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Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2014
Kovacs, J. with Hilbert, C., Veselkova, Lewis, S. and Malecha, A., ‘The impact of MacDuffie, J. P. and Pil, F. K., ‘Changes in
M. and Virag, T., ‘Jobs first? In search workplace incivility on the work environ- Auto Industry Employment Practices: An
of quality’, NEUJOBS State of the art ment, manager skill, and productivity’, International Overview’, in Thomas, K.,
2011, available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Report N.D 2.1, 2012, available at Lansbury, R. and MacDuffie, J. P. (eds.), After Lean Production, Cornell University
files/publication/2012/08/NEUJOBS%20 Press, Ithaca, 1997, pp. 9–42.
STATE%20OF%20THE%20ART%20Lillie, N., ‘Subcontracting, Posted Migrants
REPORT%20NO.%20D%202.1.pdf and Labour Market Segmentation in Fin - Machin, S., ‘Wage inequalities since
land’, British Journal of Industrial Rela- 1975’, in Dickens, R., Gregg, P. and
Kunda, G., Engineering Culture. Control tions, Vol. 50, No 1, 2011, pp. 148–67, Wadsworth, J. (Eds.), The Labour Market
and Commitment in a High-Tech Corpo- available at Under New Labour, Palgrave MacMillan,
ration, Temple University Press, Philadel - publication/227371573_Subcontract- London, 2003.
phia, PA, 1992. ing_Posted_Migrants_and_Labour_Mar-
ket_Segmentation_in_Finland MacIntyre, A., After Virtue, University of
Langfred, C. W. and Moye, A., ‘Effects Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN, 1984.
of Task Autonomy on Performance: Lindbeck, A. and Snower, D., ‘The Insider-
An Extended Model Considering Moti- Outsider Theory: A Survey’, IZA DP Mahdi, A. F., Zin, M. Z. M., Nor, M. R. M,
vational, Informational and Structural No 534, 2002, available at http://ftp.iza. Sakat, A. A. and Naim, A. S. A., ‘The
Mechanisms’, Journal of Applied Psy- org/dp534.pdf relationship between job satisfaction
chology, Vol. 89, No 6, 2004, pp. 934–45. and turnover intention’, American Jour-
Lindström, M., ‘Psychosocial work con- nal of Applied Science, 2012, Vol. 9,
Layard, R., Happiness. Lessons from ditions, social participation and social pp. 1518–26.
a New Science, Allen Lane. capital: A causal pathway investigated
in a longitudinal study’, Social Science Majundar, S., ‘Market conditions and
Lazear, E. P. and Rosen, S., ‘Rank-order and Medicine, Vol. 62, pp. 280–91, avail - worker training: how does it affect and
Tournaments as Optimum Labor Con- able at whom?’ Labour Economics, Vol. 14, No 1,
tracts’, Journal of Political Economy, pubmed/16098650 2007, pp. 1–23.
Vol. 89, 1981, pp. 841–64.
Liu, C., Spector, P. E. and Jex, S., ‘The Mankins, M., Bahm, C. and Caimi,
Lehndorff, S. and Voss-Dahm, D., ‘The relation of job control with job strains: G., ‘Your Scarcest Resource, a Bain
delegation of uncertainty: flexibility and A comparison of multiple data sources’, & Company report’, Harvard Business
the role of the market in service work’, in Journal of Occupational and Organi- Review, 2014.
Bosch, G. and Lehndorff, S. (eds.), Work- zational Psychology, Vol. 78, 2005,
ing in the service sector — a tale from pp. 325–36. Mark, G., Gudith, D. and Klocke, U., ‘The
different worlds, Routledge, London and Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speed
New York, 2005, pp. 289–315. Lloyd-Ellis, H., ‘On the impact of inequality and Stress’, CHI ‘08 Proceedings of the
on productivity growth in the short and SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors
Leschke, J. and Watt, A., ‘Job qual- long run: a synthesis’, Canadian Public in Computing Systems, ACM, New York,
ity in Europe’, ETUI Working Paper WP Policy — Analyse de Politiques, Vol. XXIX, USA, 2008.
2008.07, 2008, available at http://www. Supplement/Numéro Spécial, 2003. Marmot, M., Status syndrome: How your
Job-quality-in-Europe Lorenz, E. and Valeyre, A., ‘Les formes social standing directly affects your
d’organisation du travail dans les pays de health and life expectancy, Bloomsbury,
Leschke, J. and Watt, A. with Finn, M., ‘Putting l’Union européenne’, Document de Travail London, 2004.
a number on job quality?’, ETUI Working Paper du Centre d’études de l’emploi, No 32,
WP 2008.03, 2008, available at http://www. Noisy-le-Grand, France, Centre d’études Martinson, K., Stanczyk, A. and Eyster, de l’emploi, 2004. L., ‘Low-Skill Workers’ Access to Qual-
Putting-a-number-on-job-quality ity Green Jobs’, The Urban Institute,
Lorenz, E. and Valeyre, A., ‘Organisational Brief 13, 2010, available at http://www.
Leschke, J. and Watt, A. with Finn, M., Innovation, Human Resource Manage-
‘Job quality in the crisis — an update of ment and Labour Market Structure’, The skilled-worker.pdf
the Job Quality Index (JQI)’, ETUI Work- Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 47,
ing Paper 2012.07, 2012, available at No 4, 2005, pp. 424–42. Mather, M. and Lighthall, N. R., ‘Risk and reward are processed differently in deci -
ing-Papers/Job-quality-in-the-crisis-an- Lucas, R., ‘On the mechanics of economic sions made under stress’, Current Direc-
update-of-the-Job-Quality-Index-JQI development’, Journal of Monetary Eco- tions in Psychological Science, Vol. 21,
nomics, Vol. 22, 1988, pp. 3–42. No 1, 2012, pp. 36–41.
Levine, L. and Tyson, L. D., ‘Participation,
productivity, and the firm’s environment’, Luttmer, E. F. P., ‘Neighbors as Nega- Mathers, C. D. and Loncar, D., ‘Projec-
in Blinder, A. (ed.), Paying for Productivity, tives: Relative Earnings and Well-Being’, tions of global mortality and burden of
Brookings Institution, Washington, 1990, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 120, disease from 2002 to 2030’, PLoS Med,
pp. 183–236. No 3, 2005, pp. 963–1002. Vol. 3, 2006.
Kovacs, J. with Hilbert, C., Veselkova, Lewis, S. and Malecha, A., ‘The impact of MacDuffie, J. P. and Pil, F. K., ‘Changes in
M. and Virag, T., ‘Jobs first? In search workplace incivility on the work environ- Auto Industry Employment Practices: An
of quality’, NEUJOBS State of the art ment, manager skill, and productivity’, International Overview’, in Thomas, K.,
2011, available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.
Report N.D 2.1, 2012, available at Lansbury, R. and MacDuffie, J. P. (eds.), After Lean Production, Cornell University
files/publication/2012/08/NEUJOBS%20 Press, Ithaca, 1997, pp. 9–42.
STATE%20OF%20THE%20ART%20Lillie, N., ‘Subcontracting, Posted Migrants
REPORT%20NO.%20D%202.1.pdf and Labour Market Segmentation in Fin - Machin, S., ‘Wage inequalities since
land’, British Journal of Industrial Rela- 1975’, in Dickens, R., Gregg, P. and
Kunda, G., Engineering Culture. Control tions, Vol. 50, No 1, 2011, pp. 148–67, Wadsworth, J. (Eds.), The Labour Market
and Commitment in a High-Tech Corpo- available at Under New Labour, Palgrave MacMillan,
ration, Temple University Press, Philadel - publication/227371573_Subcontract- London, 2003.
phia, PA, 1992. ing_Posted_Migrants_and_Labour_Mar-
ket_Segmentation_in_Finland MacIntyre, A., After Virtue, University of
Langfred, C. W. and Moye, A., ‘Effects Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN, 1984.
of Task Autonomy on Performance: Lindbeck, A. and Snower, D., ‘The Insider-
An Extended Model Considering Moti- Outsider Theory: A Survey’, IZA DP Mahdi, A. F., Zin, M. Z. M., Nor, M. R. M,
vational, Informational and Structural No 534, 2002, available at http://ftp.iza. Sakat, A. A. and Naim, A. S. A., ‘The
Mechanisms’, Journal of Applied Psy- org/dp534.pdf relationship between job satisfaction
chology, Vol. 89, No 6, 2004, pp. 934–45. and turnover intention’, American Jour-
Lindström, M., ‘Psychosocial work con- nal of Applied Science, 2012, Vol. 9,
Layard, R., Happiness. Lessons from ditions, social participation and social pp. 1518–26.
a New Science, Allen Lane. capital: A causal pathway investigated
in a longitudinal study’, Social Science Majundar, S., ‘Market conditions and
Lazear, E. P. and Rosen, S., ‘Rank-order and Medicine, Vol. 62, pp. 280–91, avail - worker training: how does it affect and
Tournaments as Optimum Labor Con- able at whom?’ Labour Economics, Vol. 14, No 1,
tracts’, Journal of Political Economy, pubmed/16098650 2007, pp. 1–23.
Vol. 89, 1981, pp. 841–64.
Liu, C., Spector, P. E. and Jex, S., ‘The Mankins, M., Bahm, C. and Caimi,
Lehndorff, S. and Voss-Dahm, D., ‘The relation of job control with job strains: G., ‘Your Scarcest Resource, a Bain
delegation of uncertainty: flexibility and A comparison of multiple data sources’, & Company report’, Harvard Business
the role of the market in service work’, in Journal of Occupational and Organi- Review, 2014.
Bosch, G. and Lehndorff, S. (eds.), Work- zational Psychology, Vol. 78, 2005,
ing in the service sector — a tale from pp. 325–36. Mark, G., Gudith, D. and Klocke, U., ‘The
different worlds, Routledge, London and Cost of Interrupted Work: More Speed
New York, 2005, pp. 289–315. Lloyd-Ellis, H., ‘On the impact of inequality and Stress’, CHI ‘08 Proceedings of the
on productivity growth in the short and SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors
Leschke, J. and Watt, A., ‘Job qual- long run: a synthesis’, Canadian Public in Computing Systems, ACM, New York,
ity in Europe’, ETUI Working Paper WP Policy — Analyse de Politiques, Vol. XXIX, USA, 2008.
2008.07, 2008, available at http://www. Supplement/Numéro Spécial, 2003. Marmot, M., Status syndrome: How your
Job-quality-in-Europe Lorenz, E. and Valeyre, A., ‘Les formes social standing directly affects your
d’organisation du travail dans les pays de health and life expectancy, Bloomsbury,
Leschke, J. and Watt, A. with Finn, M., ‘Putting l’Union européenne’, Document de Travail London, 2004.
a number on job quality?’, ETUI Working Paper du Centre d’études de l’emploi, No 32,
WP 2008.03, 2008, available at http://www. Noisy-le-Grand, France, Centre d’études Martinson, K., Stanczyk, A. and Eyster, de l’emploi, 2004. L., ‘Low-Skill Workers’ Access to Qual-
Putting-a-number-on-job-quality ity Green Jobs’, The Urban Institute,
Lorenz, E. and Valeyre, A., ‘Organisational Brief 13, 2010, available at http://www.
Leschke, J. and Watt, A. with Finn, M., Innovation, Human Resource Manage-
‘Job quality in the crisis — an update of ment and Labour Market Structure’, The skilled-worker.pdf
the Job Quality Index (JQI)’, ETUI Work- Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 47,
ing Paper 2012.07, 2012, available at No 4, 2005, pp. 424–42. Mather, M. and Lighthall, N. R., ‘Risk and reward are processed differently in deci -
ing-Papers/Job-quality-in-the-crisis-an- Lucas, R., ‘On the mechanics of economic sions made under stress’, Current Direc-
update-of-the-Job-Quality-Index-JQI development’, Journal of Monetary Eco- tions in Psychological Science, Vol. 21,
nomics, Vol. 22, 1988, pp. 3–42. No 1, 2012, pp. 36–41.
Levine, L. and Tyson, L. D., ‘Participation,
productivity, and the firm’s environment’, Luttmer, E. F. P., ‘Neighbors as Nega- Mathers, C. D. and Loncar, D., ‘Projec-
in Blinder, A. (ed.), Paying for Productivity, tives: Relative Earnings and Well-Being’, tions of global mortality and burden of
Brookings Institution, Washington, 1990, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 120, disease from 2002 to 2030’, PLoS Med,
pp. 183–236. No 3, 2005, pp. 963–1002. Vol. 3, 2006.