Page 2 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 2

Measuring mobile internet services penetration

7.05 billion  6.50 billion  (data as of 2014)    3.64 billion 1.20 billion                       2.44 billion        5.39 billion  7.29 billion



                                                                                                 6  4%

                                                                                      of which,                      74%
                                                                         mobile broadband

                         89% /        1.79 = 50%

                         penetration  SIM cards  penetration



Registered    Active        Average number          Unique                Voice and      Mobile                Addressable             Total
                             of connections         mobile                text-only     internet                population         population
mobile        mobile         per subscriber      subscribers             subscribers  subscribers

connections connections

    Connections are                     Unique        Unique mobile       Mobile internet                            Ceiling above
          traditionally           subscribers    subscribers is the           subsscribers                           which overall
                                 (individuals)   number of people                                                    unique
reported by mobile               actively use     who subscribe to       represent the %                             subscriber
       operators and                                                       of subscribers                            penetration is
                                       multiple     mobile services                that have                         expected to
    regulators, often            connections                                 actually used                           stall
         refered to as                             This differs from             the mobile
                               The SIM ratio          the number of       internet, rather                           Some
  subscriptions but            represents all                                  than simply                           population
     also incorrectly      devices and not        people who own                 having the                          groups are
            labelled as                            a mobile device,         technology to                            unable to
         customers or             just phones    which tends to be                      do so                        subscribe to
           subscribers                                                                                               mobile services
                                   The ratio is       lower than the         This metric is                          due to
      The registered         derived from a                SIM ratio in      derived from                            socio-economic
   connection base        consumer survey                  developing       our consumer                             factors
                         conducted across                  economies
           can include                                                                 survey                        Estimate based
 inactive SIM cards             44 countries                                                                         on age, which
                                                                          Mobile internet                            excludes
      Defined as the                                                           services are                          population
      number of SIM                                                                                                  under 14 years
    cards, excluding                                                       defined as any                            of age,
     M2M, that have                                                            activity that                         representing
       been used for                                                              consumes                           26% of the
  voice, messaging                                                                                                   World’s
 or data activity on                                                     mobile data (i.e.                           population
                                                                          excluding SMS,                             according to
            the mobile                                                                                               the World Bank
        network over                                                               MMS and
 operators’ activity                                                                  cellular
   period (typically
                                                                                voice calls)
               90 days)

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