Page 10 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
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AlcaLu leapfrogs ahead with unified LTE/Wi-Fi offering

By Paul Rasmussen                         technologies,” Peeters told Mobile         unified approach as 5G due to         integration building on LWA (LTE
                                          World Daily. “With LTE it’s clearly        software being available today. “But  Wi-Fi Aggregation), and thirdly
Arevolutionary approach                   in the downlink, while the uplink in       it’s clearly part of our roadmap      making it available with LTE-U,
         towards combining the            the indoor environment the issue is        towards 5G and is key to our          which can be added to the mix to
         attributes of LTE and Wi-Fi      Wi-Fi because of the small packet          thinking of how to combine            enable even greater capacity to
is being promoted by Alcatel-             size, which also disrupts the              licenced and unlicensed               the network,” he said.
Lucent. Michael Peeters (pictured),       downstream.                                technologies. It works today and
the company’s wireless CTO,                                                          could be combined with LTE-U if          The CTO also calmed fears that
claimed that its new Wireless               “Our new technology, which is no         necessary, but it’s not dependent     LTE-U would cause interference to
Unified Networks technology will          more than a software upgrade,              upon LTE-U.”                          Wi-Fi. “Our Unified Wireless
enable operators to double mobile         combines the downlink of Wi-Fi                                                   solution doesn’t interfere with the
broadband download speed while            with the uplink of cellular, or              Peeters views this move             operation of Wi-Fi or LTE, it just
boosting the uplink capacity by up        combines the downlink of Wi-Fi             towards combining LTE and Wi-Fi       makes them work together in a
to 50x.                                   with the downlink of cellular and          as a three-step process, “Firstly,    more efficient manner. Our
                                          uplink of cellular.”                       it’s a software upgrade – available   approach is to maximise the
   “We’ve been investigating the                                                     today from Alca-Lu. The next          availability and capacity of Wi-Fi
constraints on both wireless                However, the Alca-Lu exec                phase will see a deeper               and LTE at the same time.”
                                          stressed that it wasn’t branding this

Cisco taps SpiderCloud for
small cell enterprise push

By Ken Wieland                                Under the global agreement with        cell solution was developed in        “scalable 4G small cell systems”.      KAZAM announced the launch
                                          Cisco, however, SpiderCloud gets           response to customer demand for a     On announcing the win,                 of its quad-core 5.5-inch
Cisco announced commercial                another route to market. Its rebranded     more scalable and integrated          SpiderCloud added that Vodafone        LTE/4G smartphone, the
         availability of its Universal    kit will be offered to Cisco’s enterprise  approach to enterprise small cells,   UK and “leading mobile operators       Tornado 455L, with a 13MP
         Small Cell (USC) 8000            customers and channel partners. The        and comprised “several key            across several continents” were        main camera and a 5MP front
Series, designed for large                collaboration agreement also calls for     advances”.                            other customers.                       camera, featuring a Sony BSI
enterprises and venues, which             SpiderCloud to develop custom small                                                                                     Sensor and dual flash.
includes the rebranding of the entire     cell technology for Cisco.                   Among them, claimed the router        Last month the start-up unveiled     Featuring a 1.2GHz quad-core
small cell portfolio of SpiderCloud                                                  behemoth, is the Cisco USC 8088       Pakistan operator Warid Telecom as     processor, “this super slim
Wireless, a US-based start-up.              “This is a market changer,”              Controller, which provides real-time  another client, and its first          phone packs a hefty punch”
                                          claimed Michael Gallagher, chief           coordination and distributed self-    commercial deployment in Asia.         claimed CEO Michael Coombes.
   The US tech giant flagged up           executive of SpiderCloud. “Our             organising network (SON)
Vodafone Group as the first service       collaboration with Cisco will speed        capability for up to 100 LTE/3G         SpiderCloud claims its Enterprise
provider customer of USC8000, but         up small cell deployments to benefit       access points (enough to cover        Radio Access Network (E-RAN)
the UK-headquartered operator is          large enterprise customers                 large buildings).                     cuts out the need for weeks of
no stranger to SpiderCloud’s small        worldwide.”                                                                      specialist planning and installation,
cell equipment.                                                                        Aside from the Cisco deal,          using SON software instead to
                                            “So, look out Ericsson and               SpiderCloud has been building up      deliver improved small cell
  SpiderCloud paraded Vodafone            Huawei,” quipped SpiderCloud               momentum. In December 2014, the       coverage in a fraction of the time
Netherlands as its first publicly-        CMO Ronny Haraldsvik in a blog.            company bagged a deal with            (“just days”) compared to
announced customer in 2013.                                                          Verizon Wireless to provide           alternative technology options.
                                            Cisco said the USC8000 small

Etisalat sets 2020 target for 5G                                                                                             Digital
By Anne Morris                            innovation motivates our goal to be        broad spectrum of digital players -                $3TN
                                          the first telco to roll out 5G,” he said.  telcos, OTTs, etc - is required, but    will be      BY 2018
Middle East operator                                                                 so is coordination with                 worth
            Etisalat said the rollout of     The CTO of the UAE-based                governments, to secure the                         Discuss the future of
            5G technology is one of       operator noted that 5G is still in a       necessary regulations to keep the         What     digital commerce at
its goals for 2020 and will underpin      very developmental phase: “We are          development, and the industry           will your  the GSMA seminars
its future support for machine-to-        working diligently with our                itself, healthy and successful,” he      role be?
machine (M2M) and eGovernment             international partners to define the       said.
services as well as the wider             standards of the technology,” he said.                                           REALISING THE POTENTIAL OF COUPONING AND LOYALTY
Internet of Things (IoT).                                                              5G is not simply about speed,       Tuesday 3 March 12:30 – 14:00
                                            As well as the data demands that         Bamatraf added: “It is also about
  “By developing and rolling out          will come with the growth of IoT,          efficiency, intelligence, effective   BEYOND APPLE PAY: OPPORTUNITIES IN MOBILE PAYMENT
5G, Etisalat Group will provide the       Bamatraf said the massive increase         management, and boundless             Tuesday 3 March 14:30 – 16:00
necessary bandwidth to make sure          in data requirements caused by the         innovation. It’s a game changer.”
these projects are all fully realised,”   migration of traditional services -                                              SUBSCRIPTION, IDENTITY AND MONEY
said Etisalat CTO Hatem Bamatraf          particularly video - to the digital                                              Wednesday 4 March 1 1:30 – 13:00
(pictured), who was speaking to           arena will only be possible with the
Mobile World Daily ahead of his           establishment of 5G.                                                               GSMA Seminar Theatre CC1.1
participation in Wednesday’s panel
discussion on 5G requirements.               “Between 2008 and 2013, data                                            
                                          consumption has grown 46 times.
  Bamatraf stressed that the future       This consistent trend is something
of the entire telecoms industry is        we need to plan for,” he added.
dependent on the development of
5G. “Our belief in the mobile               However, Bamatraf stressed that
broadband story and dedication to         greater government input is also
                                          required for 5G to be optimally
                                          realised. “Cooperation between the

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