Page 8 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 8


NEWS IN BRIEF...                   BSH Home
                                   Appliances cooks
Morpho and W-                      up the connected
Locate partner in                  kitchen
                                   By Paul Rasmussen                      Appliances, said that next year will    provide to white goods. However,       consumers on what data from these
Morpho, a provider of identity                                            see the majority of new kitchen         he acknowledged that, while the        devices would be collected, and
and security solutions, has        The concept of a fully                 appliances enabled for connection.      business opportunity was growing,      how it would be analysed and used.
signed a partnership with W-               connected lifestyle will take  “It’ll be about being able to           the process of cooking using
Locate to embed geo-location               many forms, according to       personalise these devices to how you    connectivity needs a complex             “Basic security must be
technology in its SIM cards        the speakers at Monday morning’s       want to access and monitor them.”       combination of analogue and            embedded by the white goods
thanks to which Thailand’s         second keynote session. Likely                                                 digital technology.                    manufacturer. Users will want to
mobile operator AIS has            sectors where interconnection will       “We have been surprised by the                                               personalise their appliances, but
launched ‘Mobile Track and         first take place include transport     strong interest of consumers to the       “The processes associated with       they must be made secure.”
Trace’, an enterprise-specific     systems, B2B, B2C, tourism, and        connected fridge. We’re launching       cooking are a very different world,”
SIM-based LBS solution.            within the home – especially the       such a device this year that will       he observed.                             “We certainly don’t want a
                                   kitchen.                               have two cameras fitted so owners                                              washing machine to become infected
Argyle Data and                                                           can remotely observe what                 Moving to how connected              with the Struxnet virus. But, last year
Gigamon team on                      Making the case that the kitchen     consumables it contains.”               devices within the home should be      a connected fridge in the US did start
fraud detection                    will be a key starting point for                                               made secure, Ottenberg said that a     operating as a botnet sending out
                                   connectivity, Karsten Ottenberg           Of note, Ottenberg said that         clear policy was needed to reassure    spam,” added Ottenberg.
Gigamon and Argyle Data are        (pictured), CEO of BSH Home            consumers are closely watching
partnering to deliver fraud                                               what added-value connectivity can
detection and revenue protection
for communications service         Ericsson adds ‘industrial                                                      Ford launches                          convenient. It shows how further
providers, which will help them    strength’ to cloud with                                                        app to manage                          energy efficiencies can be achieved in
quickly respond to fraud while     Intel partnership                                                              electric car                           a way that is easily understood,” said
ensuring operational stability                                                                                    charging                               Don Butler, executive director of
and performance of the             By Paul Rasmussen                      centre and software to manage all                                              Ford’s connected vehicle and services.
operational network.                                                      aspects of the cloud. From this they    By Joseph Waring
                                   Increasing concerns over cloud         can develop and build a cloud                                                    “Electric car drivers want to
Smartphones                            security and governance could      service that best meets their needs,    Ford Motor Company yesterday           understand the environmental
need to know their                     be laid to rest following a new    giving them a key competitive                   introduced a smartphone app    benefits their vehicle brings. MyFord
place                              partnership deal announced             edge,” he said.                                 in Europe that allows drivers  Mobile helps them to do this.”
                                   between Ericsson and Intel. The                                                to remotely manage the charging of
TV remote controls may be less     agreement will see software and           The company maintains that           their electric vehicles.                 MyFord Mobile is supported by a
versatile than smartphones, but    hardware from the two firms being      demand for cloud agility,                                                      website and is available for iOS and
their simplicity means they still  combined to enable operators to        operational scale and associated           With the MyFord Mobile app,         Android smartphones. It connects to
have their uses, according to      offer cloud services to rival the      economics is growing but existing       users can manage the status of their   the car via an on-board modem that
new research by ruwido, which      capabilities from today’s largest      concerns around security and            car, check the range and plan          sends data directly to a remote server.
highlights the importance of       cloud service providers.               governance are slowing the full         journeys to include charging stops.
simple navigation, adapted to                                             adoption of cloud technologies by                                                Ford also announced it is running
users’ needs.                        Labelled the Ericsson HDS 8000       the world’s largest enterprises.           The company said it took            an experiment to study how electric
                                   Hyperscale Datacentre System, the                                              inspiration from gaming and            bicycles can be used together with
BSS software                       new cloud system will take               Intel’s CEO, Brian Krzanich,          personal fitness apps to develop the   cars and public transport to reduce
companies demo                     advantage of Intel’s rack scale        added: “Our rack space system           app, which can also display CO2        daily commute times and save energy.
ETSI/NFV proof of                  architecture to host Ericsson’s        brings much improved capabilities       savings and offer tips on how
concept                            secure cloud storage and its           and performance together with           efficiency might be improved.            The project, called Handle on
                                   Continuum technology to provide a      significantly lower cost of                                                    Mobility, developed two prototype
Openet joined fellow BSS           platform for hybrid cloud services.    ownership. The new hyperspace              The app can also be used to set a   e-bikes equipped with a 200-watt
(business support systems)                                                datacentre system is the foundation     specific temperature inside the car.   motor, powered by a 9-amp-hour
software companies Opennet,           “This partnership with Intel        for operators wanting to transfer                                              battery that allows speeds of up to
Procera and Amartus, as well       enables non-cloud providers to         their services to the cloud. This is a     Among the first cars to offer       25 km/h. The foldable bikes are
as Red Hat and Intel, at           compete with the biggest names in      ground-breaking development for         MyFord Mobile in Europe will be the    designed to fit into Ford vehicles,
Mobile World Congress to run       the industry,” said Hans Vestberg,     the cloud and data centres.”            zero emission new Focus Electric       allowing commuters to park on the
a real-time OSS/BSS in a           Ericsson’s CEO. “Our proposition is                                            that will feature its SYNC 2 voice-    city outskirts, take the bike onto
virtualised environment. The       about more than realising a cloud        Intel claims that its development     activated connectivity, which Ford     public transport and travel to the
ETSI NFV proof of concept          solution. It is about realising a      effort with Ericsson will see its rack  said will be available in the spring.  city centre, then ride the e-bike to
was endorsed by Vodafone.          digital industrialisation strategy.”   scale technology used to provide a                                             their destination.
                                                                          disaggregated hardware approach            The app also is available for the
TEOCO expands                        “This is an offering aimed directly  to dramatically improve efficiency,     C-MAX Energi plug-in electric            The bikes have an alert system,
network planning                   at operators. It provides them a data  utilisation and automation.             hybrid vehicle.                        driven by a rear-facing ultrasonic
range                                                                                                                                                    sensor, that warns the cyclist when a
                                                                                                                     “MyFord Mobile makes owning an      vehicle is overtaking, by vibrating
TEOCO, which provides                                                                                             electric vehicle even more             both handlebars, and alerts motorists
planning, assurance, analytics                                                                                                                           of the presence of the e-bike by
and optimisation tools, has                                                                                                                              illuminating handlebar lights.
developed two new network
planning tools; Velox, a small
cell planning tool, and ASSET
Geo, which visualises geo-
located traffic and
performance data.



PAGE 8 Tuesday 3rd March                                                  MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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