Page 6 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 6


Jolla guns for                         Intel updates mobile                                                                                                       can be paired with LTE-Advanced
third mobile                           products; won’t be drawn                                                                                                   connectivity, to “power a range of
OS spot                                on shipment targets                                                                                                        mainstream to premium devices.”

By Anne Morris                         By Steve Costello                        eroding the PC share, so we had to         The computing processor giant            Intel’s event wasn’t just about
                                                                                get in there and be a part of it, get    announced its Atom x3 processor          mobile devices: “You don’t want to
Jolla has set itself the               Intel bolstered its position in the      there very quickly”.                     series, which it described as its first  just sit here and talk about a modem
      ambitious target of forming          mobile market yesterday with                                                  integrated platform for entry and        or a piece of silicon. What you really
      the third mobile ecosystem           the announcement of a number           “Phones have been around a bit         value devices. The product, previously   want to talk about is the complete
after Android and Apple’s iOS,         of new products which Brian              longer, it’s a little bit more of a      codenamed SoFIA, combines 64-bit         solution stack, from the silicon that
ousting Windows Phone.                 Krzanich, its CEO, said will enable it   mature market. I’d rather get in         multi-core Intel Atom processors with    you start with on the device, whether
                                       to compete more effectively in the       there with the right product and the     3G or LTE connectivity.                  that be an internet of things device,
   “We expect to be the third,”        mobile device space.                     right silicon. So I’m willing to take                                             a mobile device, and how it goes all
said Marc Dillon, co-founder and                                                my time”.                                  Twenty companies, including            the way through the experiences
COO of the company, which is in          The CEO said that while it may                                                  Asus and Jolla, have committed to        that you want to have with those
the process of rolling out the         have been down in mobile, it isn’t         But he would not be drawn on the       delivering Atom x3-powered               devices, through the network”.
second generation of its Sailfish      out, with a growing tablet business      company’s targets for mobile             products.
OS and the first Jolla Tablet.         and improved products for                phones. “I do think that there will                                                  Krzanich noted how Intel is
                                       smartphones.                             come a time when I stand up on             And it also introduced its first       working with companies such as
   Dillon, who was speaking                                                     stage and say “we’re going to ship       14nm Atom SoC, Atom x5 and x7            Alcatel-Lucent (virtualised RAN),
during a media event at Mobile           “Tablets were one of those things      whether it’s 50 million or 100           (previously codenamed Cherry             Ericsson (data centre platforms)
World Congress, said his               we had to get into quickly. It was       million’, I just don’t think it’s quite  Trail), for “next-generation tablets     and Huawei (cloud technology).
expectation is that the company        talked about that tablets were           yet”.                                    and small-screen 2-in-1s. Products
will have a “double-digit”                                                                                                                                          And Intel also noted that
percentage market share in a                                                                                                                                      Samsung’s Galaxy S6 and Galaxy
few years, although he was                                                                                                                                        S6 Edge smartphones will feature
unable to be specific on timing                                                                                                                                   built-in and activated antivirus
or current share.                                                                                                                                                 technology from its McAfee arm.

   Jolla believes it will be able to   Microsoft previews Windows
achieve its targets with Sailfish      10, reveals new devices
2.0 because the OS offers
something different from what          By Saleha Riaz                           partnership with AT&T.                   have superior value, especially to       “mobility of experience”.
Dillon described as the                                                           Lumia 640 comes with a 5 inch          business users.                             Windows 10 will integrate a rich
monopolistic tendencies of the         Microsoft announced two
two dominant players.                              new smartphone devices       HD display, single and double SIM          The phones come in cyan,               communication suite with Skype
                                                   in the affordable category,  capabilities in both 3G (€139) and       orange, black and white among            through its universal apps platform,
   “We are the only independent        Lumia 640 and the slightly bigger        4G LTE (€159) versions and an 8          other colours and currently feature      which the company said is a “big
OS,” said Dillon. “We are not          640 XL, at its press conference          megapixel camera.                        Windows 8.1, but will be                 focus area.”
dominated by one company’s             yesterday, as well as previewing                                                  upgradeable to Windows 10 once it
strategy.”                             Windows 10.                                The 640 XL has a screen that is        is launched.
                                                                                0.7 inches bigger, a battery that lasts
   He was particularly critical of       The company claimed Windows            longer and a 13 megapixel camera.          Microsoft has thrown in some
what he described as the anti-         10 is promised to be launched later      It costs €189 for 3G and €219 for        freebies to attract customers: the
competitive practices of Google,       this year “with a steady drum beat of    LTE.                                     new smartphones come with an
also noting that Android was           further reveals” around it, along with                                            incentive of free Office 365
designed to capture data from          new devices in the “flagship tier”.        “You can buy three of these            subscription for a year, an Office
users and profit from it.                                                       phones for the price of one              license for an additional device, plus
                                          Microsoft said it has increased the   competitive flagship device with         one terabyte of OneDrive storage.
   “We have said that we are not       size of its unified platform to attract  parallel business features,” said
going to sell user data,” said         developers and launched a mobile         Stephen Elop, executive vice               Elop said the company is shifting
Dillon, who sees the company’s         Office suite for small businesses in     president of the Microsoft Devices       its focus to “obsess” about not the
focus on openness, privacy and                                                  Group, explaining why the phones         “mobility of devices” but the
security, and a high level of
integration with regional              Silent Circle launches BlackPhone2
partners, as among the two key         and the Blackphone+ tablet
attributes of Sailfish 2.0.
                                       By Anne Morris                           privacy without compromising                                                      Hall 2, Stand 2J60
   After the launch of Jolla                                                    productivity,” said Phil                                                  
smartphones, the first Jolla Tablet    Silent Circle expanded the               Zimmermann, Silent Circle co-
will start shipping in the second             range of its highly secure        founder and chief scientist. “This is
quarter of this year at an expected           enterprise mobile devices         much more than simply another
retail price of about US$249. The      with the launch of the BlackPhone2       product launch. I have built my
tablet is based on Intel               and a privacy-focused tablet called      career around the principle that
architecture and was also funded       Blackphone+, as it enters what it        privacy is a right. Now, in a post-
though crowdsourcing. The next         describes as its second stage of         Sony world, the way to protect an
step will then be to license Sailfish  growth.                                  individual’s right is through the
2.0 to other vendors to drive the                                               enterprise.”
company’s expansion.                     The devices, which are based on
                                       the ZRTP mobile architecture and           The company, which recently
  Jolla and Sailfish certainly         follow the first-generation              raised $50 million in funding to
have their work cut out: latest        Blackphone, are designed to              support its future growth and also
research from IDC indicated that       address enterprise concerns about        assumed full ownership of
Android and iOS accounted for          the use of mobile devices following      Blackphone after buying out
96.3 per cent of all smartphone        some recent high-profile cyber           Geeksphone’s stake in the joint
shipments in 2014, with                attacks. ZRTP is a cryptographic         venture SGP Technologies, said the
Android’s share at over 80 per         key-agreement protocol to                three devices form part of what it
cent. Windows Phone accounted          negotiate encryption keys required       claims to be “the world’s first
for a relatively small share of 2.7    to establish an end-to-end secure        enterprise privacy platform”.
per cent.                              VoIP call.
                                                                                  Both new products will be
                                         “Everything we do is designed to       available from the second half of
                                       help global enterprises achieve real     2015.

PAGE 6 Tuesday 3rd March                                                        MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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