Page 62 - Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
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54 Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
Table C.43. Assuming that the reason(s) why you do not Table C.46. Would you or do you already like to use your
currently use mobile payments was addressed, would you mobile phone for any of the following purposes, assuming
be interested in doing any of the following activities with they were made available to you?
your mobile phone? Percent, except as noted
Percent, except as noted
Refused 1.3
Refused 1.4 Track your finances 27.7
Making payments to another person 11.1 Organize, track, and store gift cards, memberships, loyalty,
and reward points 14.9
Using my mobile phone to pay for purchases at a store 16.2
Compare prices when shopping 33.6
Paying bills online 20.8
To receive and manage discount offers and coupons 24.8
Transferring money to someone in another country 3.8
To receive offers and promotions based on your location 18.5
Using your mobile phone as a “virtual wallet” to replace some
cards in your wallet 12.8 None of the above 50.4
Buying goods or services online 17.3 Number of respondents 2,341
Accepting payments from another person 11.6
Receiving/using coupons on your phone 22.2
Receiving specials and discount offers 20.1
None, I don’t want to use mobile payments 62.1 Table C.47. I am willing to allow my mobile phone to
Number of respondents 1,956 provide my location to companies I shop with regularly so
that they can offer me discounts, promotions, or services
based on where I am.
Percent, except as noted
Table C.44. How safe do you believe people’s personal
information is when they use mobile banking? Q47
Percent, except as noted
Refused 2
Strongly agree 4.9
Agree 31.4
Refused 1.3 Disagree 33
Very safe 6 Strongly disagree 28.6
Somewhat safe 32.1 Number of respondents 1,365
Somewhat unsafe 25.5
Very unsafe 18
Don’t know 17.2
Number of respondents 2,341 Table C.48. I am willing to allow my mobile phone to
provide personal information such as my sex, age, friends,
and shopping history to companies I shop with regularly so
that they can offer me targeted discounts, promotions, or
Table C.45. How safe do you believe people’s personal services.
information is when they use a mobile phone to pay for a Percent, except as noted
purchase at a store?
Percent, except as noted Q48
Refused 2.5
Strongly agree 2.9
Refused 1.7 Agree 16.4
Very safe 4.3 Disagree 37.6
Somewhat safe 29.9 Strongly disagree 40.6
Somewhat unsafe 26.5 Number of respondents 1,365
Very unsafe 19.3
Don’t know 18.3
Number of respondents 2,341