Page 20 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 20


Michael Barrett,
CEO, Millennial Media

Millennial Media:
Mobile's ad future

Mobile advertising is now an important component of any brand’s digital
marketing campaign as smartphone usage grows. Mobile World Daily caught
up with Millennial Media CEO Michael Barrett to discuss industry trends for
the coming year, from programmatic buying to native advertising and more.

MOBILE WORLD DAILY (MWD):                           Another key change for this maturing         will be requirements for transparency and                For developers, automating and optimizing
WHAT ARE THE KEY CHANGES IN                       market over the last 12 months has been        openness in mobile advertising. Advertisers            the selling of their media space enables them
MOBILE ADVERTISING IN THE PAST                    massive consolidation, of which Millennial     are eager to dive deep into post-campaign              to sell impressions to the highest bidder and
12 MONTHS?                                        Media has played a part with the acquisition   analytics, reporting, and attribution. In              access thousands of new advertisers.
                                                  of programmatic pioneer Nexage. Last year      addition, we believe that true audience                According to our 2015 State of the Apps
  Michael Barrett (MB): Mobile advertising is     saw record M&A activity in the ad tech         buying will become a reality, and companies            Report, which surveys global app developers,
still growing, but has now arrived at a point     market, according to advisory firm Results     will be able to fluently engage their                  69% of developers and publishers now make
where it is a vital component of all digital      International.                                 consumers across devices, which will                   their inventory available programmatically,
marketing. Of all digital ad revenues, mobile                                                    require a trustworthy data exchange of CRM             with the majority seeing an increase in
now accounts for 16% in the U.S. and 20% in       MWD: WHAT TRENDS DOMINATED AT                  information.                                           revenue as a result.
the UK according to the IAB – arguably the        MWC LAST YEAR, AND WHAT WILL IN
world’s most mature mobile advertising            2015?                                          MWD: MOBILE PROGRAMMATIC WAS                           MWD: IN TERMS OF CREATIVITY, HOW
markets.                                                                                         ONE HOT TOPIC TO EMERGE IN 2014.                       CAN MOBILE HELP MARKETERS
                                                    MB: Last year MWC really turned a corner     HOW WILL IT SHIFT FROM BEING A                         ENGAGE AUDIENCES?
  This change is being driven by proliferation –  when it came to attracting “non-traditional”   BUZZWORD TO A CRUCIAL PART OF
smartphone penetration is expected to hit 2.89    mobile brands to Barcelona. Throughout the     BRANDS’ MEDIA PLANS IN 2015?                             MB: Mobile is the ultimate blank canvas for
billion globally by 2017, according to the GSMA   show, organizations of all kinds, including                                                           creatives. With unique capabilities for
– and by usage – as consumers are estimated to    some of the world’s largest advertisers, came     MB: At first, programmatic buying emerged           engaging target audiences – from voice to
look at their mobile screens up to 220 times a    to ask our team: “How do we best connect       to let publishers unload unwanted inventory            touch to location, and everything in between
day. In turn, brands are recognising the          with our customers on mobile?”                 in the online world, and to help buyers easily         – brands can create memorable experiences
increased opportunity to engage consumers on                                                     capture low-cost reach. In mobile, as                  and enhance messaging on mobile.
the move, and are no longer asking 'why?’ but       At this year’s show, one of the main trends  technology has evolved, we are now at a
'how?’ when it comes to mobile.                   I expect to discuss with brands and agencies   juncture where automation can support the                With a highly experienced in-house
                                                                                                 more advanced needs of the buyers and                  creative services team, we find that success
“Brands are no longer asking 'why?’                                                              sellers in premium advertising inventory.              often comes from treating ads like an app
but 'how?’ when it comes to mobile”                                                                                                                     developer treats their own product – placing
                                                                                                    One of the main benefits of programmatic            content and the experience at the heart of
                                                                                                 buying is the flexibility it offers, supported by a    what you create to make ads as engaging as
                                                                                                 wealth of data, which helps quickly view               possible for your audience. Some key areas to
                                                                                                 performance and easily move budget to                  consider when creating a campaign are how
                                                                                                 maximize interactions and conversions. This            tactile gestures like pinch, swipe and zoom
                                                                                                 flexibility will lead to significant advances in 2015  could be utilised, how to use data points like
                                                                                                 for media buyers as marketers embrace                  location and preference in your creatives, and
                                                                                                 programmatic mobile buying to target consumers         how rich media such as gamification and
                                                                                                 more precisely, across a variety of formats - from     video can create compelling mobile content
                                                                                                 the basic banner to video and native ads.              for campaigns.

PAGE 20 Monday 2nd March                                                                         MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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