Page 15 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 15


The ROADS to Providing
Peak Service Experience

Everyday, our physical and digital              O: ON-DEMAND                                           all be digitized. The storage, processing,     As cloud computing technologies mature,
worlds become more and more                     On-demand allows users to customize their              and switching of information, and business   cloud services will become more widespread,
intertwined, blurring the lines                 own services based on their actual needs.              processing and transactions all happen in    creating an enormous market. Different
between online and off. So much of              Current telecoms service packages offered by           data centers, so a DC-centered ICT           businesses require different cloud services,
our daily lives are being sent,                 carriers are limited and customers want free           architecture will be indispensable and data  which opens up countless strategic
transferred, received, and stored in            package customization in terms of network              centers will become the telephone            opportunities. The ICT infrastructure needed
binary format as people can access              bandwidth, capacity, time, and QoS.                    exchanges of the digital era.                by enterprise cloud services is fundamental
the digital world anywhere,                                                                                                                         to carriers. Leveraging cloud computing for
anytime. The digital economy is                 A: ALL-ONLINE                                       2. Network reconstruction: Building flexible    business model transformation, carriers will
disrupting traditional markets,                 Users have become accustomed to online                 and intelligent networks and product         seize the opportunity created as enterprises
creating new business opportunities             services and entertainment. In the future, cloud       architectures through SDN and NFV.           shift their ICT infrastructure to the public
in sectors such as Industry 4.0, the            technologies will enable even more services,                                                        cloud. A new telecoms market worth trillions
Internet of Things, Big Data, e-                including telecoms services, to be done online,        After the control and forwarding planes are  of dollars will be created.
commerce, telemedicine, and                     which improves efficiency and reduces costs.        separated and network resources virtualized,
distance education.                                                                                 the network can be managed in a more unified    4. Operations reconstruction: Implementing
                                                D: DIY                                              and global manner to ensure better network         digitized operations to achieve ROADS and
The telecoms industry, which has                DIY allows users to participate in service          resource scheduling, higher efficiency, and        shift the operational focus from internal
        enjoyed the benefits of booming         development and optimization, which                 simpler software upgrades. Through the             control to external customer service.
        populations, the mobile Internet and    accelerates innovation and makes users feel         decoupling of hardware from software and
smartphones, has also faced developmental       more connected to services.                         NFV, functions of network devices will depend      The “all-connection” and “zero-distance”
barriers due to surging bandwidth                                                                   on more than a certain piece of hardware.       elements of the Internet shatter the limits of
requirements and consumer service               S: SOCIAL                                           Network elements can share the same hardware    time and space. ROADS-oriented operations
expectations. Carriers' traditional voice and   Social networking platforms allow users to          platform (a hardware resource pool) to realize  allow users to enjoy on-demand, real-time, and
messaging services are being eroded by          share experiences, insights, and views about        flexible resource sharing. This way, networks   customized services in an all-online manner,
similar OTT applications and increasing         online services. These platforms help to            can realize service automation and scalability  and help carriers offer more intelligent
consumer demand requires greater network        create fan bases, enhance user loyalty, and         based on service scale, and implement fault     customer service based on big data analysis,
coverage, bandwidth and quality, which leads    give users a sense of belonging.                    isolation and self-healing based on system      gain insight into customer requirements and
to an increase in operating expenses for                                                            autonomy. This improves network utilization     carry out precision marketing. Social
network expansions, upgrades, and                 ROADS is the external expression of a carrier’s   and deployment, maintenance efficiencies, and   networking platforms aggregate industry
maintenance. In order for the telecoms          user-centric operations in the information age. To  accelerates service provision.                  innovations to offer a wide range of services.
industry to remain competitive, the combined    live up to the requirements of ROADS, carriers
efforts of the entire industry are required.    must consider changing their business, R&D,         3. Service reconstruction: Going beyond            The information age is a time of abundant
                                                service, and operations models as well as             connections and seizing the strategic         change, with success becoming more and more
ROADS TO OPTIMAL SERVICE                        restructure their telecoms networks.                  opportunities of ICT “cloudification” based   tied to user experience. Telcos will not only
EXPERIENCE FOR TELECOMS USERS                                                                         on new cloud computing business models        survive, but thrive in this fiercely competitive
                                                SOFTCOM BUILDS OPEN ROADS                             to create the next phase in telecoms.         market by creating a ROADS experience.
Central to the information age is the concept   In order to deliver a ROADS experience to
of data-based intelligence, and all-connection  users, telecoms networks need a new
and zero-distance beyond time and space         technological system. One such system is
limitations. In order to achieve this,          called SoftCOM, which is a network
enterprises must adopt a consumer mindset,      development strategy that seeks to build a fully
paying close attention to user perceptions      open ICT architecture to enable an industry
and interests. User experience in the           shift from single vertical innovation to all
information age features five elements: real    encompassing innovation across the industry.
time, on-demand, all-online, DIY, and social;
or ROADS for short.                             SoftCOM will reshape the telecoms industry
                                                in four key ways:
                                                1. Architecture reconstruction: Building a
Real-time, zero-distance, and one-click-away       data center-centered (DC-centered) ICT
service allows users to enjoy a new service in     architecture to satisfy the development
just seconds - from order generation and           requirements of the information age.
payment to system configuration - while in
the past, the process might have taken hours,      In the information age, service provision,
days, or even weeks. Real-time greatly             data exchange, and business activities will
improves customer satisfaction.

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                      Monday 2nd March PAGE 15
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