calling enables pre-call, in-                                                 other smartwatches, we are thinking                                                The two firms will introduce the      users will need to have an Airtel
call and post-call capabilities,     The company is billing the latter        about creating beautiful timepieces,”                                            services to Gabon, Ghana, Kenya,        Money Visa card. The card is
such as allowing users to add     as the first 4G-based smartwatch in         said Andy Coughlin, LG’s head of                                                 Madagascar, Rwanda, the                 already available in Kenya and will
a subject for the call, a         the world, with an array of features        mobile for UK and Ireland.                                                       Seychelles and Tanzania. Existing       be introduced in other markets
location, or a picture.           including a walkie talkie capability                                                                                         Airtel Money subscribers in these       early this year.
                                  and NFC technology that means                  Other manufacturers are                                                       markets will be able to pay in stores
MEA operators                     the wearer can tap-and-pay using            attempting a similar pitch, to make                                              and online in places where Visa is        Airtel Money can also be used for
look to VoIP                      the watch.                                  smartwatches wearable, everyday                                                  accepted.                               micro-payments, funds transfers,
                                                                              objects rather than consumer                                                                                             purchasing airtime, pre-paid
Several mobile operators and        The LTE version of the                    electronic devices.                                                                Bharti Airtel has high hopes for      electricity and internet access.
new entrants in the Middle        smartwatch is based on the                                                                                                   money services. For instance, it
East and Africa are using         proprietary LG Wearable Platform,              The company was elusive about                                                 recently bid for a licence to run a       Using the Airtel money account
second generation VoIP to         which is partially based on webOS,          pricing and market positioning for                                               no-frills payments bank in its home     eliminates the need to pay bills in
increase inter-city and           whereas the standard Urbane model           the Urbane.                                                                      market of India.                        cash.
international voice capacity      uses Android Wear.
and provide higher quality                                                      LG also showed off a refresh to its                                              In Africa, it is making inroads,        “For most new subscribers, this
calls, according to World            LG’s intention is to fashion the         mid-tier device line, billed as                                                  with the Airtel Money service that      will represent their first payment
Telecom Labs, a VoIP switch       Urbane as an upmarket                       “affordable, premium smartphones”.                                               reached a total base of 6.2 million     account and bring some of the latest
provider.                         wristwatch. The company makes               The four Android newcomers are                                                   by the end of December 2014, up         digital payment advancements into
                                  much of the device’s stainless              called Magna, Spirit, Leon and Joy.                                              from 2.7 million a year earlier. And    the everyday experiences of Airtel’s
                                  steel body and a narrowed bezel             The quartet will be available in both                                            the value of the transactions it        customers,” said Vish Sowani, Visa’s
                                                                              LTE and 3G versions.                                                             handled was $2.93 billion, which        vice president of MNO

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