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Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2014
Etzioni, A., Modern Organizations, Pren- Eurofound, ‘Involving employees at the Report 2007’, 2007c, available at http://
tice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1964. workplace pays off in higher levels of
work performance’, (s.a.), available at do?uri=COM:2007:0666:FIN:EN:PDF
Eurofound, ‘Quality of work and employ -
ment in Europe: Issues and challenges’, workorganisation/innovation.htm European Commission, ‘Measuring the
Foundation Paper No 1, Office for Official quality of employment in the EU’, Chap-
Publications of the European Communi- Eurofound, ‘Workplace innovation’, (s.a.), ter 4 in Employment in Europe 2008,
ties, Luxembourg, 2002. available at 2008, available at
areas/industrialrelations/dictionary/defi- social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=89&n
Eurofound, ‘Work organisation and inno- nitions/workplaceinnovation.htm ewsId=415
vation’, 2010a, available at http://www. European Agency for Safety and Health European Commission, ‘Strategy for
en/1/EF1272EN.pdf at Work (EU-OSHA), ‘Foresight of new and equality between women and men’,
emerging risks to occupational safety Communication from the Commis
Eurofound,‘Posted workers in the Euro- and health associated with new tech- sion to the European Parliament,
pean Union’, 2010b, available at http:// nologies in green jobs by 2020’, 2011, the Council, the European Economic available at and Social Committee and the Com -
tn0908038s/tn0908038s.pdf publications/reports/foresight-green- mittee of the Regions, COM(2010)
jobs-drivers-change-TERO11001ENN 491 final, 2010, available at http://eur-
Eurofound, ‘Work organisation and inno-
vation’, 2012a, available at http://www. European Agency for Safety and Health do?uri=COM:2010:0491:FIN:en:PDF at Work (EU-OSHA), ‘Priorities for occu-
files/ef1272.htm pational safety and health research in European Commission, ‘New Skills for
Europe: 2013–20’, 2013, available at new jobs’, 2010a, available at http://
Eurofound, ‘Trends in Job Quality in
Europe’, 2012b, available at http://www. reports/priorities-for-occupational-
- safety-and-health-research-in-eu European Commission, ‘Variations and
files/ef1228.htm rope-2013–2020 trends in European industrial relations
in the 21 century’s first decade’, Indus -
Eurofound, ‘After restructuring: Labour European Commission, ‘Partnership trial Relations in Europe 2010, 2010b,
markets, working conditions and life sat - for a new organisation of work’, Green pp. 17–53, available at
isfaction’, ERM report 2012, 2012c, avail - Paper, Bulletin of the European Union, social/BlobServlet?docId=6607&langId=en
able at Supplement 4/97, 1997, available at
pubdocs/2012/61/en/1/EF1261EN.pdf Commission, Conference on
green_papers/pdf/com97_128_en.pdf Fundamental Social Rights and the Post -
Eurofound, ‘Fifth European working ing of Workers in the Framework of the
conditions survey : overview report’, European Commission, ‘Modernising Single Market, 2011, available at http://
2012d, available at http://www.euro - the organisation of work — A positive approach to change’, COM (98) 592 final, &catId=471&eventsId=347&furtherEv
ef1182.htm 1998, available at ents=yes
Eurofound, ‘Employment polarisation =en European Commission, ‘Active ageing’,
and job quality in the crisis: European Chapter 5 in Employment and Social
Jobs Monitor 2013’, 2013a, available European Commission, ‘Ageing well in Developments in Europe, 2011a, avail-
at the Information Society. An i2010 Ini- able at
docs/2013/04/en/1/EF1304EN.pdf tiative Action Plan on Information and rvlet?docId=7294&langId=en
Communication Technologies and Age-
Eurofound, ‘Work organisation and ing’, COM(2007) 332, 2007a, available European Commission, ‘Employment
employee involvement in Europe’, 2013b, at and Social Developments in Europe’,
available at http://www.eurofound.europa. sier_real.cfm?CL=en&DosId=195839 2012, available at
eu/pubdocs/2013/30/en/1/EF1330EN.pdf social/main.jsp?catId=738&langId=en&
European Commission, ‘Ageing well in pubId=7315
Eurofound, ‘Role of social dialogue in the Information Society. An i2010 Initia-
industrial policies’, 2014, available at tive Action Plan on Information and Com - European Commission, ‘Proposal for munication Technologies and Ageing’, a Directive of the European Parliament
studies/tn1311011s/tn1311011s.htm Commission Staff Working Document, and of The Council on the enforcement of
SEC(2007) 811, 2007b, available at Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting
Eurofound, ‘Changes to wage-setting of workers in the framework of the provi -
mechanisms in the context of the cri- rep/2/2007/EN/2-2007-811-EN-1-0.Pdf sion of services’, COM(2012) 131 final,
sis and the EU’s new economic govern- 2012a, available at http://www.euro-
ance regime’, 2014, available at http:// European Commission, ‘Raising pro- ductivity growth: key messages documents/com/com_com(2012)0131_/
tn1402049s/tn1402049s.htm from the European Competitiveness com_com(2012)0131_en.pdf
Etzioni, A., Modern Organizations, Pren- Eurofound, ‘Involving employees at the Report 2007’, 2007c, available at http://
tice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1964. workplace pays off in higher levels of
work performance’, (s.a.), available at do?uri=COM:2007:0666:FIN:EN:PDF
Eurofound, ‘Quality of work and employ -
ment in Europe: Issues and challenges’, workorganisation/innovation.htm European Commission, ‘Measuring the
Foundation Paper No 1, Office for Official quality of employment in the EU’, Chap-
Publications of the European Communi- Eurofound, ‘Workplace innovation’, (s.a.), ter 4 in Employment in Europe 2008,
ties, Luxembourg, 2002. available at 2008, available at
areas/industrialrelations/dictionary/defi- social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=89&n
Eurofound, ‘Work organisation and inno- nitions/workplaceinnovation.htm ewsId=415
vation’, 2010a, available at http://www. European Agency for Safety and Health European Commission, ‘Strategy for
en/1/EF1272EN.pdf at Work (EU-OSHA), ‘Foresight of new and equality between women and men’,
emerging risks to occupational safety Communication from the Commis
Eurofound,‘Posted workers in the Euro- and health associated with new tech- sion to the European Parliament,
pean Union’, 2010b, available at http:// nologies in green jobs by 2020’, 2011, the Council, the European Economic available at and Social Committee and the Com -
tn0908038s/tn0908038s.pdf publications/reports/foresight-green- mittee of the Regions, COM(2010)
jobs-drivers-change-TERO11001ENN 491 final, 2010, available at http://eur-
Eurofound, ‘Work organisation and inno-
vation’, 2012a, available at http://www. European Agency for Safety and Health do?uri=COM:2010:0491:FIN:en:PDF at Work (EU-OSHA), ‘Priorities for occu-
files/ef1272.htm pational safety and health research in European Commission, ‘New Skills for
Europe: 2013–20’, 2013, available at new jobs’, 2010a, available at http://
Eurofound, ‘Trends in Job Quality in
Europe’, 2012b, available at http://www. reports/priorities-for-occupational-
- safety-and-health-research-in-eu European Commission, ‘Variations and
files/ef1228.htm rope-2013–2020 trends in European industrial relations
in the 21 century’s first decade’, Indus -
Eurofound, ‘After restructuring: Labour European Commission, ‘Partnership trial Relations in Europe 2010, 2010b,
markets, working conditions and life sat - for a new organisation of work’, Green pp. 17–53, available at
isfaction’, ERM report 2012, 2012c, avail - Paper, Bulletin of the European Union, social/BlobServlet?docId=6607&langId=en
able at Supplement 4/97, 1997, available at
pubdocs/2012/61/en/1/EF1261EN.pdf Commission, Conference on
green_papers/pdf/com97_128_en.pdf Fundamental Social Rights and the Post -
Eurofound, ‘Fifth European working ing of Workers in the Framework of the
conditions survey : overview report’, European Commission, ‘Modernising Single Market, 2011, available at http://
2012d, available at http://www.euro - the organisation of work — A positive approach to change’, COM (98) 592 final, &catId=471&eventsId=347&furtherEv
ef1182.htm 1998, available at ents=yes
Eurofound, ‘Employment polarisation =en European Commission, ‘Active ageing’,
and job quality in the crisis: European Chapter 5 in Employment and Social
Jobs Monitor 2013’, 2013a, available European Commission, ‘Ageing well in Developments in Europe, 2011a, avail-
at the Information Society. An i2010 Ini- able at
docs/2013/04/en/1/EF1304EN.pdf tiative Action Plan on Information and rvlet?docId=7294&langId=en
Communication Technologies and Age-
Eurofound, ‘Work organisation and ing’, COM(2007) 332, 2007a, available European Commission, ‘Employment
employee involvement in Europe’, 2013b, at and Social Developments in Europe’,
available at http://www.eurofound.europa. sier_real.cfm?CL=en&DosId=195839 2012, available at
eu/pubdocs/2013/30/en/1/EF1330EN.pdf social/main.jsp?catId=738&langId=en&
European Commission, ‘Ageing well in pubId=7315
Eurofound, ‘Role of social dialogue in the Information Society. An i2010 Initia-
industrial policies’, 2014, available at tive Action Plan on Information and Com - European Commission, ‘Proposal for munication Technologies and Ageing’, a Directive of the European Parliament
studies/tn1311011s/tn1311011s.htm Commission Staff Working Document, and of The Council on the enforcement of
SEC(2007) 811, 2007b, available at Directive 96/71/EC concerning the posting
Eurofound, ‘Changes to wage-setting of workers in the framework of the provi -
mechanisms in the context of the cri- rep/2/2007/EN/2-2007-811-EN-1-0.Pdf sion of services’, COM(2012) 131 final,
sis and the EU’s new economic govern- 2012a, available at http://www.euro-
ance regime’, 2014, available at http:// European Commission, ‘Raising pro- ductivity growth: key messages documents/com/com_com(2012)0131_/
tn1402049s/tn1402049s.htm from the European Competitiveness com_com(2012)0131_en.pdf