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Chapter 3: The future of work in Europe: job quality and work organisation for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
Hempell, T. and Zwick, T., ‘New Technol- Ichniowski, C., Kochan, T. A., Levine, D., Inanc, H., Labour Market Insecurity and
ogy, Work Organisation, and Innova- Olson, C. and Strauss, G., ‘What works Family Relationships, 2010.
tion’, Economics of Innovation and New at work: overview and assessment’,
Technology, Vol. 17, No 4, 2008, avail- Industrial Relations, Vol. 35, 1996, Jackall, R., Moral Mazes, Oxford Univer-
able at pp. 356–74. sity Press, New York, 1988.
U467gvl_tbE Ichniowski, C., Shaw, K. and Prennushi, Jackson, T., ‘Let’s Be Less Productive’, The
G., ‘The effects of human resource New York Times, 26 May 2012.
Heywood, J. S. and Siebert, W. S., ‘Under- management practices on productivity:
standing the Labour Market for Older a study of steel finishing lines’, Ameri- Jencks, C., Perman, L. and Rainwater, L.,
Workers: A Survey’, Discussion Paper can Economic Review, Vol. 87, 1997, ‘What Is a Good Job? A New Measure of
No 4033, 2009, available at http://ftp. pp. 293–313. Labour-Market Success’, American Jour - nal of Sociology, Vol. 93, No 6, 1988,
Idea Consult and ECORYS, ‘Study on pp. 1322–57.
High Level Group on Key Enabling Tech- the economic and social effects asso-
nologies (HLGKET), ‘Thematic Report by ciated with the phenomenon of post- Kahneman, D., Thinking, fast and slow,
the Working Team on Advanced Manu- ing of workers in the EU’, Report on Macmillan, 2011.
facturing Systems’, 2010, available at behalf of DG EMPL, 2011, available at Kalleberg, A. L. and Vaisey, S., ‘Pathways
ict/files/kets/6_advanced_manufactur- let?docId=6678&langId=en to a good job: perceived work quality
ing_report_en.pdf among machinists in North America’,
International Labour Foundation for British Journal of Industrial Relations,
Hobson, A. and Pace-Schott, E. F., ‘The Sustainable Development, ‘Green Jobs Vol. 43, 2005, pp. 431–54.
cognitive neuroscience of sleep: neuronal and Women Workers Employment,
systems, cosciouncesness and learning’, Equity, Equality’, 2009, available at Karasek, R. A. and Theorell, T., Healthy
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3, (Sep- work, stress, productivity and the recon-
tember) 2002, pp. 679–693. women.en.pdf struction of work life, Basic Books,
New York, 1990.
Holmlund, B., ‘What do labor market insti - International Labour Organisation (ILO)
tutions do?’, IZA DP No 7809, 2013, avail - , ‘Green jobs: Improving the climate Kärreman, D. and Alvesson, M., ‘Cages
able at for gender equality too!’, 2008, avail - in Tandem: Management Control, Social
get/diva2:668186/FULLTEXT01.pdf able at Identity, and Identification in a Knowl-
files/8307_wcms1015051.pdf edge-Intensive Firm’, Organization,
Hübler, O. and Jirjahn, U., ‘Arbeitsproduk - Vol. 11, 2004, p. 149.
tivität, Reorganisationsmaßnahmen und International Labour Organisa-
Betriebsräte’, in Bellmann, L. and Kölling, tion (ILO), ‘Sustainable develop- Kelley, R., The Gold Collar Worker — Har-
A. (eds.), Betrieblicher Wandel und ment, decent work and green jobs’, nessing the Brainpower of the New Work -
Fachkräftebedarf, Beiträge zur Arbeits- 2013a, available at force, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990.
markt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 257, wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---
2002, pp. 1–45. relconf/documents/meetingdocument/ Kim, G. and Lee, H.-R., ‘Mothers’ work-
wcms_207370.pdf ing hours and children’s obesity: Data
Huselid, M. A., ‘The impact of human from the Korean national health
resource management practices on turn - International Labour Organisation (ILO), and nutrition examination survey
over, productivity, and corporate financial ‘Social Dimensions of Free Trade Agree- 2008–10’, Annual Occupational &
performance’, Academy of Management ments’, 2013b, available at http://www. Environmental Medicine Symposium,
Journal, Vol. 38, 1995, pp. 635–72. Vol. 25, No 28, 2013.
Huwart, J.-Y. and Verdier, L., ‘Does Glo- Klaver, de P., van der Graaf, A., Gri-
balization promote employment?’, in International Labour Organisation jpstra, D. and Snijders, J., ‘More and
Economic Globalization: Origins and (ILO), ‘Decent work agenda’, s.a., avail- better jobs in home-care services’,
consequences, OECD Publishing, 2013, able at 2013, available at http://www.euro-
available at http://www.oecd-ilibrary. the-ilo/decent-work-agenda/lang--en/
org/economics/economic-globalisa index.htm files/ef1353.htm
employment_9789264111905-7-en International Labour Organisation (ILO) Knabe, A. and Plum, A., ‘Low-wage
and Organisation for Economic Co-opera- Jobs — Springboard to High-paid Ones?’,
Ichino, A. and Riphahn, R., ‘The effect of tion and Development (OECD), ‘Sustainable Labour, Vol. 27, No 3, 2013, pp. 310–30,
employment protection on worker eff ort: development, green growth and quality of available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.
Absenteeism during and after probation’, employment’, Background paper for the com/doi/10.1111/labr.12015/full
Journal of the European Economic Asso - meeting of the G20 Labour and Employ-
ciation, Vol. 3, No 1, 2005, pp. 120–43, ment Ministers, Guadalajara, 17–18 May, Knights, D. and Willmott, H., ‘Power and
available at 2012, available at Subjectivity at Work’, Sociology, Vol. 23,
doi/10.1162/1542476053295296/abstract emp/50318559.pdf No 4, 1989, pp. 535–58.
Hempell, T. and Zwick, T., ‘New Technol- Ichniowski, C., Kochan, T. A., Levine, D., Inanc, H., Labour Market Insecurity and
ogy, Work Organisation, and Innova- Olson, C. and Strauss, G., ‘What works Family Relationships, 2010.
tion’, Economics of Innovation and New at work: overview and assessment’,
Technology, Vol. 17, No 4, 2008, avail- Industrial Relations, Vol. 35, 1996, Jackall, R., Moral Mazes, Oxford Univer-
able at pp. 356–74. sity Press, New York, 1988.
U467gvl_tbE Ichniowski, C., Shaw, K. and Prennushi, Jackson, T., ‘Let’s Be Less Productive’, The
G., ‘The effects of human resource New York Times, 26 May 2012.
Heywood, J. S. and Siebert, W. S., ‘Under- management practices on productivity:
standing the Labour Market for Older a study of steel finishing lines’, Ameri- Jencks, C., Perman, L. and Rainwater, L.,
Workers: A Survey’, Discussion Paper can Economic Review, Vol. 87, 1997, ‘What Is a Good Job? A New Measure of
No 4033, 2009, available at http://ftp. pp. 293–313. Labour-Market Success’, American Jour - nal of Sociology, Vol. 93, No 6, 1988,
Idea Consult and ECORYS, ‘Study on pp. 1322–57.
High Level Group on Key Enabling Tech- the economic and social effects asso-
nologies (HLGKET), ‘Thematic Report by ciated with the phenomenon of post- Kahneman, D., Thinking, fast and slow,
the Working Team on Advanced Manu- ing of workers in the EU’, Report on Macmillan, 2011.
facturing Systems’, 2010, available at behalf of DG EMPL, 2011, available at Kalleberg, A. L. and Vaisey, S., ‘Pathways
ict/files/kets/6_advanced_manufactur- let?docId=6678&langId=en to a good job: perceived work quality
ing_report_en.pdf among machinists in North America’,
International Labour Foundation for British Journal of Industrial Relations,
Hobson, A. and Pace-Schott, E. F., ‘The Sustainable Development, ‘Green Jobs Vol. 43, 2005, pp. 431–54.
cognitive neuroscience of sleep: neuronal and Women Workers Employment,
systems, cosciouncesness and learning’, Equity, Equality’, 2009, available at Karasek, R. A. and Theorell, T., Healthy
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3, (Sep- work, stress, productivity and the recon-
tember) 2002, pp. 679–693. women.en.pdf struction of work life, Basic Books,
New York, 1990.
Holmlund, B., ‘What do labor market insti - International Labour Organisation (ILO)
tutions do?’, IZA DP No 7809, 2013, avail - , ‘Green jobs: Improving the climate Kärreman, D. and Alvesson, M., ‘Cages
able at for gender equality too!’, 2008, avail - in Tandem: Management Control, Social
get/diva2:668186/FULLTEXT01.pdf able at Identity, and Identification in a Knowl-
files/8307_wcms1015051.pdf edge-Intensive Firm’, Organization,
Hübler, O. and Jirjahn, U., ‘Arbeitsproduk - Vol. 11, 2004, p. 149.
tivität, Reorganisationsmaßnahmen und International Labour Organisa-
Betriebsräte’, in Bellmann, L. and Kölling, tion (ILO), ‘Sustainable develop- Kelley, R., The Gold Collar Worker — Har-
A. (eds.), Betrieblicher Wandel und ment, decent work and green jobs’, nessing the Brainpower of the New Work -
Fachkräftebedarf, Beiträge zur Arbeits- 2013a, available at force, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990.
markt- und Berufsforschung, Vol. 257, wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_norm/---
2002, pp. 1–45. relconf/documents/meetingdocument/ Kim, G. and Lee, H.-R., ‘Mothers’ work-
wcms_207370.pdf ing hours and children’s obesity: Data
Huselid, M. A., ‘The impact of human from the Korean national health
resource management practices on turn - International Labour Organisation (ILO), and nutrition examination survey
over, productivity, and corporate financial ‘Social Dimensions of Free Trade Agree- 2008–10’, Annual Occupational &
performance’, Academy of Management ments’, 2013b, available at http://www. Environmental Medicine Symposium,
Journal, Vol. 38, 1995, pp. 635–72. Vol. 25, No 28, 2013.
Huwart, J.-Y. and Verdier, L., ‘Does Glo- Klaver, de P., van der Graaf, A., Gri-
balization promote employment?’, in International Labour Organisation jpstra, D. and Snijders, J., ‘More and
Economic Globalization: Origins and (ILO), ‘Decent work agenda’, s.a., avail- better jobs in home-care services’,
consequences, OECD Publishing, 2013, able at 2013, available at http://www.euro-
available at http://www.oecd-ilibrary. the-ilo/decent-work-agenda/lang--en/
org/economics/economic-globalisa index.htm files/ef1353.htm
employment_9789264111905-7-en International Labour Organisation (ILO) Knabe, A. and Plum, A., ‘Low-wage
and Organisation for Economic Co-opera- Jobs — Springboard to High-paid Ones?’,
Ichino, A. and Riphahn, R., ‘The effect of tion and Development (OECD), ‘Sustainable Labour, Vol. 27, No 3, 2013, pp. 310–30,
employment protection on worker eff ort: development, green growth and quality of available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.
Absenteeism during and after probation’, employment’, Background paper for the com/doi/10.1111/labr.12015/full
Journal of the European Economic Asso - meeting of the G20 Labour and Employ-
ciation, Vol. 3, No 1, 2005, pp. 120–43, ment Ministers, Guadalajara, 17–18 May, Knights, D. and Willmott, H., ‘Power and
available at 2012, available at Subjectivity at Work’, Sociology, Vol. 23,
doi/10.1162/1542476053295296/abstract emp/50318559.pdf No 4, 1989, pp. 535–58.