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Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2014
Feldstead, A. and N. Jewson, N., ‘The Gellatly, I. R. and Irving, G., ‘Personality, insecurity on life satisfaction and men-
impact of the 2008–9 recession on the Autonomy and Contextual Performance tal health’, Journal of Health Economics,
extent, form and patterns of training at for Managers’, Human Performance, Vol. 30, No 2, 2011, pp. 265–76.
work’, LLAKES research paper 22, LLA- Vol. 43, No 3, 2001, pp. 231–45.
KES Centre, Institute of Education, Lon- Greenan, N. and Mairesse, J., ‘How do New
don, 2011. Georgantzis, N. and Vasileiou, E., ‘Are Organizational Practices Change the Work
Dangerous Jobs Paid Better? European of Blue Collars, Technicians and Supervisors?
Fernández-Macías, E., ‘Job Polarization Evidence’, Research in Labor Economics, Results from Matched Employer–Employee
in Europe? Changes in the Employment Vol. 38, 2013, pp. 163–92. Survey for French Manufacturing’, Mimeo,
Structure and Job Quality, 1995–2007’, INSEE-CREST, Paris, 2002.
Work and Occupations, Vol. 39, 2012, Gill, D., Prowse, V. and Vlassopoulos, M.,
pp. 157–82, available at http://wox.sage- ‘Cheating in the workplace: An experi- Grimshaw, D., ‘What do we know about low- mental study of the impact of bonuses wage work and low-wage workers? Analys -
and productivity’, Journal of Economic ing the definitions, patterns, causes and
Fernie, S. and Metcalf, D., ‘Participation, Behavior & Organization, Vol. 96, 2013, consequences in international perspective’,
contingent pay, representation and work - pp. 120–34. ILO Conditions of Work and Employment
place performance: evidence from Great Series, No 28, 2011, available at https://
Britain’, British Journal of Industrial Rela - Godard, J. and Delaney, J., ‘Reflections
tions, Vol. 33, 1995, pp. 379–415. on the “High Performance” paradigm’s ment/Portals/0/docs/gendersocial/ILO%20
implications for industrial relations as Paper%202011 %20-%20CWES28.pdf
Finn, C. P., ‘Autonomy: an important a field’, Industrial and Labor Relations
component for nurses’ job satisfaction’, Review, Vol. 53, 2000, pp. 482–502. Gringart, E., Helmes, E. and Speelman, C.,
International Journal of Nursing Studies, The Role of Stereotypes in Age Discrimi-
Vol. 38, 2001, pp. 349–57. Godart, O., Görg, H. and Hanley, A., ‘Trust- nation in Hiring: Evaluation and Inter-
Based Work-Time and Product Improve- vention, Lambert Academic Publishing,
Frey, B. S. and Stutzer, A., Happiness and ments: Evidence from Firm Level Data’, Saarbrucken, 2010, available at http://
economics: How the economy and insti- IZA Discussion Paper 80/97, Bonn,
tutions affect human well-being, Prince- April 2014. gart_et_al_2010_Front_pages.pdf
ton University Press, 2010.
Goldthorpe, J. H. and Hope, K., The Social Grossman, G. and Rossi-Hansberg, E.,
Frey, C. B. and Osborne, M. A., The Future Grading of Occupations, Oxford Univer- ‘Trading Tasks: A Simple Theory of Off-
of Employment: How Susceptible Are sity Press, Oxford, 1974. shoring’, NBER Working Paper 12721,
Jobs to Computerisation?, 2013. 2012, available at
Goos, M., Manning, A. and Salomons, A., papers/w12721
Gallie, D. (Ed.), Economic Crisis, Qual- ‘Job polarization in Europe’, American
ity of Work and Social Integration, The Economic Review: Papers and Proceed- Guillen, A. and Dahl, S., Quality of work in
European Experience, Oxford University ings, 2009, Vol. 99, No. 2, pp. 58–63, the European Union. Concept, data and
Press, 2013. available at debates from a transnational perspec-
articles.php?doi=10.1257/aer.99.2.58 tive, P.I.E. Peter Land S.A., 2009.
Gallie, D. and Zhou, Y. (2013), ‘Job con-
trol, work intensity, and work stress.’ In Gordon, R. J., ‘The Demise of U.S. Eco- Halko, M.-L., Sääksvuori, L. and Timko,
Gallie (2013). nomic Growth: Restatement, Rebuttal, K., Stress, Competitiveness and Gender,
and Reflections’, NBER Working Paper In preparation, 2014.
Gallup, ‘State of the American Work- No 19895, Cambridge, MA, 2014, availa-
place — Employee Engagement Insights ble at Hansen, J. A. and Andersen, S. K., ‘Employ -
for U.S. Business Leaders’, 2013, available ment Relations Research Centre (FAOS),
at Green, A. E., de Hoyos, M., Barnes, S.-A., East European workers in the building
sulting/163007/state-american-work- Owen, D., Baldauf, B. and Behle, H., ‘Litera- and construction Industry — Recruitment
place.aspx ture Review on Employability, Inclusion and strategies and effects on wages, employ-
ICT, Report 2: ICT and Employability’, JRC ment terms and agreements’, 2008,
Galor, O. and Zeira, J., ‘Income distribu- Technical Reports Series, 2013, available available at
tion and macroeconomics’, Review of at publications/2008/East_European_work-
Economic Studies, Vol. 60, No 1, 1993, ers_in_the_building_and_construction_
pp. 35–52. Green, F., Demanding work. The paradox industry_0108.pdf
of job quality in the affluent economy,
Gaušas, S., ‘Greening of industries in Princeton University Press, Princeton, Healthy People = Healthy Profits, 20 case
the EU: Anticipating and managing the NJ, 2006. studies from UK companies: A Business
effects on quantity and quality of jobs’, in the Community report, 2009, avail-
Eurofound, 2013, available at http:// Green, F., ‘Unpacking the misery mul- able at http://www.work4wellbeing. tiplier: how employability modifies the org/uploads/2/3/4/1/23413848/bitc_-
htmlfiles/ef1248.htm impacts of unemployment and job _4647_healthy_profits.pdf
Feldstead, A. and N. Jewson, N., ‘The Gellatly, I. R. and Irving, G., ‘Personality, insecurity on life satisfaction and men-
impact of the 2008–9 recession on the Autonomy and Contextual Performance tal health’, Journal of Health Economics,
extent, form and patterns of training at for Managers’, Human Performance, Vol. 30, No 2, 2011, pp. 265–76.
work’, LLAKES research paper 22, LLA- Vol. 43, No 3, 2001, pp. 231–45.
KES Centre, Institute of Education, Lon- Greenan, N. and Mairesse, J., ‘How do New
don, 2011. Georgantzis, N. and Vasileiou, E., ‘Are Organizational Practices Change the Work
Dangerous Jobs Paid Better? European of Blue Collars, Technicians and Supervisors?
Fernández-Macías, E., ‘Job Polarization Evidence’, Research in Labor Economics, Results from Matched Employer–Employee
in Europe? Changes in the Employment Vol. 38, 2013, pp. 163–92. Survey for French Manufacturing’, Mimeo,
Structure and Job Quality, 1995–2007’, INSEE-CREST, Paris, 2002.
Work and Occupations, Vol. 39, 2012, Gill, D., Prowse, V. and Vlassopoulos, M.,
pp. 157–82, available at http://wox.sage- ‘Cheating in the workplace: An experi- Grimshaw, D., ‘What do we know about low- mental study of the impact of bonuses wage work and low-wage workers? Analys -
and productivity’, Journal of Economic ing the definitions, patterns, causes and
Fernie, S. and Metcalf, D., ‘Participation, Behavior & Organization, Vol. 96, 2013, consequences in international perspective’,
contingent pay, representation and work - pp. 120–34. ILO Conditions of Work and Employment
place performance: evidence from Great Series, No 28, 2011, available at https://
Britain’, British Journal of Industrial Rela - Godard, J. and Delaney, J., ‘Reflections
tions, Vol. 33, 1995, pp. 379–415. on the “High Performance” paradigm’s ment/Portals/0/docs/gendersocial/ILO%20
implications for industrial relations as Paper%202011 %20-%20CWES28.pdf
Finn, C. P., ‘Autonomy: an important a field’, Industrial and Labor Relations
component for nurses’ job satisfaction’, Review, Vol. 53, 2000, pp. 482–502. Gringart, E., Helmes, E. and Speelman, C.,
International Journal of Nursing Studies, The Role of Stereotypes in Age Discrimi-
Vol. 38, 2001, pp. 349–57. Godart, O., Görg, H. and Hanley, A., ‘Trust- nation in Hiring: Evaluation and Inter-
Based Work-Time and Product Improve- vention, Lambert Academic Publishing,
Frey, B. S. and Stutzer, A., Happiness and ments: Evidence from Firm Level Data’, Saarbrucken, 2010, available at http://
economics: How the economy and insti- IZA Discussion Paper 80/97, Bonn,
tutions affect human well-being, Prince- April 2014. gart_et_al_2010_Front_pages.pdf
ton University Press, 2010.
Goldthorpe, J. H. and Hope, K., The Social Grossman, G. and Rossi-Hansberg, E.,
Frey, C. B. and Osborne, M. A., The Future Grading of Occupations, Oxford Univer- ‘Trading Tasks: A Simple Theory of Off-
of Employment: How Susceptible Are sity Press, Oxford, 1974. shoring’, NBER Working Paper 12721,
Jobs to Computerisation?, 2013. 2012, available at
Goos, M., Manning, A. and Salomons, A., papers/w12721
Gallie, D. (Ed.), Economic Crisis, Qual- ‘Job polarization in Europe’, American
ity of Work and Social Integration, The Economic Review: Papers and Proceed- Guillen, A. and Dahl, S., Quality of work in
European Experience, Oxford University ings, 2009, Vol. 99, No. 2, pp. 58–63, the European Union. Concept, data and
Press, 2013. available at debates from a transnational perspec-
articles.php?doi=10.1257/aer.99.2.58 tive, P.I.E. Peter Land S.A., 2009.
Gallie, D. and Zhou, Y. (2013), ‘Job con-
trol, work intensity, and work stress.’ In Gordon, R. J., ‘The Demise of U.S. Eco- Halko, M.-L., Sääksvuori, L. and Timko,
Gallie (2013). nomic Growth: Restatement, Rebuttal, K., Stress, Competitiveness and Gender,
and Reflections’, NBER Working Paper In preparation, 2014.
Gallup, ‘State of the American Work- No 19895, Cambridge, MA, 2014, availa-
place — Employee Engagement Insights ble at Hansen, J. A. and Andersen, S. K., ‘Employ -
for U.S. Business Leaders’, 2013, available ment Relations Research Centre (FAOS),
at Green, A. E., de Hoyos, M., Barnes, S.-A., East European workers in the building
sulting/163007/state-american-work- Owen, D., Baldauf, B. and Behle, H., ‘Litera- and construction Industry — Recruitment
place.aspx ture Review on Employability, Inclusion and strategies and effects on wages, employ-
ICT, Report 2: ICT and Employability’, JRC ment terms and agreements’, 2008,
Galor, O. and Zeira, J., ‘Income distribu- Technical Reports Series, 2013, available available at
tion and macroeconomics’, Review of at publications/2008/East_European_work-
Economic Studies, Vol. 60, No 1, 1993, ers_in_the_building_and_construction_
pp. 35–52. Green, F., Demanding work. The paradox industry_0108.pdf
of job quality in the affluent economy,
Gaušas, S., ‘Greening of industries in Princeton University Press, Princeton, Healthy People = Healthy Profits, 20 case
the EU: Anticipating and managing the NJ, 2006. studies from UK companies: A Business
effects on quantity and quality of jobs’, in the Community report, 2009, avail-
Eurofound, 2013, available at http:// Green, F., ‘Unpacking the misery mul- able at http://www.work4wellbeing. tiplier: how employability modifies the org/uploads/2/3/4/1/23413848/bitc_-
htmlfiles/ef1248.htm impacts of unemployment and job _4647_healthy_profits.pdf