Page 24 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 24


Kristen Raybould, Product Marketing Manager, Emerging Mobile, Akamai Technologies

Optimizing mobile video
traffic and monetizing
the mobile network

In a world where cloud, content encryption, and exponential data growth is
the new reality, mobile network operators will need to adapt their traffic
optimization techniques to cost efficiently manage their network and
preserve a quality customer experience. The proliferation of smarter wireless
devices and faster cellular networks has more and more users embracing
mobile web content in their business and personal lives. Consumers expect to
easily access and quickly load content regardless of their location or the
situation of the cellular network. Prior to the increase in data driven conten t,
mobile experiences were predicated on quality of service and coverage.
Today, a more holistic approach to customer experience management (CEM)
is required in order for mobile operators to differentiate themselves.

Traffic optimization plays an important           whether the content is dynamic, media, an
        role in ensuring quality of experience.   application download, chat, or encrypted. It
        Traditional quality of service (QoS)      can help accelerate latency sensitive content,
management, characterized by advanced             reduce the cost of delivering data, and open
Policy and Charging Control (PCC) on service      up new bi-directional revenue streams.
data flows does not equate to the necessary
optimization for quality of experience (QoE).       Mobile video is particularly becoming more
A total traffic optimization solution takes into  and more important in the mobile ecosystem.
account real-time user monitoring analytics       Advertising revenue is transitioning from
along with predictive congestion techniques       traditional TV to online and mobile video
to deliver a premium content experience to        advertising platforms and mobile first is
the end user. It takes looking beyond the         becoming a leading initiative for many marketing
traditional network centric delivery model to     and advertising strategies. Video content
a content or application aware model.             providers are also embracing mobile’s inherently
                                                  social characteristics of video sharing by creating
  Content must be delivered to the mobile         more compelling high quality, short form content
user in the most optimal manner available         that is designed to be “share-worthy”.
based on the needs of the application and
expectations of the user. This requires an           Kristen Raybould is in product marketing at
understanding of the characteristics and          Akamai Technologies. She is tasked with
performance requirements of content in the        developing thought-leadership discussions
context of the mobile user’s experience in        around best practices for optimizing mobile
real time. Only by providing content-centric      video traffic and m onetizing the m obile
traffic optimization can mobile operators         network. Kristen is part of Akam ai’s
optimize traffic efficiently and deliver an       Emerging Mobile BU which is focused on
excellent subscriber experience. A content-       developing new and unique solutions for
aware mobile network takes into account           mobile network operators.

PAGE 24 Monday 2nd March                                                                               MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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