Page 6 - Mobile World Daily - Day One
P. 6


NEWS IN BRIEF...                   Nokia Networks promises                                                            ZTE’s Grand
                                   end to poor click-throughs                                                         S3 uses eye
Carrier Wi-Fi                                                                                                         biometrics
heading for                        By Paul Rasmussen                                                                  to eliminate
backhaul                                                                                                              passwords
bottleneck in 2019                 Nokia Networks claims its
                                             new predictive marketing                                                 By Joseph Waring
The number of carrier-grade                  software will bring an end to
Wi-Fi hotspots will exceed 31      the low uptake of marketing offers       operator to put together an offer in      Chinese equipment and                    and runs on Android 4.4.
million by 2019, says a report     sent to consumer handsets. The           a few hours, claims Twist (pictured).              handset supplier ZTE has          Prior to its debut at Mobile World
carried out by Real Wireless       company says operators adopting                                                             released a new Grand series
on behalf of Bluwan.               its new technology could see               “But the key message is it’s            flagship smartphone that uses eye        Congress, the Grand S3 was
However, the study also notes      campaign click-through rates rise        opening up a channel to customers         biometric authentication to unlock       released in China on 17 January. It
that the rising densification      from today’s 4 per cent to around        using information known to the            the device, eliminating the need for     is available online in China for
demands a fresh approach to        25 per cent.                             operator in a manner that hasn’t          passwords.                               CNY2,999 ($487).
overcoming backhaul                                                         been done before. It’s an opportunity
limitations and preserving           The infrastructure vendor has          for a new source of revenue using           Incorporating Eyeprint ID from           ZTE is also showcasing its Star 2,
network quality of experience.     been conducting a trial of its newly     network and customer data. It’ll also     EyeVerify, ZTE said its Grand S3         which features voice-activated
                                   announced predictive marketing           move the operator’s business model        offers an enhanced level of security     controls; its Blade S6, which has
Data usage highest                 software for some months with a          away from being a highly efficient        and is one of the first smartphones      ‘Smart Sense’ gesture controls and
in residential and                 large US-based operator and is           connectivity provider into gaining        in the world to support Eyeprint ID.     was released in Hong Kong in late
industrial locations               basing its click-through improvement     new sources of revenue and                                                         January; as well as the Spro 2, a
                                   rates on real usage data.                enabling better co-operation with            Rather than scan the iris or retina,  smart projector with a touchscreen
A new report from JDSU                                                      OTT providers.”                           it works by imaging and then             Android OS that was announced at
examining the geographical           “This new software is a                                                          matching the pattern of the blood        CES in January.
distribution of mobile data use    combination of data analytics about         The company confirmed that its         vessels in the whites of a user’s eyes
found that half of mobile data     user behaviour together with what’s      predictive marketing product              for highly accurate and fast identity      The company will release the
is being consumed by just 0.35     happening in the mobile operator’s       should become available in the            verification. Using a device’s front-    Star2 on 12 March at CeBIT in
per cent of the geographical       network, such as the user’s location,    second half of this year.                 facing camera, it takes just 800         Germany. The Blade S6 will launch
area covered by the network.       what device they’re using, etc.,” Phil                                             milliseconds for authentication,         via its channel partners in Germany,
Nearly three quarters (73 per      Twist, Nokia Networks VP of                                                        EyeVerify said.                          Spain, and France at the end of the
cent) of the data being            portfolio marketing, told Mobile                                                                                            month. This follows recent online
consumed in the most               World Daily.                                                                          “We are delighted to partner with     launches via AliExpress globally, as
extreme data consumption                                                                                              EyeVerify to bring Eyeprint ID to the    well as via eBay and Amazon for the
hotspots is in residential and       “Putting user behaviour and                                                      Grand S3,” said Adam Zeng                UK, Germany, France, Italy and
industrial zones.                  network data together enables the                                                  Xuezhong, CEO of ZTE Mobile              Spain.
                                   operator to make personalised and                                                  Devices. He said Eyeprint ID will soon
WeDo unveils RAID                  completely relevant offers to the                                                  be integrated with its mobile payment
Telecom                            end user closely associated with                                                   option and other applications.
                                   what they’re trying to do.”
WeDo Technologies unveiled                                                                                              The 4G model has a 5.5-inch
its new RAID Telecom software        Another highpoint of its                                                         screen and is 9.8mm thick. It
as part of the re-defined RAID     predictive marketing product is that                                               features a 2.5GHz quad-core chipset
Enterprise Business                its cloud based offering allows the
Assurance (EBA) family. The
new software is designed to        Ericsson CEO determined to push                                                    Alcatel OneTouch aims to
enable operators to track          ahead with transformation plan                                                     become top 3 handset player
relationships, identify issues to
reduce wasteful spending and       By Paul Rasmussen
improve the bottom line.
                                   Ericsson CEO, Hans Vestberg                 The CEO is expecting these new         By Joanne Taaffe                         Eastern Europe, and now claims to
Spirent enables                            (pictured), is unwavering in     software-based ventures - IP,                                                      be the number two player in Russia.
verification of                            his view that Ericsson must      OSS/BSS, services/integration and         Alcatel OneTouch is upping               It also has built up market share in
cellular to Wi-Fi                  continue with its 10-year                the cloud - not only to gain a market-             production by approximately     the US through carrier partnerships.
handovers                          transformation to stay relevant to       leading position, but to excel                     30 per cent with the aim of     However, the company, which sells
                                   the industry.                            financially. “In the last eight quarters  becoming one of the world’s three        mid-priced smartphones at below
Spirent Communications is                                                   we’ve seen improvement in our             largest handset manufacturers.           $300 that come with high-end
helping mobile operators to          “It’s a massive transformation for     overall profit margins because these                                               features, needs to succeed in
validate the experience of         the company. We could stay where         new investment areas are starting to        Part of China’s TCL group, the         Western Europe, where it is currently
subscribers as they move           we’re dominant, but my job is to         generate improved revenues.”              company shipped 80 million units in      weak. To this end it will open new e-
between mobile networks,           ensure that Ericsson is relevant in                                                2014, which it claims makes it the       commerce channels, aim to build
carrier Wi-Fi hotspots and         the long-term, not just for the next       “We believe that the worldwide          fourth-largest device manufacturer       relationships with operators and
private wireless networks.         two quarters.”                           infrastructure market will grow at        globally. “Two or three years ago we     launch its latest Idol phone globally.
Spirent Landslide tests the                                                 between 3 per cent and 5 per cent         were number 11,” said William
performance and scalability          Vestberg told Mobile World Daily       annually. The new investment areas        Dowie, portfolio director, global           Yet the company recognises there
of the Wi-Fi access point, Wi-     that the company is only making          will grow at 10 per cent, or more.”       marketing and products center. In        will be challenges in a market that is
Fi offload gateway and the         acquisitions in sectors where it’s not                                             2015 the company aims to                 in flux. In the lower range of
mobile core network.               the number one player today. “It’s a       However, Vestberg indicated a           manufacture 110 million devices,         smartphones “there will be a bloody
                                   high-risk approach and we’re             level of concern with revamping           said Dowie.                              war on pricing,” said Dowie.
TDC chooses                        betting on new areas which, of           the world’s largest infrastructure
TEOCO to improve                   course, require fresh investment to      supplier. “The speed of our                 Yet unlike competitors such as            Meanwhile “the top-end of the
network                            become the number one. And the           transformation is the greatest risk.      Xiaomi, Alcatel OneTouch’s growth        market is slowing down and we will
performance                        competition in these new business        Too slow will mean we miss out on         has come from outside its home           face more competition as people
                                   sectors is very different from where     new investment opportunities; too         base of China, where it has a market     step into the mid-range,” said Dowie.
TDC has picked TEOCO’s             we started from five years ago.”         fast and we risk damaging our areas       share of below 10 per cent. “We’re
performance management                                                      of strength. The allocation of            relatively small in the whole of Asia-      “But we still see growth in the $200
tool, Optima, to improve the         As evidence of this change,            capital across our businesses is the      Pac,” said Dowie, who added that         to $300 range,” he added. And to
performance of its mobile          Vestberg pointed to Ericsson’s 2014      biggest challenge I have today.”          Alcatel OneTouch is the Chinese          prevent price erosion it is counting on
network in Denmark. The            revenue where hardware sales                                                       OEM that ships the most devices          features such as front-end speakers
Danish operator will use the       contributed 35 per cent of the total,                                              outside its home market.                 with a hi-fi chip from Clarion and a
tool to reduce the cost of         with software making up the rest.                                                                                           reversible screen which features on
managing the mobile network        “And that’s on a $35 billion                                                         Instead Alcatel OneTouch so far        the IDOL 3 phone it unveiled at
while benefiting from new          business. We’re a totally different                                                has focused on Latin America and         Mobile World Congress.
features and functionalities.      company from what we were 10
                                   years ago.”

PAGE 6 Monday 2nd March                                                     MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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