Page 51 - Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
P. 51

March 2014 43

53. Have you ever used your mobile phone to browse product reviews or get prod-
uct information while shopping at a retail store? This could be done by, for
example, googling the product on your mobile browser or scanning a QR
a. Yes
b. No


[IF Q53 = A]

54. Has reading product reviews on your mobile phone while shopping at a retail
store ever changed which item you ended up purchasing?
a. Yes
b. No



55. In the past 12 months, have you used your mobile phone to check your
account balance or available credit before making a large purchase?
a. Yes
b. No


[IF Q55 = A]

56. Thinking of the most recent time that you checked your account balance or
available credit before making a large purchase, did you decide not to buy that
particular item because of the amount of money left in your account or the
amount of your available credit?
a. Yes
b. No

Payments Choice


In this section we would like to ask about your thoughts on some of the new
mobile financial service technologies.



57. Mobile payments services that let you use your phone to pay for purchases in
stores instead of with a credit card, debit card, or cash are becoming available
more and more. Usually these payments are made by “tapping” or waving
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