Page 9 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 9


Lee Hyung-hee,
President of Network Operations Business of SK Telecom
& Chairman of Korea IoT Association

Wearable computers, personalized                 Telecommunications
advertising billboards and self-                 Companies, True
driving cars are some of the items               Enablers of the IoT Era
that appeared in science fiction
blockbusters like the Minority
Report to depict a futuristic world.
Now, in 2015, this scene has become
a reality. With the spread of smart
devices, evolution of mobile
networks and growth of smart
technologies encompassing sensors,
cloud computing and Big Data, the
era of the Internet of Things (IoT)
has finally arrived.

Global market research firms predict a             Meanwhile, with the spread of                  Figure 1: Concept of an Open IoT Platform
         rapid growth for the IoT sector:        personalized smart devices such as
         Gartner, Inc. forecasts that the        smartphones and wearables, there will be an      of the agriculture sector through advanced     Figure 2: Concept of IoT Solution
number of connected things, which excludes       increasing chance for telecommunications         ICT. To date, an IoT-based intelligent         for Farming
PCs, smartphones and tablets, will increase      companies to not only tap into the               greenhouse management solution named
from 4.9 billion in 2015 to 25 billion by 2020;  government and enterprise markets, but also      “Smart Farm” has been applied to 100 farms     innovating how people work, play and
and International Data Corporation (IDC)         the individual consumer market with their        that grow fruits and vegetables. Smart Farm
predicts the global market for IoT solutions to  IoT services. In the IoT market, near-field      allows farmers to remotely control             communicate. In the IoT era, the results of
grow from USD 1.9 trillion in 2013 to USD 7.1    wireless communication technologies that         temperatures, humidity and water supplies at
trillion in 2020.                                connect individual devices and things to the     greenhouses with their smartphones, thus       innovations taking place in each and every
                                                 gateway will become of greater importance.       enabling them to take immediate and
  Against this backdrop, mobile operators,       Thus, telecommunications companies are           appropriate action against sudden              industry will be connected and optimized,
manufacturers, chip makers, solution             also focusing on advancing their wireless        temperature changes or equipment errors.
providers and internet related service           personal area networks (PAN) through             Studies show that farmers are showing a high   followed by meaningful convergence, to
companies around the globe are aggressively      technologies such as Bluetooth low energy        level of satisfaction as they can spend less
entering the world of IoT to gain an early       (BLE) Beacon and Wi-Fi, while constantly         time, cost and energy on farming. Going        constantly create greater value and infinite
mover’s advantage by leveraging their            developing their wide area networks (WAN).       forward, once such IoT solutions are
existing strength. Thus, there is a growing                                                       developed for and applied to other areas of    opportunities.         Telecommunications
interest in who will gain leadership in this       If seamless connectivity forms the basis for   farming, the productivity of the overall
new IoT market.                                  an IoT ecosystem, platform will serve as the     industry will be maximized. In the long term,  companies, which already have unmatched
                                                 main engine that powers the virtuous circle of   these solutions collectively can even play a
  Here, the telecommunications companies         the ecosystem. Without a platform that           part in resolving one of the most difficult    strength in connectivity, hold the power to act
have an important role to play. As pioneers of   enables anyone to come with their innovative     issues in the world, including food shortage
the era of Internet and mobile, they hold an     ideas and create new and added value,            and climate change, as the massive amounts     as true enablers in the IoT era by creating and
invaluable set of tools, - including seamless    telecommunications companies will be             of data they generate can be gathered,
connectivity based on a strong network           relegated to mere dumb pipes. Thus, they         analyzed and mashed-up to turn into valuable   delivering new value through its open IoT
infrastructure, innovative convergence           must build an attractive platform to succeed     intelligence.
services designed to meet customer’s varying     in the era of IoT.                                                                              platform, and then sharing the value with the
needs, and extensive experience in service                                                          Over the past 30 years, telecommunications
delivery, - that will allow them to open a         The following are the key requirements for     technologies have transformed people’s lives.  society to contribute to increased well-being
whole new world of opportunities in the IoT      an ideal IoT platform: It needs to support both  Mobile technologies, in particular, have
era by setting up an ecosystem where anyone      fixed and mobile networks; take an open          evolved from voice-centered communication      and happiness of all.
can join to create, deliver and share value.     Application Programming Interfaces (API)         to data communications to today’s
                                                 approach to provide a high level of              smartphone-based smart lifestyle services,
  The core concept of IoT is that anything       accessibility; support registration and
and everything can be connected. And             management of smart devices (and their
telecommunications companies are the only        applications); and provide a cloud
ones with the accumulated power of               infrastructure to accommodate data. Such a
connectivity. At present, mobile operators in    platform will enable diverse players to provide
many countries across the world have             end-users with value-added, customized
launched 4G networks and are now focusing        services by combining their ideas and
on further strengthening their networks to       technologies regardless of device, thereby
better support IoT. In particular,               promoting a virtuous cycle in the IoT market.
telecommunications companies in Korea are
making aggressive efforts to keep advancing        Moreover, telecommunication companies
their networks towards the next-generation       can further expand the IoT market through
mobile network system, or 5G. To this end,       intelligent, customized services created by
they have recently commercialized tri-band       analyzing Big Data generated and
LTE-Advanced Carrier Aggregation that            accumulated upon the network and platform.
supports up to 300Mbps speeds. With the          For instance, IoT can be used as an important
realization of the 5G network, the size of the   means to enhance productivity and
IoT market will grow exponentially as the        profitability of other industries. In October
evolved network will support giga-level          2014, the Korean Government created
speeds, massive data transmission and ultra-     “Changjo (Creative) Village” in Sejong Special
real-time connectivity.                          Autonomous City to promote sophistication

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                   Tuesday 3rd March PAGE 9
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