Page 63 - Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
P. 63

March 2014 55

Table C.49. Have you ever used your mobile phone to Table C.53. Have you ever used your mobile phone to
comparison shop over the Internet while at a retail store? browse product reviews or get product information while
shopping at a retail store?
Percent, except as noted
Percent, except as noted
Refused 2.4
Yes 43.5 Refused 2
No 54 Yes 41.6
Number of respondents 1,365 No 56.4
Number of respondents 1,365

Table C.50. Have you ever used a barcode scanning app on
your mobile phone while shopping at a retail store to find Table C.54. Has reading product reviews on your mobile
the best price for an item? phone while shopping at a retail store ever changed which
item you ended up purchasing?
Percent, except as noted
Percent, except as noted
Refused 2.3
Yes 30.7 Refused 0.8
No 67 Yes 73.7
Number of respondents 1,365 No 25.5
Number of respondents 586

Table C.51. Have you ever scanned a QR code (similar to a
barcode) in a retail store, newspaper, magazine, or Table C.55. In the past 12 months, have you used your
billboard advertisement to obtain information about a mobile phone to check your account balance or available
product on your mobile phone? credit before making a large purchase?
Percent, except as noted Percent, except as noted

Q51 Q55
Refused 2.3 Refused 2.1
Yes 33 Yes 68.9
No 64.8 No 29
Number of respondents 1,365 Number of respondents 610

Table C.52. Has using your mobile phone to compare prices Table C.56. Did you decide not to buy that particular item
while you were shopping at a retail store ever changed because of the amount of money left in your account or the
where you made your purchase? amount of your available credit?
Percent, except as noted Percent, except as noted
Q52 Q56
Refused 0.3 Refused 2
Yes 68.5 Yes 49.6
No 31.3 No 48.4
Number of respondents 687 Number of respondents 393
   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68