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Chapter 3: The future of work in Europe: job quality and work organisation for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
Stiglitz, J., Sen, A. and Fitoussi, J.-P., ‘Report 2012, available at Virtanen, M., Stansfeld, S. A., Fuhrer, R.,
by the Commission on the Measurement content/dam/undp/library/gender/Gen- Ferrie, J. E. and Kivimaäki, M., ‘Overtime
of Economic performance and Social der%20and%20Environment/Powerful- Work as a Predictor of Major Depres-
Progress’, 2009, available at http://www. Synergies.pdf sive Episode: A 5-Year Follow-Up of the Whitehall II Study’, PLoS ONE, Vol. 7,
port_anglais.pdf United Nations Economic Commission No 1, 2012.
for Europe (UNECE), ‘Introduction of the
Sumner, S. A. and Layde, P. M., ‘Expansion of Conceptual Framework for Measuring the Visser, J., ‘The Institutional Characteris-
renewable energy industries and implica- Quality of Employment’, 2009, available at tics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State
tions for occupational health’, Journal of Intervention and Social Pacts’, ICTWSS
the American Medical Association, Vol. 302, documents/ece/ces/ge.12/2009/zip.4.e.pdf Database, version 4.0, 2013, available
No 7, 2009. at
United Nations Economic Commission
Sverke, M., Hellgren, J. and Näswall, K., for Europe (UNECE), ‘Measuring quality Wahrendorf, M., Sembajwe, G., Zins, M.,
‘Job insecurity. A literature review’, 2006, of employment. Country pilot reports’, Berkman, L., Goldberg, M. and Siegrist, J.,
available at 2010, available at ‘Long-term Effects of Psychosocial Work
saltsa/2006/wlr2006_01.pdf fileadmin/DAM/publications/oes/STATS_ Stress in Midlife on Health Functioning
MeasuringQualityEmploment.E.pdf After Labor Market Exit — Results from
Taylor, P. and Walker, A., ‘Age dis- the GAZEL Study’, The Journals of Ger-
crimination in the Labour Market and United Nations Environment Programme ontology: Series B, Vol. 67, No 4, 2012,
Policy responses: the Situation in the (UNEP), ‘Green Jobs — Towards Decent pp. 471–80, available at http://psych-
United Kingdom’, The Geneva Papers Work in a Sustainable, Low ‘Carbon World’,
on Risk and Insurance, Vol. 28, No 4, 2008, available at tent/67/4/471.short
2003, pp. 612–24, available at http:// PDF/UNEPGreenjobs_report08.pdf Wang, P. S., Beck, A. L., Berglund, P., McK-
Geneva_papers_on_Risk_and_Insurance/ United States Department of Labor, ‘Why enas, D. K., Pronk, N. P. et al., ‘Effects of
GA2003_GP28(4)_Taylor&Walker.pdf Green Is Your Color: A Woman’s Guide to major depression on moment-in-time
a Sustainable Career’, available at http:// work performance’, American Journal
Tahlin, M. (2013), ‘Distribution in the - of Psychiatry, Vol. 161, No 10, 2004,
Downturn’, Chapter 3 in Gallie (2013). Jobs%20Ch%202.pdf pp. 1885–91.
Theorell, T., ‘Psychosocial factors in Valeyre, A., Lorenz, E., Cartron, D., Csizma- Weintraub, E. R., ‘Neoclassical Econom-
research on work conditions and health dia, P., Gollac, M., Illéssy, M. and Makó, C., ics’, in The Concise Encyclopedia Of Eco-
in Sweden’, Scandinavian Journal of Eurofound, Work organisation in Europe, nomics, 2007.
Work and Environmental Health, Vol. 33, Technical report, 2008.
No 1, 2007, pp. 20-6. Westgaard, R. H. and Winkel, J., ‘Occu-
Valeyre, A., Lorenz, E., Cartron, D., Csiz- pational musculoskeletal and mental
Theorell, T. and Karasek, R., ‘Current madia, P., Gollac, M., Illéssy, M., and health: Significance of rationalization
issues relating to psychosocial job Makó, C., ‘Working conditions in the and opportunities to create sustainable
strain and cardiovascular disease European Union: Work organisation’, production systems — A systematic
research’, Journal of Occupational Eurofound report, 2009, available at review’, Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 42,
Health and Psychology, Vol. 1, No 1, 2011, pp. 261–96.
pp. 9–26. cations/htmlfiles/ef0862.htm
Wills, J., ‘Subcontracted Employment and
Thompson, C.A. and Prottas, D., ‘Relation - Vieira, J. A. C., ‘Low pay, higher pay its Challenge to Labor’, Labor Studies
ship Among Organizational Family Sup- and job quality: empirical evidence for Journal, Vol. 443, No 4, p. 441.
port, Job Autonomy, Perceived Control, Portugal’, Applied Economics Letters,
and Employee Well-Being’, Journal of Vol. 12, No 8, 2005, pp. 505–11, avail- Wolf, E. and Zwick, T., ‘Welche Personal -
Occupational Health Psychology, Vol. 10, able at maßnahmen entfalten eine Produktivitäts-
No 4, 2005, pp. 100–18. abs/10.1080/13504850500109907#. wirkung?’, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft,
UzghEfl_vl8 Vol. 73 (EH4/2003), 2003, pp. 43–62.
Totterdill, P., ‘The Future We Want? Work
and Organisations in 2020’, A Report by Vienna Institute for International Eco- Work Foundation, ‘Is Knowledge Work
the Advisory Board of the UK Work Organ - nomic Studies, WiiW, ‘Study on various Better For Us? Knowledge workers, good
isation Network, 2014, available at http:// aspects of earnings distribution using work and wellbeing’, 2010, available micro-data from the European Structure at
UKWON_2020_Report of Earnings Survey’, Final report submit- downloadpublication/report/238_238_
ted to DG EMPL (contract VC/2013/0019), ke_wellbeing_final_final.pdf
United Nations Development Pro- 2014, available at
gramme (UNDP), ‘Powerful synergies. social/keyDocuments.jsp?advSearchKey Wright, P., Managerial Leadership, Rout-
Gender Equality, Economic Develop =analysislabourmarket&mode=advanc ledge, London, 1996.
ment and Environmental Sustainability’, edSubmit&langId=en&policyArea=&typ
Stiglitz, J., Sen, A. and Fitoussi, J.-P., ‘Report 2012, available at Virtanen, M., Stansfeld, S. A., Fuhrer, R.,
by the Commission on the Measurement content/dam/undp/library/gender/Gen- Ferrie, J. E. and Kivimaäki, M., ‘Overtime
of Economic performance and Social der%20and%20Environment/Powerful- Work as a Predictor of Major Depres-
Progress’, 2009, available at http://www. Synergies.pdf sive Episode: A 5-Year Follow-Up of the Whitehall II Study’, PLoS ONE, Vol. 7,
port_anglais.pdf United Nations Economic Commission No 1, 2012.
for Europe (UNECE), ‘Introduction of the
Sumner, S. A. and Layde, P. M., ‘Expansion of Conceptual Framework for Measuring the Visser, J., ‘The Institutional Characteris-
renewable energy industries and implica- Quality of Employment’, 2009, available at tics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State
tions for occupational health’, Journal of Intervention and Social Pacts’, ICTWSS
the American Medical Association, Vol. 302, documents/ece/ces/ge.12/2009/zip.4.e.pdf Database, version 4.0, 2013, available
No 7, 2009. at
United Nations Economic Commission
Sverke, M., Hellgren, J. and Näswall, K., for Europe (UNECE), ‘Measuring quality Wahrendorf, M., Sembajwe, G., Zins, M.,
‘Job insecurity. A literature review’, 2006, of employment. Country pilot reports’, Berkman, L., Goldberg, M. and Siegrist, J.,
available at 2010, available at ‘Long-term Effects of Psychosocial Work
saltsa/2006/wlr2006_01.pdf fileadmin/DAM/publications/oes/STATS_ Stress in Midlife on Health Functioning
MeasuringQualityEmploment.E.pdf After Labor Market Exit — Results from
Taylor, P. and Walker, A., ‘Age dis- the GAZEL Study’, The Journals of Ger-
crimination in the Labour Market and United Nations Environment Programme ontology: Series B, Vol. 67, No 4, 2012,
Policy responses: the Situation in the (UNEP), ‘Green Jobs — Towards Decent pp. 471–80, available at http://psych-
United Kingdom’, The Geneva Papers Work in a Sustainable, Low ‘Carbon World’,
on Risk and Insurance, Vol. 28, No 4, 2008, available at tent/67/4/471.short
2003, pp. 612–24, available at http:// PDF/UNEPGreenjobs_report08.pdf Wang, P. S., Beck, A. L., Berglund, P., McK-
Geneva_papers_on_Risk_and_Insurance/ United States Department of Labor, ‘Why enas, D. K., Pronk, N. P. et al., ‘Effects of
GA2003_GP28(4)_Taylor&Walker.pdf Green Is Your Color: A Woman’s Guide to major depression on moment-in-time
a Sustainable Career’, available at http:// work performance’, American Journal
Tahlin, M. (2013), ‘Distribution in the - of Psychiatry, Vol. 161, No 10, 2004,
Downturn’, Chapter 3 in Gallie (2013). Jobs%20Ch%202.pdf pp. 1885–91.
Theorell, T., ‘Psychosocial factors in Valeyre, A., Lorenz, E., Cartron, D., Csizma- Weintraub, E. R., ‘Neoclassical Econom-
research on work conditions and health dia, P., Gollac, M., Illéssy, M. and Makó, C., ics’, in The Concise Encyclopedia Of Eco-
in Sweden’, Scandinavian Journal of Eurofound, Work organisation in Europe, nomics, 2007.
Work and Environmental Health, Vol. 33, Technical report, 2008.
No 1, 2007, pp. 20-6. Westgaard, R. H. and Winkel, J., ‘Occu-
Valeyre, A., Lorenz, E., Cartron, D., Csiz- pational musculoskeletal and mental
Theorell, T. and Karasek, R., ‘Current madia, P., Gollac, M., Illéssy, M., and health: Significance of rationalization
issues relating to psychosocial job Makó, C., ‘Working conditions in the and opportunities to create sustainable
strain and cardiovascular disease European Union: Work organisation’, production systems — A systematic
research’, Journal of Occupational Eurofound report, 2009, available at review’, Applied Ergonomics, Vol. 42,
Health and Psychology, Vol. 1, No 1, 2011, pp. 261–96.
pp. 9–26. cations/htmlfiles/ef0862.htm
Wills, J., ‘Subcontracted Employment and
Thompson, C.A. and Prottas, D., ‘Relation - Vieira, J. A. C., ‘Low pay, higher pay its Challenge to Labor’, Labor Studies
ship Among Organizational Family Sup- and job quality: empirical evidence for Journal, Vol. 443, No 4, p. 441.
port, Job Autonomy, Perceived Control, Portugal’, Applied Economics Letters,
and Employee Well-Being’, Journal of Vol. 12, No 8, 2005, pp. 505–11, avail- Wolf, E. and Zwick, T., ‘Welche Personal -
Occupational Health Psychology, Vol. 10, able at maßnahmen entfalten eine Produktivitäts-
No 4, 2005, pp. 100–18. abs/10.1080/13504850500109907#. wirkung?’, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft,
UzghEfl_vl8 Vol. 73 (EH4/2003), 2003, pp. 43–62.
Totterdill, P., ‘The Future We Want? Work
and Organisations in 2020’, A Report by Vienna Institute for International Eco- Work Foundation, ‘Is Knowledge Work
the Advisory Board of the UK Work Organ - nomic Studies, WiiW, ‘Study on various Better For Us? Knowledge workers, good
isation Network, 2014, available at http:// aspects of earnings distribution using work and wellbeing’, 2010, available micro-data from the European Structure at
UKWON_2020_Report of Earnings Survey’, Final report submit- downloadpublication/report/238_238_
ted to DG EMPL (contract VC/2013/0019), ke_wellbeing_final_final.pdf
United Nations Development Pro- 2014, available at
gramme (UNDP), ‘Powerful synergies. social/keyDocuments.jsp?advSearchKey Wright, P., Managerial Leadership, Rout-
Gender Equality, Economic Develop =analysislabourmarket&mode=advanc ledge, London, 1996.
ment and Environmental Sustainability’, edSubmit&langId=en&policyArea=&typ