Page 52 - Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
P. 52

44 Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014

your mobile phone at the checkout instead of swiping a card, or by using a
special app—sometimes involving scanning a barcode—on your mobile phone
to make the payment.
If you were offered the option of using your mobile phone to pay for pur-
chases in store, how likely would you be to use it?
a. I already use it
b. Very likely

c. Likely
d. Unlikely
e. Very unlikely


[MOBILE = “YES”; shown on the same screen as Q57]

58. How likely do you think it is that mobile payments will become a major way
people make payments in stores in the next five years?
a. Very likely
b. Likely
c. Unlikely

d. Very unlikely
e. Don’t know


[IF Q31c=”NO”]

59. Do you plan to use your mobile phone to make a payment in a store in the
next 12 months?
a. Definitely will use
b. Probably will use
c. Probably will not use
d. Definitely will not use

Financial Management (Saving, Budgeting) Questions

[SP, IF Q19=A]

60. Do you use your mobile phone to track purchases and expenses?
a. Yes
b. No

[MP, IF Q60= A]
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