Page 3 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
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j GOOGLE Cont. from P1                 Sony talks up                                                                                                                NEWS IN BRIEF...
  During his Monday Mobile             mobile commitment
                                                                                                                                                                    M2M alliance
World Live Extra session at            By Steve Costello                        success. Instead our success will                                                   leads to battery-
Congress, Pichai said in                                                        come from not just optimising our                                                   life uplift
response to questions about the        Sony Mobile used its press               core smartphone business, but from
launch of a possible Google                   event at Mobile World             new ideas, new business                                                             Teclo Networks and Stream
MVNO that the company is                      Congress to address questions     opportunities, and even new ways of                                                 Technologies have announced
working on a project together          about its continued commitment to        working. So that whatever changes                                                   a tie-up to improve the
with carrier partners. “Our goal       the mobile sector, with Kazuo Hira,      we encounter, we will develop                                                       performance of M2M network
here is to drive a set of              group CEO, stating at the outset that    products that excite and entertain,                                                 performance, including a
innovations,” he said, comparing       “mobile remains an important part        but do so with profit,” he said.                                                    significant increase in battery
the company’s approach to its          of Sony”.                                                                                                                    life cycles. The pair have used
Nexus smartphone programme,                                                        Of course, there were new devices                                                Stream Technologies' S-
where Google leaves others to            “The smartphone market, of             to show, but the company shied away                                                 Series solution to achieve
serve the mass market.                 course, is highly cost-competitive,      from joining the premium-tier                                                       faster data transfer times
                                       and we expect the commoditisation        smartphone battle initiated by HTC                                                  between connected devices,
  “I think we are at the stage         we are seeing to continue. So we         and Samsung on Sunday.                                                              this means such devices use
when it’s important to think           have to make changes to how we                                                                                               less power when they
about hardware, software and           manage the business as well. But           It showcased its Xperia M4 Aqua,                                                  ‘communicate’ with one
connectivity together,” he added.      one thing has not changed. Mobile        which is a mass-market device that                                                  another.
                                       remains an important part of the         is also its first octacore 64-bit
  In general, Google and Facebook      Sony group. And the reason for that      smartphone powered by a                                                             Jasper forms IoT
are both seeking ways to connect       is quite simple. Smartphones,            Qualcomm Snapdragon 615                                                             partnership with
more people in developing regions      tablets, smart wear, mobile devices      processor, and said to represent                                                    Salesforce
of the world, although the two         and services are firmly rooted in our    “our renewed mid-range focus –
internet giants are taking very        daily lives,” he said.                   with no compromises”.                                                               Jasper has partnered with
different approaches.                                                                                                                                               CRM specialist Salesforce to
                                         His sentiment was echoed by              And the company also unveiled                                                     enable enterprises to lower
  While Facebook is focusing on        Hiroki Totoki, recently installed        its Xperia Z4 Tablet, with 10.1-inch                                                the cost, reduce time-to-
the project to bring      head of Sony’s Mobile unit.              2K display. It is powered by                                                        market and enable global
free online services to users                                                   Qualcomm’s flagship Snapdragon                                                      scale for their Internet of
through collaborations with mobile        “You cannot cost-cut your way to      810 processor.                                                                      Things (IoT) deployments.
operators, Google is engaging in
large-scale projects to explore        Music is not                                                                       [ie. Northern Europe] quadplay is …       CSG International
some highly futuristic ways of         quadplay’s silver bullet                                                           smaller,” explained Humm.                 launches new
providing internet access to areas                                                                                                                                  digital platform
with little or no access.              By Joanne Taaffe                         Regional CEO Europe, Vodafone,              However, the dominance of
                                                                                speaking on the MMIX panel at             YouTube as a music channel and the        CSG International, a provider
   For example, Project Loon,          If operators do not find a way to        yesterday’s Mobile World Congress         expectation that Apple will integrate     of “transaction-driven
Project Link and Project Titan are         offer premium content, then          — even though Humm also                   Beats Music streaming into iOS,           solutions”, unveiled a new
seeking to provide internet access         they risk earning less from          described quadplay as reducing            iTunes, and Apple TV seem to rule         digital services platform
using balloons, fibre and drones       quadplay than they currently do          churn by a factor of three.               out music as a sizeable source of         called Ascendon, which it
respectively. Pichai pointed out that  from stand-alone fixed and mobile                                                  future income as operators roll out       claimed will allow
while people in the developed          services.                                  “In Spain and Portugal …                4G networks capable of distributing       communications service
world now take connectivity                                                     between 60 per cent and 80 per            more content, faster.                     providers (CSPs), content
largely for granted, “there are many     Today “quadplay is a discount          cent of what we sell is quadplay – in                                               producers and retailers to
parts of the world where people        play”, admitted Philip Humm,             the markets where we discount less          “YouTube is the ultimate free           launch, scale and monetise
are offline,” he said, estimating the                                                                                     service,” said, pointing out    new digital services (such as
global unconnected population at                                                                                          that YouTube is the first port of call    movies, music, games and
more than 4 billion.                                                                                                      for most people looking for music         home security).
                                                                                                                          and videos -- including himself.
  Pichai confessed that when                                                                                              “No one is going to subscribe … if        Openwave
Google co-founder and CEO Larry                                                                                           you have YouTube on your device,”         Mobility ‘first’ to
Page first broached the idea of                                                                                           said the musician and entrepreneur.       optimise
putting large balloons in the sky to                                                                                                                                encrypted video
provide mobile internet coverage,                                                                                 , who played a key role        streaming
he thought it was a “crazy                                                                                      in inspiring Beats Electronics, in
sounded like science fiction!”                                                                                            which he owns a founding,                 Openwave Mobility has
                                                                                                                          undeclared stake, is optimistic           announced a solution called
  Now, Pichai seems convinced                                                                                             about how Apple will integrate            Secure Traffic Manager that
that Project Loon will work, and                                                                                          Beats into its products – although        optimises encrypted mobile
said he expects to see “real                                                                                              he gave away no details about the         video and audio streaming
services” in a couple of years.                                                                                           new service expected mid-2015.            traffic. It claims to help
Vodafone in New Zealand,                                                                                                  Apple bought the streaming music          operators achieve 50 per cent
Telefonica in Latin America and                                                                                           service Beats Music, and Beats            data savings on encrypted HD
Telstra in Australia are all                                                                                              Electronics, which makes                  video, delivering an improved
involved in trials, for example.                                                                                          headphones, speakers and audio            user experience for
                                                                                                                          software, for a total of $3 billion in    congested networks without
   On the subject of Facebook’s                                                                                           May 2014.                                 compromising subscriber
approach, Pichai said he was                                                                                                                                        privacy.
“very happy to work with them on” by providing Google
services, but commented that
Google is doing something
different as it is seeking to provide
actual physical connectivity.

j OPERATOR CEOs Cont. from P1          of the GSMA, emphasised how              environment – to cover all players in     was not always possible. The
  “Why do I pay twice for the same     mobile and the Internet of Things        the digital eco-system – the scaling      connected car, for example, would
                                       has a far-reaching role to play across   back of wholesale price regulation,       always have a stronger claim on
app?” he asked, referring to the       all industry sectors, with the           and coordinated spectrum policies.        network resources than someone
dominance of Apple’s iOS and           potential to drive a new phase of                                                  listening to Spotify. Rather than full-
Google’s Android in the mobile OS      European industrial growth. “Mobile        The Deutsche Telekom chief also         blown net neutrality, Hoettges
space. “I can choose operators, I can  changes everything,” she said.           wants a more nuanced discussion on        advocated that regulators leave room
change operators, and I want to                                                 net neutrality. While supporting the      for “quality classes” in order to cater
choose in the converged new world.”       To safeguard network investment,      principle that all web traffic should be  for different types of internet traffic.
                                       Hoettges called for a single regulatory  treated equally, Hoettges said this
  Anne Bouverot, director general

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                            Tuesday 3rd March PAGE 3
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