Page 23 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 23


Matt Roberts, Marketing Director, Amdocs Big Data and Strategic Innovations Business Unit

The Three Layers of                                                                                                                                      THE MONEY
Big Data Implementation:
                                                                                                                                                         The top layer contains the actionable
Hard Work, Toys and Money                                                                                                                                analytical applications and discovery
                                                                                                                                                         capabilities. It is just a simple fact that
Colin Powell once said, “A dream                     Big data has transformed from a buzzword into a reality for service providers                       machines can recognize patterns and trends
         doesn’t become reality through magic.       across the world. However, to date the main hype and focus has been on the                          that humans may miss. This does not mean
         It takes sweat, determination and hard      data lakes and infrastructure while the real heavy lifting needs to also come                       that the machine is set to replace the human.
work.” There are a lot of complex, labor-            from the tough tasks of (1) data extraction and cleansing, as well as (2) putting                   Machine learning and big data technologies
intensive activities that still need to be           data science to work in the operational systems of the service provider.                            are designed to give timely advice and prompt
considered to bring big data benefits to life.                                                                                                           users and systems to make smarter decisions.
                                                         Discovery and                                  The Money
  Today, statistics support the fact that            Actionable Analytics                               The Toys                                           Analytical benefits span across three main
businesses which invest in cross-company                                                                                                                 domains for service providers. Of course
data aggregation and then leverage modern             Data Management                                                                                    there are additional uses, but the main areas
machine learning to derive competitive                   Infrastructure                                                                                  that provide material business and bottom
insights are capable of making better business                                                                                                           line performance improvements are:
decisions and fine-tuning their business to          Data Sources                                       The Hard Work
meet key performance metrics. Many are                                                                                                                   1) Dynamic marketing and segmentation to
forecasting that companies which do not make         Three Layers of Big Data Implementation                                                               allow CMOs to better promote the right
the transition to a data-driven business have a                                                                                                            services to the right people at the right time.
high probability of losing their competitive
advantage and will struggle to survive.                                                                                                                  2) Care and business performance for the
                                                                                                                                                           optimization of the self-care portal, commerce
   As Gartner has predicted, an average                                                                                                                    e-shop, and call centers to lower call handling
service provider could potentially generate                                                                                                                time and optimize call center operations.
$300 million a year in additional margins
through successful analytics. Companies that                                                                                                             3) Network optimization for better
are more data driven are 5 percent more                                                                                                                    connectivity experience while optimizing
productive and 6 percent more profitable                                                                                                                   infrastructure investment.
according to McKinsey.
                                                                                                                                                           Across all of these categories, there are a
  Becoming a true data-driven organization                                                                                                               wide range of customer experience use cases
isn’t just about installing and integrating new                                                                                                          which can analyze thousands of actual data
infrastructure. The problem is much more                                                                                                                 points or KPIs to materially improve Net
complex.                                                                                                                                                 Promoter Score.

  The route to success is beset with three                                                                                                                 This top layer brings new requirements that
distinct challenges. To articulate these                                                                                                                 touch all service provider organizations, but
challenges, we have simplified and segmented                                                                                                             has more profound impact on the CMO
big data analytics (BDA) into three layers.                                                                                                              behavior and processes. CMOs in the past
                                                                                                                                                         would be charged with championing the
THE HARD WORK                                        THE TOYS                                           to as many critical data sources you have and    company brand and driving interest in the
                                                                                                        making sure these sources are coordinated        products and services that it produced. This
The bottom layer is where CIOs and CTOs face         The majority of big data projects to date have     from release to release; (3) scrubbing and       would typically be executed through large,
the big challenges of extracting data from a         focused on the sexy, new technologies which        hosting the data in a clean manner which is      expensive and creative campaigns. Marketing
myriad of disparate systems. This problem is         store and process this data. Although we call      analytics ready; and (4) integrating the         now is depending on IT to supply contextual
complex, time consuming and fraught with data        this layer ‘the toys’, this is not to denote that  infrastructure into the northbound               information about its customers so that the
inconsistencies. Without the help of the service     these systems are trivial or simple – far from     applications and visualization capabilities.     CMO organization can improve targeting and
providers’ vendor community, the probability of      it. There is huge industry investment and                                                           customer interaction effectiveness. This
getting the data out of these systems and            some of the brightest brains working on new           One of the drivers towards new                means that the CMO and the CIO will need to
hydrating their lake with clean, actionable data is  storage and streaming technologies. The            infrastructure is the fact that Hadoop can       spend a lot more quality time together.
very low. Often service providers depend on          result is that this open source software is both   provide a lower-cost storage option than
third-party integrators to perform this function,    very vibrant and very confusing – a virtual        traditional data warehouses. Most                  In 2012 Gartner made a prediction that at
but the integrators are not intimately familiar      circus of options. If not managed carefully it     organizations analyze only about 12 percent      the time raised many an eyebrow. They
with the data as it is obfuscated in various         can be a big distraction to the end goal of        of the data they hold, so the race is on to get  forecasted that by 2017 the CMO would spend
operational and network systems. We are seeing       adding value.                                      faster, interactive SQL working well on          more on technology than the CIO. Although a
the dawn of a new trend where service                                                                   Hadoop. This doesn’t mean that the               transition to this degree is unlikely, the
providers are reverting to the source vendors to        The trick with this segment of the BDA          traditional data warehouse will cease to         marketing department will clearly play a
extract and clean this data in a reliable and real-  layer is to choose a pragmatic vendor who          exist. As more and more data needs to be         greater part in such technology decisions.
time fashion in order to better service the rest of  can consolidate the key elements of the data       retained and analyzed in a cost-effective
the organization. It has been proven time and        management infrastructure from this open           manner, the CIO’s challenge is to cap the        THE RESULTS
time again that relying on your core systems         source market and bring it together in a           spend in the expensive data warehouse and
vendors for this task is a much safer path to        secure and cost-effective way. The most            relational database technologies. Hadoop         In conclusion, there are three layers of
hydrate a CIO's data management infrastructure       important aspects of this are (1) choosing         technologies are five to fifteen times less      execution that need to be addressed to realize
with clean, ‘analytics ready’ data.                  and bundling the right mix of open source          expensive for this function.                     the full potential of big data. To date the
                                                     technologies; (2) productizing data collectors                                                      programs have been fragmented and too
                                                                                                                                                         much focus has been on the infrastructure and
                                                                                                                                                         platforms. It is clear that given the specific
                                                                                                                                                         challenges in telecoms, more emphasis needs
                                                                                                                                                         to be given to the quick, efficient extraction
                                                                                                                                                         and ingestion of data and then to the value-
                                                                                                                                                         added applications that need to be applied to
                                                                                                                                                         drive the real value across all three of the
                                                                                                                                                         vertical analytics application segments
                                                                                                                                                         mentioned above. Only then will we even
                                                                                                                                                         begin to start talking about applying these
                                                                                                                                                         technologies to real financial benefits.

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                           Monday 2nd March PAGE 23
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