Page 10 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
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Q&A r                                                                                  Samsung unseats                                                                  monthly device users from across
                                                                                       Apple for mobile                                                                 the globe.
Evan Sharp,                                                                            ad impressions
Co-founder, Pinterest                                                                                                                                                     The report also examines the
                                                                                       By Ronan Shields                           Devices using Google's Android        type of ad formats used by media
Content Evolution for the                                                                                                      OS generated 61 per cent of              owners selling inventory via the
Multi Form Factor Future                                                               Samsung overtook Apple as the           impressions on the network during        network, and found they are
                                                                                              single-biggest manufacturer      the period, while those using            increasingly using "rich media"
Hall 4 – Conference Village – Auditorium 5                                                    generating ad impressions on     Apple's iOS accounted for 34 per         (those with multi-media
Tuesday, 3 March, 14.00-15.30                                                          the Millennial Media network last       cent. Meanwhile, Blackberry's            capabilities, such as animations),
                                                                                       year, with devices such as the          share of ad impressions on the           which typically generate higher
The beta version of Pinterest’s first advertising product ‘Promoted Pins’ has          Galaxy S generating 35 per cent of      network fell to 4 per cent from 7 per    revenue compared to "standard", or
been launched. What are your expectations of this product?                             clicks, compared to the iPhone          cent in 2013, as Microsoft Windows       static, banner ads.
In May 2014, we launched our first paid advertising campaigns in the US                manufacturer's 33 per cent.             Phone's percentage share remained
through our Promoted Pins beta program with leading brands, such as Kraft                                                      flat at 1 per cent during the period.      Millennial Media's figures reveal
and Target.                                                                               A year previously, Apple's iOS                                                that 81 per cent of publishers used
The results have been strong: advertisers achieved 30 per cent earned media (free      devices generated the most ad             The statistics were revealed as        "rich media" banner ads in 2014,
impressions), and 5 per cent more in the month following the end of the campaign.      impressions (36 per cent) on the        part of Millennial Media's Mobile        compared to 68 per cent the year
As a result, we opened up the brands’ CPM product to all US advertisers on 1           network, with Samsung in second         Mix report, which analyses data          beforehand, while those using "rich
January.                                                                               spot on 29 per cent.                    generated from over 600 million          media interstitial" formats (ads that
We’re committed to ensuring that Promoted Pins are tasteful, transparent and                                                                                            play while a page is loading on a
relevant, and will be improved over time based on Pinner feedback.                                                                                                      device) increased from 25 per cent
                                                                                                                                                                        in 2013 to 35 per cent last year.
What are the uses of the ‘Guided Search’ feature?                                                                                                                       Meanwhile, the number of
Last year, we took the next step in helping people discover the best and most                                                                                           publishers using video ad formats
relevant Pins with Guided Search.                                                                                                                                       increased to 29 per cent, from 23
Guided Search is a visual, mobile and exploratory search that guides you from                                                                                           per cent the year beforehand.
one idea to inspiring Pins with endless possibilities.
It makes it easy to search the more than 30 billion Pins on Pinterest that have        Free internet key in times
been hand-picked by Pinners across more than 750 million boards. Guided                of crisis, says Facebook exec
Search lets you explore all the possible answers.
                                                                                       By Ken Wieland                          healthcare and education, we want        NGO leaders that were on the front
Can you tell us about your firm’s plans to open up user data to help target                                                    to use our resources to leverage the     lines, so we came up with a three
advertisements?                                                                        An open and robust internet,            power of connectivity for those who      part plan,” said Weasler.
We currently allow advertisers to target people who have expressed an interest in               accessed for free, can play a  need it most,” he added. “Facebook
a topic by searching or visiting a category feed, such as home decor. As part of                pivotal role in times of       believes that the benefits of              This involved a donation button
our focus this year, we will be offering additional targeting options to advertisers.  humanitarian crisis. It’s a view        technology should be shared by all.”     on Facebook newsfeed to collect
For example, in the future an advertiser could target "outdoor enthusiasts"            strongly held by Chris Weasler,                                                  funds for the relief effort, a
which is an aggregate group of users based on their interest in outdoor                Facebook’s director of global              Through its initiative,  partnership with UNICEF to
activities. We will not share individual user data with advertisers. These options     connectivity.                           Facebook is working to connect the       provide health information to
will be based on aggregate anonymous data.                                                                                     near 60 per cent of the world not        people living in the Ebola region –
                                                                                         “The Ebola crisis in West Africa is   yet connected. The app,     to help them diagnose and respond
What future developments for Pinterest are you most excited about?                     an example of a place where a crisis    which allows users to access basic       to any Ebola conditions – and a
We’re excited about making Pins more useful and actionable so people can save,         may have been exacerbated by the        internet services, including             multipartner effort dubbed the
discover and do. The most recent example is App Pins, which we announced with          lack of good connectivity,” he told     healthcare information, is already       Ebola Response Connectivity
Apple to make it possible to install apps without leaving Pinterest.                   Mobile World Daily ahead of his         available in six emerging markets.       Initiative (ERCI) to provide
App Pins are a new type of Rich Pin and the first truly actionable pin.                presentation at this week’s                                                      connectivity solutions.
While we can’t share specific future product plans, we’re looking forward to           conference session on ‘Connected          Facebook has been active, too, in
continually offer ways for Pinners to discover content on Pinterest from any           Citizens, Managing Crisis’.             tackling Ebola. “We recognised that        “In total, the partnership will
location and any device.                                                                                                       connectivity was a critically            deliver and implement sustainable
                                                                                         “Since the internet is an enabler     important tool for the brave nurses,     connectivity solutions in 100 critical
                                                                                       for so many basic needs like            doctors, health professionals and        treatment locations,” said Weasler.

Malaysia’s YTL combines internet                                                                                               approach is perhaps more important
and cloud to close digital divide                                                                                              than throwing points solutions and
                                                                                                                               see which one sticks”.
By Joseph Waring                        what we have done at the Mobile                are important, Dr Yeoh said YTL
                                        World Congress,” said YTL group                prefers to take a broader approach        Many may think that by virtue of
Malaysia’s YTL, which has               managing director Francis Yeoh                 where the entire end-to-end             being in the telecommunications
            built out a nationwide 4G   Sock Ping (pictured).                          experience is crafted and optimised     sector, YTL by definition is a
            network to help close the                                                  with the stakeholders in mind.          technology business, he said. “But
country’s digital divide, has also        Dr Yeoh spoke to Mobile World                                                        I’ve learnt that in the end, all
created what it says is the world’s     Daily ahead of his participation on a            For example, with its 4G network,     businesses are about people. So we
first national education cloud that is  panel session Tuesday on ‘Health &             he said the company can offer           never take for granted any large-
deployed in all 10,080 primary and      Education for Connected Citizens’              anytime, anywhere learning. “But        scale transformation effort — we
secondary schools in coordination       at 16:00 in Auditorium 3.                      we have put in extra measures to        must always consider change
with the government’s education                                                        create an VLAN-over-4G                  management. Simply put, we must
transformation blueprint.                 He said he is encouraged to see              architecture to protect the children    help our stakeholders see for
                                        US President Obama's ConnectED                 while they are connected. And we        themselves the reason for change
  “Coupled with our national 4G         initiative and similar connected               built a cloud-based learning            and be inspired and motivated to
footprint and our understanding of      learning initiatives taken by                  platform, called Frog VLE (virtual      embrace the change because it is
the synergies between mobile            countries such as Finland and South            learning environment), to create an     fundamentally good for them.”
internet and cloud-based services,      Korea. He noted that Malaysia is               intuitive experience for students,
we have been able to accomplish         lucky to have a “progressive                   teachers and parents.”                     Looking ahead, he said YTL aims
something no one else has been able     government that is bold enough” to                                                     to deliver better and more cost-
to achieve, and I’m excited to share    drive this on a national scale.                  In other words, “we believe that      effective 4G services and devices.
                                                                                       taking a holistic platform level        “But we won’t stop there. We believe
                                           While applications and content                                                      that our larger calling is to use
                                                                                                                               mobile internet as a force of good to
                                                                                                                               touch all walks of lives in Malaysia
                                                                                                                               and beyond.”

PAGE 10 Tuesday 3rd March                                                              MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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