Page 14 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 14


Telstra prepares                                                                                                        Mobile                                 results of the annual MMU global
for data tsunami                                                                                                        money                                  adoption survey of mobile financial
by avoiding                                                                                                             active users                           services, as well as data from the
'unlimited' data                                                                                                        jump 41% —                             online MMU deployment tracker.
                                                                                                                        GSMA report
By Ronan Shields                        unlimited and free data. Our            customer demand, now and into                                                    “As this report demonstrates,
                                        foundation has been volume-based        the future as the data tsunami          By Joseph Waring                       mobile financial services have an
Mobile operators must avoid             charging and providing our              continues," he said. "We have a                                                important social and economic
           the over-supply of           customers with value through options    strong focus on ongoing, strategic      The number of active mobile            impact on millions of people in
           unlimited and free data      like shared data plans - packages that  network investment and innovation               money users expanded 41 per    emerging markets around the
plans in order to maintain the          allow customers to share their          to maintain – and grow - our                    cent last year to more than    world,” said GSMA chief regulatory
network investment necessary to         monthly data allowance between          customer base. We are competing         100 million, according to a report by  officer, Tom Phillips. “Mobile is a
cope with the upcoming "data            their mobile and data devices."         not only on coverage – which in a       the GSMA’s Mobile Money for the        key enabling tool for financial
tsunami", fuelled by growing demand                                             country the size of Australia is a      Unbanked (MMU) programme.              inclusion and over the last year,
for next-generation services, such as     Telstra, the biggest mobile           challenge – but on the quality of                                              we’ve seen significant growth in
connected cars and LTE broadcast,       operator in Australia with over 16      service."                                 The report found that in three-      mobile financial services, not only in
according to Mike Wright (pictured),    million domestic retail mobile                                                  quarters of the markets where          the number of services and
Telstra, general manager, networks.     customers, invested $850 million           Other participants in the Thursday   mobile money is available agent        geographies served, but also in the
                                        on its network infrastructure in the    panel session, which will be hosted     outlets outnumbered bank branches,     breadth of products that are now
  Speaking with Mobile World Daily      last year, according to its 2014        in auditorium 5, include: Vasyl         and in 25 markets there are more       available to previously unbanked
ahead of a panel session scheduled      annual report.                          Latsanych, MTS CMO; Yogesh              than ten times as many mobile          individuals.”
to take place on Thursday, where                                                Malik, VimpelCom’s group CTO; and       money agents as bank branches.
he will discuss the challenges of         Wright said this level of             Graham Wilde, BWCS’ CEO.                                                         Mobile money has been growing
transitioning from a voice-centric      investment had to be maintained if                                                 Half of all new mobile money        rapidly over the past few years, and
network provider to a data-led one,     Telstra is to meet with customer                                                launches took place outside of the     with 255 services in 89 countries,
Wright said operators need              demand, especially as consumers                                                 Sub-Saharan Africa region. In Latin    mobile money is now available in
recurring data-generated revenue        are increasingly asking for "value                                              America and the Caribbean, for         61 per cent of developing markets.
streams to keep pace with               add services" - such as connected                                               example, the number of active          Mobile operators have led in the
consumer demand.                        cars and LTE Broadcast - which                                                  accounts increased by 50 per cent.     provision of 149 of these services,
                                        require expanded network capacity.                                                                                     demonstrating the growing role
  Wright added: "Revenue underpins                                                                                         The fourth annual report, entitled  they are playing in the development
investment so we need to avoid            "The challenge for carriers is                                                Mobile Financial Services State of     of the mobile money industry.
                                        staying ahead of the curve to meet                                              the Industry, provides a quantitative
                                                                                                                        assessment of the state of mobile-       In Sub-Saharan Africa, the
                                                                                                                        based financial services, including    birthplace of mobile money, over
                                                                                                                        money, insurance, savings and          50 per cent of all mobile operators
                                                                                                                        credit. The report draws on the        have already launched a mobile
                                                                                                                                                               money service and by the end of
                                                                                                                                                               last year, 23 per cent of all mobile
                                                                                                                                                               connections there were linked with
                                                                                                                                                               a mobile money account.

Mobile phone ownership                                                                                                  MasterCard launches
report reveals gender                                                                                                   mobile remittance services
gap of 200M women                                                                                                       in Zimbabwe and Nigeria

By Anne Morris                                                                                                          By Anne Morris                           In Nigeria, MasterCard has
                                                                                                                                                               formed an agreement with
More than 1.7 billion females           women in low- and middle-income         security and harassment via mobile;     MasterCard has teamed up               eTranzact International, a pan-
            in low- and middle-income   countries could unlock an estimated     operator or agent trust; and technical              with financial service     African mobile banking and
            countries do not own        US$170 billion market opportunity       literacy and confidence issues.                     providers in Zimbabwe      payment services company, in
mobile phones, creating a gender        for the mobile industry by 2020.                                                and Nigeria to make mobile money       order to make international
gap of 200 million fewer women                                                    “Taken together, our research         remittance services available to       remittance services available to
than men owning mobile phones.             “By addressing the gender gap in     indicates that the gender gap in        banking customers via the              millions of consumers in Nigeria.
                                        mobile phone ownership and use,         mobile ownership and use is driven      HomeSend international money
   According to a new report from       we will deliver substantial benefits    by a complex set of socio-              transfer hub.                            “Our partnership with
the GSMA titled Bridging the            for women, the mobile industry          economic and cultural barriers that                                            MasterCard enables us to bring a
Gender Gap: Mobile Access and           and the broader economy,” said          negatively affect women. Without          In Zimbabwe, the partnership         new, cost-effective, cross-border
Usage in Low- and Middle-income         Anne Bouverot, director general of      targeted intervention from the          with Steward Bank means that the       remittance service to Nigerians,
Countries, women on average are         the GSMA.                               mobile industry, policy makers, and     bank’s 1.5 million customers will be   many of whom have previously
14 per cent less likely to own a                                                other stakeholders, the gender gap      able to receive funds sent by family   struggled to access such facilities as
mobile phone than men.                    The top five barri ers to women       in ownership and use is unlikely to     and friends abroad directly into       they do not have formal bank
                                        owning and using mobile phones          close naturally on its own,”            their Steward Bank accounts.           accounts,” said Valentine Obi, CEO
   In particular, women in South Asia   from a customer perspective are         Bouverot said.                                                                 of eTranzact International. “Instead
are 38 per cent less likely to own a    cost; network quality and coverage;                                               In the next phase, Steward Bank’s    of travelling long distances and
phone than men, highlighting that                                                                                       sister company EcoCash will also       waiting in long lines, Nigerians will
the gender gap in mobile phone                                                                                          connect to HomeSend to enable          now be able to electronically
ownership is wider in certain parts of                                                                                  more than four million EcoCash         receive cash transfers from family
the world. Even when women own                                                                                          mobile money customers to receive      overseas with the convenience of
mobile phones, there is a significant                                                                                   remittances into their mobile          their mobile devices.”
disparity in mobile phone usage.                                                                                        money wallets.
                                                                                                                                                                 The remittances are sent via
   However, the report found that                                                                                         “Thousands of under-banked           HomeSend, which was established
mobile phones are important tools                                                                                       Zimbabwean families are                as a joint venture by MasterCard,
for enhancing the lives of women in                                                                                     dependent on funds sent by             eServGlobal and BICS to bridge the
low- and middle-income countries.                                                                                       relatives working in other countries.  gap between the finance and
What’s more, achieving parity in                                                                                        Now, through the partnership with      telecommunication worlds by
ownership and use between men and                                                                                       MasterCard and HomeSend, these         integrating the systems of multiple
                                                                                                                        citizens have access to affordable,    providers - be they mobile or
                                                                                                                        convenient money transfer              electronic wallets, traditional
                                                                                                                        services,” said Dr Lance               money transfer systems or banking
                                                                                                                        Mambondiani, acting CEO of             systems.
                                                                                                                        Steward Bank.

PAGE 14 Tuesday 3rd March                                                       MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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