Page 14 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 14


Big data to help stymie
fraudsters who target IoT

By Paul Rasmussen                        won’t work and so a key question is         Mobile operators, according to             Green called for IoT to be shipped    Telenor Digital
                                         how to build this trust.”                Green, need to provide real-time point     ‘secure by default’. “Don’t expect       adopts start-
Cyber criminals will be                                                           of application fraud checks as well as     consumers to secure your products        up mentality
         presented with a fantastic        One significant weapon in the          customer profiling to help detect          for you. Be prepared to be breached,
         opportunity as the Internet     fight against these online criminals     fraudulent behaviour. “They should         and plan accordingly. Accept that        By Joanne Taaffe
of Things (IoT) becomes deployed         will be the use of big data              look at social network analytics for       despite your controls, breaches may
across a wide array for services.        techniques to constantly model           improved risk-scoring, detection and       happen.”                                 Telenor Digital has the
This threat, according to Chris          fraud threats and fine-tune              prevention, and there should be                                                              challenging remit of
Green (pictured), MD of BAe              detection algorithms, said Green.        integrated case management for a                                                             developing services that will
Systems’ financial crime unit, is a                                               wider visibility of risk, faster response                                           guide Telenor towards a future as an
key challenge to the future success        “The result is better fraud            and cost efficient alert processing.”                                               internet telco. To achieve this
of IoT, and one weak link will slow      detection and prevention of losses.                                                                                          Telenor Digital adopts the mind-set
the uptake of any revenue streams.       Big data analytics is a key                However, the BAe exec warned                                                      of a start-up, which, as Sven
                                         component of that, and our               that operators must prepare                                                         Størmer Thaulow (pictured), COO &
   “Establishing trust is the second     NetReveal platform is the tool we        themselves by ensuring positive,                                                    SVP of Telenor Digital readily
challenge,” maintained Green. “It        use to extract meaning from large        informed consent from consumers.                                                    admitted, can be a balancing act.
will be the key to getting good early    volumes of high-velocity and high-       “Collect what you say you will, use it
adoption of IoT and thus enabling        variety of information assets, be        only how you say you will, and tell                                                    “You need to have a management
new revenues to be generated             they bank transactions, insurance        consumers if you think they have                                                    that understands that [running a
throughout the supply chain.             claim data or mobile operator base       consented,” he said.                                                                telco and developing internet
Passing the buck on data ownership       station site performance data.”                                                                                              services] are two completely
                                                                                                                                                                      different games with completely
PayPal looks to                                                                                                                                                       different rules.” Get it right,
partnerships to survive                                                                                                                                               however, and entrepreneurial teams
payments upheaval                                                                                                                                                     within telcos benefit from much
                                                                                                                                                                      greater distribution and financial
By Joanne Taaffe                         potential force of change, but they      Doro debuts latest                                                                  strength than they would within a
                                         come with challenges.                    smartphone for seniors                                                              start-up, explained Thaulow.
Changes in how retailers use
         technology to engage with         “With Beacon devices, we’re            By Steve Costello                          Millington noted the absence of             Telenor Digital has several irons
         shoppers promise to “rewire     opening the door to a fundamentally                                                 products from vendors targeting          in the fire, including co-ownership
the commerce experience over the         different way to use technology to       Doro, a maker of                           this sector.                             with the media group Schibsted of
next three years,” according to Anuj     make shopping richer and more                     smartphones focused on the                                                 Sobazaar, a shopping and fashion
Nayar, senior director of global         valuable for consumers and                        senior market, is using             “Most of the players are ignoring      app. Fashion may not be an obvious
initiatives with PayPal.                 merchants alike,” said Nayar, who is     Mobile World Congress to                   the senior market, or just look at it    choice for a telco, agreed Thaulow,
                                         one of the senior PayPal executives      showcase its new device, Liberto           as ‘everybody over 60 is just old        but the unit wanted to develop a
  But it also means Apple, Google        attending Mobile World Congress          820 Mini, suggesting the device            and decrepit’. While we completely       digital service that targets a highly-
and Facebook are joining messaging       this week.                               could be its “breakthrough product”.       disagree with that view, I’m quite       engaged customer segment and
players and mobile operators in the                                                                                          happy for them to think that.            better understand what “makes
land grab for the future of mobile          However, beacons also raise             It is a smaller version of the           Because it leaves us to do what we       these kind of services fly”.
payments. And that creates               questions of consumer privacy.           Liberto 820 launched in the fourth         do,” he said.
challenges for PayPal, which eBay        “Consumers should always be given        quarter of 2014, with a 4-inch                                                         Key to building a successful
plans to spin off from its structure in  the opportunity to ‘opt-out’, so no      screen rather than 4.5-inches. It is         The device has a user interface        digital service is making it easy to
2015.                                    information would be transmitted to      said to offer “a full Doro                 that is designed to be “extremely        use. Thaulow believes operators are
                                         the merchant,” said Nayar.               smartphone experience at an                easy to and intuitive”, with a built-in  ideally placed to securely remove
  PayPal, which in 2014 processed                                                 accessible price point”.                   coach embedded in all core               obstacles to logging into an app or a
$168 billion of payments, is betting        Like its competitors, PayPal                                                     applications.                            web-page. “By succeeding in the
on partnerships to deliver a global      believes “mobile devices will be at the    Chris Millington, managing                                                        digital identity space, mobile
platform that makes it easy for          center of the revolution,” said Nayar.   director at Doro UK, told Mobile             It also has a compatible charging      operators will become a more
merchants to accept any form of          And Nayar claimed “many of our           World Daily that the device is likely      dock which activates a “dock             visible part of consumers’ everyday
payment, while incorporating value       competitors’ new announcements           to find a fit with retailers and           mode”, turning the phone into a          digital life,” claimed Thaulow.
added services such as loyalty and       validate PayPal’s approach of being      operators focusing on the pre-paid         clock, alarm and photograph
coupons, said Nayar. But retailers       technology agnostic,” adding that        and lower-cost contract markets.           slideshow. It also automatically            But operators’ approach to digital
and payment providers will need to       “we’re excited that Apple named                                                     switches calls to the loud speaker,      identity currently varies by
tread carefully.                         Braintree as a preferred payment           “It hits a bigger audience, and it       has a do-not-disturb function and        geography. “In mature markets,
                                         partner for Apple Pay. We’re able to     appeals to both pay-as-you-go and          plays music.                             operators are skewed towards
   Bluetooth-based beacons, which        support many of our merchants who        pay monthly customers, therefore                                                    providing highly secure mobile
allow retailers to target shoppers       want to enable Apple Pay, via the        it’s a much bigger product, and it’s         Liberto 820 Mini comes with four       centric authentication for banks and
with offers and discounts, are one       Braintree SDK.”                   good fun,” he said.                        colour options – grey, white and         the public sector. In emerging
                                                                                                                             sliver, white and black, or red. It is   markets the focus is on providing an
                                         Creoir will debut the                      While noting the size of the             launching with UK MVNO Tesco             easy-to-use mobile authentication
                                         Harmony Watch concept at                 potential market for the device,           Mobile.                                  for general internet services. But all
                                         Mobile World Congress, a                                                                                                     markets need to have both in place;
                                         wearable targeted towards                                                                                                    it’s a matter of timing,” he said.
                                         “fashion and health
                                         conscious” women.                                                                                                               Thaulow is also confident mobile
                                         Made using ceramics, leather                                                                                                 phones will become a leading
                                         and stainless steel, the watch                                                                                               payment mechanism, as the
                                         will track metrics relating to                                                                                               introduction of Apple Pay, NFC
                                         activity, light and sleeping                                                                                                 contactless payments such as
                                         patterns to “summarise                                                                                                       Telenor’s Valyou, and initiatives
                                         wellbeing in one single glance”.                                                                                             from banks and retailers take root.

PAGE 14 Monday 2nd March                                                          MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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