Page 22 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 22


Two fronts, uncounted fans: YOTAPHONE2
continues to wow the mobile industry

One year after YOTAPHONE2 was first             included YOTAPHONE2 in their portfolio in          the sales kick-off in the US.
introduced at MWC, the smartphone               selected markets.                                    Within the next months, YOTAPHONE2
turns heads around the globe
                                                  Decorated with three awards at CES 2015,         will be available with Android 5 Lollipop.
  After its successful market launch at the     including the Envisioneering’s Innovation &        And soon, those who love innocent white for
end of 2014, YOTAPHONE2, the smartphone         Design Award for ShowStoppers,                     their mobile devices will have one more
with the two fronts, keeps adding new           YOTAPHONE2 proved again that market is             reason to choose the smartphone with the
chapters to its success story. By now,          ready for change. ”We are ready to move            two fronts. The white variant will be
smartphone users in 20 markets across           into new markets so even more smartphone           generally available at the end of March.
Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia        users can benefit from the mobile
became YOTAPHONE2 enthusiasts who love          revolution,” announced Vlad Martynov, CEO            ”This is just the beginning the journey,”
their choice between the high-definition        of Yota Devices. There is powerful support         Vlad Martynov adds. ”We are very excited to
1080p AMOLED screen and the fully touch-        for the next step: Still within the first          be back at Mobile World Congress where we
enabled always-on electronic paper display      quarter of the year, YOTAPHONE2 will be            first showcased YOTAPHONE in 2013 and
in one device. Renown carriers such as          launched in China with the help of telecom         intrigued the crowd by our concept. Same in
Vodafone, Hutchison and Congstar recently       giant Potevio, one of the largest distributors     2014. Since then, we have made our home-
                                                in the Chinese market. Next in line with be        work and are ready to change the world of
                                                                                                   smartphones for good.”

                                                                                                   The head behind the wake-up call

                                                                                                   Yota Devices CEO Vlad Martynov                   in Singapore, were experiencing some of the
                                                                                                   shook the industry with the                      challenges of producing the first dual-
                                                                                                   introduction of YOTAPHONE, the                   screen smartphone, Vlad moved himself and
                                                                                                   world’s first always-on smartphone               his family to Singapore to personally oversee
                                                                                                   with two screens.                                the manufacturing process. One other area
                                                                                                                                                    where Vlad gets involved is in software
                                                                                                     If you ask Vlad Martynov what he did for a     development. Software and applications
                                                                                                   living, you get a full list of answers: The 22-  account for more than 80% of the user
                                                                                                   year veteran of the international high-tech      experience and satisfaction. With 20+ years
                                                                                                   industry worked as entrepreneur, investory,      experience in software development, Vlad
                                                                                                   corporate executive and turnaround               spends considerable time with his
                                                                                                   specialist. Heading up Yota Devices seems a      development team thinking through user
                                                                                                   logical consequence. ”In this job, I need to be  interface and experience, from the smallest
                                                                                                   both an entrepreneur and a global business       details like the number of clicks required to
                                                                                                   leader.” The tasks at hand also require Vlad     access information to the actual benefits for
                                                                                                   Martynov to be the company’s visionary and       users. „My motivation is to make technology
                                                                                                   to get his hands dirty a bit. When Yota          work for people – not the other way round,”
                                                                                                   Devices and its manufacturing partner, Hi-P      says Vlad about his motivation.

Two screens for twice as much fun,                                                                 What can two screens do? Here’s rundown of the key software
productivity and personalization options                                                           features customizable by YOTAPHONE2 users:

  YOTAPHONE2 combines Android                   Ordinary Android phones also have power-           • YOTACover – user-designed photos and notifications personalize the device while
familiarity with something that has never       saving modes, but YOTAPHONE2 lasts up to               also make the always-on display private with a single tap.
been accomplished before: two fully touch-      three times longer based on usage that
enabled displays with two very different        involves reading, messaging and calling. In        • YOTAPanel – makes real-time information available at a glance on the always-on
personalities. The front display is a high-     addition, the always-on display offers an "at-         display - no need to wake up the phone 150 times a day.
definition 1080p AMOLED screen, perfect for     a-glance" view of what's happening in your
everyday use such as social networking,         personal world, removing the need to               • YOTAEnergy – automatically switches all key functions, including calls and texts, to
browsing or playing games. Turn the phone       constantly pick up, turn on and navigate your          the always-on display once battery life reaches 15 percent, providing another 8.5
around to the other front screen, which uses    phone.                                                 hours of use.
an always-on display that is ideal for e-
reading, notifications or outdoor visibility.     YOTAPHONE2 is lightweight at only 145            • YOTASnap – grabs a crucial bit of information from the colour display, such as a
                                                grams. It's also very slim (144 x 69.5 mm x            map, a boarding pass – and preserves it on the always-on display even if the battery
  The always-on display can drastically         8.9 mm) and, with durable Gorilla Glass 3 on           dies completely.
improve battery life, offering up to five days  both sides, it is far from fragile. It’s a mobile
of e-book reading from a single charge.         device that is both useful and elegant.            • YOTAMirror – displays any Android app on the always-on display, supporting better
                                                                                                       battery life and readability.

PAGE 22 Monday 2nd March                                                                           MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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