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Chapter 3: The future of work in Europe: job quality and work organisation for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
European Commission, ‘A European European Commission, ‘Tackling the EFBWW, financed by the European Com-
strategy for Key Enabling Technolo gender pay gap in the European Union’, mission, 2006.
gies — A bridge to growth and jobs’, DG Justice, 2014c, available at http://
Communication from the Commis European Parliament, ‘Indicators of job
sion to the European Parliament, files/gender_pay_gap/140227_gpg_bro- quality in the European Union’, DG for
the Council, the European Economic chure_web_en.pdf Internal Policies, Policy Department A:
and Social Committee and the Com - Economic and Scientific Policy, 2009,
mittee of the Regions, COM(2012) European Commission, ‘Social agenda’, available at http://www.europarl.europa.
341 final, 2012b, available at http:// No 36, 2014d, available at: http://eu/document/activities/cont/201107/20 110718ATT24284/20110718ATT2428
do?uri=COM:2012:0341:FIN:EN:PDF &langId=en&pubId=7691 4EN.pdf
European Commission, ‘Employment and European Commission, ‘Green Employ- European Parliament, ‘Role of women in
social developments in Europe’, 2013. ment Initiative Communication’, Com- the green economy’, European Parliament
munication from The Commission to resolution of 11 September 2012 on the
European Commission, ‘Posting of work- the European Parliament, the Council, role of women in the green economy
ers: EU safeguards against social dump- the Economic and Social Committee and (2012/2035(INI)), 2012, available at
ing’, MEMO/13/1138 from 12/12/2013, the Committee of the Regions, 2014e,
2013a, available at: available
press-release_MEMO-13-1138_en.htm content/EN/TXT/?qid=1400658727626 TA-2012-0321+0+DOC+PDF+V0//
&uri=COM:2014:446:FIN EN
European Commission, ‘Free move-
ment of EU citizens and their families: European Commission (2000), ‘First European Parliament, ‘Indicators of Job
Five actions to make a difference’, Stage Consultation of social partners on Quality’, Directorate-General for Internal
COM(2013)837 final, 2013b. modernising and improving employment Affairs, 2012a, available at http://www.
relations’, available at http://ec.europa.
European Commission, ‘LIFE creating eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=2485&lan cont/201107/20110718ATT24284/201
green jobs and skills’, 2013c, available gId=en 10718ATT24284EN.pdf
publications/lifepublications/lifefocus/ European Commission (2001), ‘Second European Parliament, ‘Report on the
documents/jobs_skills.pdf stage consultation of social partners on impact of the economic crisis on gender
modernising and improving employment equality and women’s rights’, Committee
European Commission, ‘Overview of relations’, available at http://ec.europa. on Women’s Rights and Gender Equal-
European, national and public sector eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=2486&lan ity, 2012/2301(INI), 2013, available at
industrial relations’, Industrial Relations gId=en
in Europe 2012, 2013d, pp. 21–52, avail -
able at European Commission (s.a.), ‘Policies 2013-0048&language=EN
vlet?docId=9994&langId=en for Ageing Well with ICT’, available at European Workplace Innovation Net-
European Commission, ‘Innovation Union policies-ageing-well-ict work (EUWIN), at
Scoreboard 2014’, 2014, available at enterprise/policies/innovation/policy/ European Commission, ‘Dimensions of workplace-innovation/euwin/index_en.htm
innovation/files/ius/ius-2014_en.pdf Quality in Work’, s.a.1, available at http:// Eurostat, ‘Reconciliation between work,
European Commission, ‘State of the 134&langId=en private and family life in the Euro-
Industry, Sectoral overview and Imple- pean Union’, 2009, available at http://
mentation of the EU Industrial Policy’, European Commission, ‘Workplace
Commission Staff Working Document, innovation’, s.a.2, OFFPUB/KS-78-09-908/EN/KS-78-09-
SWD(2014) 14 final, 2014a, available enterprise/policies/innovation/policy/ 908-EN.PDF
at workplace-innovation/index_en.htm
EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52014SC0014& Eurostat, ‘Active ageing and solidar-
from=EN European Commission, ‘Facing the ity between generations. A statistical
portrait of the European Union’, 2012,
Future — Modernisation of Work
European Commission, ‘For a European Organisation’, s.a.3, available at http:// available at
Industrial Renaissance’, Communication eu/portal/page/portal/product_details/
from The Commission to the European &langId=en&intPageId=216 publication?p_product_code=KS-
Parliament, the Council, the Economic EP-11-001
and Social Committee and the Commit- European Institute for Construction
tee of the Regions, 2014b, available at Labour Research, ‘Undeclared labour in Eurostat, ‘Active Ageing’, Special Euroba - the construction industry’, Study com- rometer 378, 2012, available at http://
EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52014SC0014 missioned by the European Social Part-
&from=EN ners in the construction sector, FIEC and ebs/ebs_378_en.pdf
European Commission, ‘A European European Commission, ‘Tackling the EFBWW, financed by the European Com-
strategy for Key Enabling Technolo gender pay gap in the European Union’, mission, 2006.
gies — A bridge to growth and jobs’, DG Justice, 2014c, available at http://
Communication from the Commis European Parliament, ‘Indicators of job
sion to the European Parliament, files/gender_pay_gap/140227_gpg_bro- quality in the European Union’, DG for
the Council, the European Economic chure_web_en.pdf Internal Policies, Policy Department A:
and Social Committee and the Com - Economic and Scientific Policy, 2009,
mittee of the Regions, COM(2012) European Commission, ‘Social agenda’, available at http://www.europarl.europa.
341 final, 2012b, available at http:// No 36, 2014d, available at: http://eu/document/activities/cont/201107/20 110718ATT24284/20110718ATT2428
do?uri=COM:2012:0341:FIN:EN:PDF &langId=en&pubId=7691 4EN.pdf
European Commission, ‘Employment and European Commission, ‘Green Employ- European Parliament, ‘Role of women in
social developments in Europe’, 2013. ment Initiative Communication’, Com- the green economy’, European Parliament
munication from The Commission to resolution of 11 September 2012 on the
European Commission, ‘Posting of work- the European Parliament, the Council, role of women in the green economy
ers: EU safeguards against social dump- the Economic and Social Committee and (2012/2035(INI)), 2012, available at
ing’, MEMO/13/1138 from 12/12/2013, the Committee of the Regions, 2014e,
2013a, available at: available
press-release_MEMO-13-1138_en.htm content/EN/TXT/?qid=1400658727626 TA-2012-0321+0+DOC+PDF+V0//
&uri=COM:2014:446:FIN EN
European Commission, ‘Free move-
ment of EU citizens and their families: European Commission (2000), ‘First European Parliament, ‘Indicators of Job
Five actions to make a difference’, Stage Consultation of social partners on Quality’, Directorate-General for Internal
COM(2013)837 final, 2013b. modernising and improving employment Affairs, 2012a, available at http://www.
relations’, available at http://ec.europa.
European Commission, ‘LIFE creating eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=2485&lan cont/201107/20110718ATT24284/201
green jobs and skills’, 2013c, available gId=en 10718ATT24284EN.pdf
publications/lifepublications/lifefocus/ European Commission (2001), ‘Second European Parliament, ‘Report on the
documents/jobs_skills.pdf stage consultation of social partners on impact of the economic crisis on gender
modernising and improving employment equality and women’s rights’, Committee
European Commission, ‘Overview of relations’, available at http://ec.europa. on Women’s Rights and Gender Equal-
European, national and public sector eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=2486&lan ity, 2012/2301(INI), 2013, available at
industrial relations’, Industrial Relations gId=en
in Europe 2012, 2013d, pp. 21–52, avail -
able at European Commission (s.a.), ‘Policies 2013-0048&language=EN
vlet?docId=9994&langId=en for Ageing Well with ICT’, available at European Workplace Innovation Net-
European Commission, ‘Innovation Union policies-ageing-well-ict work (EUWIN), at
Scoreboard 2014’, 2014, available at enterprise/policies/innovation/policy/ European Commission, ‘Dimensions of workplace-innovation/euwin/index_en.htm
innovation/files/ius/ius-2014_en.pdf Quality in Work’, s.a.1, available at http:// Eurostat, ‘Reconciliation between work,
European Commission, ‘State of the 134&langId=en private and family life in the Euro-
Industry, Sectoral overview and Imple- pean Union’, 2009, available at http://
mentation of the EU Industrial Policy’, European Commission, ‘Workplace
Commission Staff Working Document, innovation’, s.a.2, OFFPUB/KS-78-09-908/EN/KS-78-09-
SWD(2014) 14 final, 2014a, available enterprise/policies/innovation/policy/ 908-EN.PDF
at workplace-innovation/index_en.htm
EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52014SC0014& Eurostat, ‘Active ageing and solidar-
from=EN European Commission, ‘Facing the ity between generations. A statistical
portrait of the European Union’, 2012,
Future — Modernisation of Work
European Commission, ‘For a European Organisation’, s.a.3, available at http:// available at
Industrial Renaissance’, Communication eu/portal/page/portal/product_details/
from The Commission to the European &langId=en&intPageId=216 publication?p_product_code=KS-
Parliament, the Council, the Economic EP-11-001
and Social Committee and the Commit- European Institute for Construction
tee of the Regions, 2014b, available at Labour Research, ‘Undeclared labour in Eurostat, ‘Active Ageing’, Special Euroba - the construction industry’, Study com- rometer 378, 2012, available at http://
EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:52014SC0014 missioned by the European Social Part-
&from=EN ners in the construction sector, FIEC and ebs/ebs_378_en.pdf