Page 57 - Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
P. 57

March 2014 49

Table C.13. Have you used an ATM for any banking Table C.18. Do you own or have regular access to a mobile
transactions in the past 12 months? phone (cell phone)?
Percent, except as noted Percent, except as noted
Q13 Q18

Refused 0.5 Yes 87.2
Yes 75.4 No 12.8
No 24.2 Number of respondents 2,657
Number of respondents 2,441

Table C.19. Is your mobile phone a smartphone?
Table C.14. Have you used telephone banking in the Percent, except as noted
past 12 months, either with a land-line phone or your
mobile phone? Q19
Percent, except as noted
Refused 0.7
Yes 61.2
No 38.1
Refused 0.5 Number of respondents 2,341
Yes 33
No 66.6
Number of respondents 2,441
Table C.20. Which type of smartphone do you have?
TABLE C.15 OMITTED Percent, except as noted
Table C.16. Do you currently have regular access to the Q20
Internet, either at your home or outside your home that is
not provided by Gfk? Refused 0.1
Android 45.4
Percent, except as noted
BlackBerry 3.1
iPhone 43.7
Windows Mobile 1.8
Refused 1 Other (Please specify): 3.3
Yes 89.2 Don’t know 2.6
No 9.9 Number of respondents 1,365
Number of respondents 2,657

Table C.21. Do you password protect your smartphone?
Table C.17. Have you used online banking on a desktop, Percent, except as noted
laptop, or tablet (e.g., iPad) computer in the past
12 months? Q21
Percent, except as noted
Refused 1.3
Yes 60.7
No 38
Refused 0.1 Number of respondents 1,365
Yes 78
No 21.9
Number of respondents 2,268
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62