Page 17 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 17


“Connected devices and                                                                           develops as the Internet of Things grows and     Hello, with the help of our partner Telefonica. In
experiences will blur the lines                                                                  we’re doing our part to make sure the Web is     2015, I think you’ll see WebRTC become a more
between desktop and mobile”                                                                      capable of connecting all these people,          consistent and standard set of technologies,
                                                                                                 devices and experiences.                         resulting in more rich and consistent
participate in the development of Firefox OS.   we have great communities of volunteers in                                                        communications experiences like Firefox Hello,
This is critical to the growth of the Web as a  Europe that help us foster more opportunity        What we’ve seen so far is just the tip of the  and you’ll see Firefox Hello become integrated
platform because the number of Web              for those who want to contribute as well as      innovation iceberg. Imagine the amazing          across all our products and services.
developers dwarfs the number of native          buy the phones. We will continue to focus        experiences that can be built when people
developers by millions.                         part of our efforts on this sector.              leverage the power of the Web. We’ve proven      MWD: WHAT ARE YOUR OVERALL
                                                                                                 the Web can spark innovation and provide         VISIONS FOR 2015 – BOTH FOR
MWD: KDDI’S LAUNCH IN JAPAN                     MWD: ARE WEARABLE DEVICES                        independence and control on the desktop and      MOZILLA AND THE WIDER MOBILE
REPRESENTED THE FIRST                           GOING TO BE MORE THAN JUST                       the Internet of Things is proving that across    INDUSTRY?
DEVELOPED MARKET TO RECEIVE                     PERIPHERALS FOR A SMARTPHONE,                    all connected devices.
FIREFOX OS IN ASIA. WHAT CAN YOU                OR IS THERE A MORE IMPORTANT                                                                        LG: We see similar challenges in the mobile
TELL US ABOUT THE APPEAL OF                     ROLE FOR THEM AS PART OF THE                     MWD: WHAT ARE THE KEY AREAS                      industry that we saw on the desktop Web
FIREFOX OS TO USERS IN                          INTERNET OF THINGS?                              FOR DEVELOPMENT OF FIREFOX OS                    when we launched Firefox 1.0 ten years ago.
DEVELOPED MARKETS NOW?                                                                           IN 2015?                                         We built Firefox then to give people more
                                                  LG: I think there’s an interesting future for                                                   independence and today Firefox and Firefox
  LG: Actually our first launch nearly two      the Internet of Things and we’re just starting     LG: We will continue to improve and            OS continue to enable choice, control and
years ago was in Spain and we’ve since          to see some of the ripple effects of a world of  enhance our product experience, and bring        innovation. I think we’ll see the Web
brought the benefits of the open Web on         connected devices through things like            the Web back to the center of the mobile         powering more connected devices and
mobile to other developed markets in Europe.    wearables. There are some very cool devices      world. We will also continue to explore new      experiences, breaking down the walls of
What we find in all markets is that there is    for all different types of use cases, showing    market opportunities, building on our success    proprietary platforms around mobile, just as
universal appeal for a mobile solution that     the promise of a connected and personalized      so far.                                          we did on desktop. Connected devices and
doesn’t lock developers or users into a         online life, but I don’t think wearables will                                                     experiences will blur the lines between
proprietary ecosystem. Both audiences want      dominate as the main connected device.           MWD: HOW WILL DEVELOPMENTS IN                    desktop and mobile as the world becomes
to control their experience of the Web. And                                                      WEBRTC BE REFLECTED IN MOBILE                    more connected across all devices and this
                                                  I’m excited to see where the industry          PRODUCTS IN THE NEXT YEAR?                       will increase the need for more open
                                                                                                                                                  technology standards to offer consistent
                                                                                                   LG: We believe WebRTC is a great example       experiences for developers and users. Along
                                                                                                 of a Web technology that can enable many rich    those lines, you’ll see Mozilla focus this year
                                                                                                 and consistent communications experiences        to offer more products and services that
                                                                                                 across connected devices, regardless of          connect and customize the Firefox user
                                                                                                 platform, device or service provider. We’re      experience, providing an open and
                                                                                                 happy to have pioneered WebRTC on the            independent example for the industry.
                                                                                                 desktop and now on Firefox OS through Firefox

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                    Monday 2nd March PAGE 17
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