Page 12 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 12


Q&A r                                                                                 Consumers show                                                                  and the U.S. already own a
                                                                                      strong interest                                                                 connected device such as a smart
Stephen Shurrock,                                                                     in connected                                                                    meter (28 per cent), security system
CEO, Consumer, Telefónica                                                             household devices                                                               (23 per cent), lighting system (23 per
                                                                                                                                                                      cent) or health monitor (23 per
Wearables                                                                             By Anne Morris                         lighting and cars, as well as health     cent), the report says.
                                                                                                                             monitors, washing machines, smart
Hall 4 – Conference Village – Auditorium 4                                            Around 89 per cent of people           watches, activity trackers, ovens and       The survey also confirmed that
Tuesday, 3 March, 14:00–15:30                                                                  want to wirelessly connect    refrigerators.                           the opportunity to save money was
                                                                                               all their household devices                                            the most compelling benefit of
We have seen a massive increase in the number of wearable devices available:          to the internet in future, with          “Multiple machines, devices and        purchasing connected devices for
is customer demand increasing at a pace that supports this?                           perceived benefits including cost      appliances are being connected to        the home: for example, 70% of all
We’re still in the “early adopter” phase when it comes to wearables. We recently      savings, peace of mind and security.   the Internet through numerous            respondents believed that this was
carried out some research and found that while 60 per cent of people surveyed                                                networks and are providing               the most important aspect of
were aware of smartwatches, only 2 per cent owned one; however, a significant           According to a new report titled     consumers and businesses with            owning a connected energy system.
number said they would consider buying a wearable in future. There’s certainly        The Impact of the Internet of Things:  innovative new services. The
increasing appetite, but most people aren’t quite ready to take the leap just yet –   The Connected Home by KRC              Internet of Things may sound like a        Connected healthcare devices
this will start to change in 2015.                                                    Research and GSMA Intelligence,        futuristic buzz term, but it is already  were also well received by consumers
There’s lots of awareness and focus on smartwatches in particular, but as             consumers have a strong interest in    here and improving our lives,” said      with 83 per cent of respondents who
connectivity moves beyond just watches and bands to things like t-shirts and          connecting virtually everything in     Alex Sinclair, CTO of the GSMA.          already owned such devices
footwear and all of these things talk to each other as well as your smartphone        their homes including security                                                  reporting that their sense of well-
and tablet, this opens up a whole new world for people and connectivity providers     systems, thermostats, smart meters,      At present, around one in four         being had improved and that their use
like Telefónica who can help to make the cross-device experience seamless.                                                   people in Germany, Japan, the UK         provided peace of mind and helped
                                                                                                                                                                      with lifestyle improvements.
What do you think it will take to make wearables a mass market proposition,
rather than a niche for geeks/fitness fans?                                                                                                                             The GSMA Connected Living
I think there are five main factors that will accelerate the transition of wearables                                                                                  programme will be present at the
to mass market:                                                                                                                                                       GSMA Innovation City at Mobile
• Form: they have to be fashionable (or easily concealed) and most importantly                                                                                        World Congress this week in Hall 3,
                                                                                                                                                                      stands 3A11 and 3A31.
   comfortable to wear.
• Functions: people want services and applications that are designed for a            IoT and wearables                                                               marketing officer. “It’s critical for
                                                                                      could be costly “market                                                         operators to take action to protect
   wearable experience, not tablet functionality poorly adapted to a smartband. The   distractions” warns study                                                       and drive revenue in the face of
   number of positive use cases is key to maximising interest and sustaining it.                                                                                      fierce battles for subscribers.”
• Usability: It has to be quick and easy for people to access and make use of the     By Ken Wieland                           The company argued, however,
   data captured by any wearable. Battery life is an important factor too – having                                           that opportunities for roaming             Number crunchers from SEEC
   to recharge a smartwatch overnight when it’s supposed to be capturing data         Anew study launched by                 revenue growth were much more            added that $16 billion in roaming
   about the quality of your sleep would be frustrating for users.                             Syniverse, and researched     immediate than the more allusive         revenue may potentially be at risk if
• Price: At current prices many wearables are regarded by consumers as                         by economists from            sales potential of IoT and               major operators didn’t introduce
   significant purchases, not as something they might pick up to experiment           Strategic Economic Engineering         wearables.                               compelling roaming offers for
   with or “give it a go.”                                                            Corp (SEEC), threw cold water on                                                customers in the US, the UK and
• Education: Most people have heard of “wearables” particularly smart                 the hype surrounding Internet of         According to the survey, today’s       Germany.
   watches/bands for your wrist or smart glasses, but it’s questionable how           Things (IoT) and wearables. It         $57 billion global roaming services
   many people have tried them out or really understand what they can do. The         warned mobile operators that these     market could grow by more than             “Our analysis shows the
   benefits of wearables are certainly not crystal clear to people right now.         newer innovations could be             $30 billion in the next three years if   competitive importance of roaming
                                                                                      “market distractions” and carry an     roaming pricing is “proactively          pricing, and, as a result, we’re
What is the key to increasing user engagement?                                        opportunity cost of up to a            addressed”. In comparison, newer         advocating measures for mobile
A big problem with wearables – particularly those that are used primarily for         staggering $46 billion.                innovations look set to deliver          operators to focus resources on
“quantified self” purposes like fitness and health – is that people reach their                                              around $3.3 billion to global            their long-term roaming strategies
goal or target and then stop using the device. Recent research by Endeavour             Key to operators reducing risk,      operators.                               and deliver the proactive offers and
Partners suggested that a third of people in the US stopped using their               concluded the report, was                                                       experiences their end users
wearable device within twelve months.                                                 “aggressive and compelling” retail       “The pace of change in today’s         increasingly expect,” said Sam
In a way this is human nature. We’ve all bought those January gym                     roaming offers.                        mobile ecosystem sometimes               Brown, SEEC’s CEO. “While there
memberships that steadily decline in use as the year goes on. But there’s no                                                 makes it difficult to keep focus on      is a competitive threat, it’s not all
getting past the need for better functionality and more engaging services and              Syniverse would no doubt          core business areas like roaming         risk and downside. There are
applications designed specifically for a wearable device.                             welcome the findings, not least        that still carry tens of billions of     billions of dollars up for grabs for
To increase and sustain engagement levels we need to move to a place where            because it helps mobile operators      dollars in revenue opportunity,”         mobile operators that can find the
these devices tackle life problems and help to make everyday activities easier –      facilitate global roaming agreements.  said Mary Clark, Syniverse’s chief       right intelligent roaming solutions
paying for things or detecting certain illnesses, for example. There should also                                                                                      to unlock end-user demand – a
be stronger entertainment factors, be that exciting content like games or an                                                                                          simple evolution of current
element of competition where you’re encouraged to compete against friends or                                                                                          practices.”
interest groups to reach a particular goal. There are already a number of stand-
alone apps that have successfully used this approach.                                                                                                                 Panasonic Cameramanager, a
Ultimately though this is all dependent on the device in question and the amount                                                                                      provider of video surveillance as-
you’re paying for it. The expectations people have for a small, cheap microchip                                                                                       a-service (VSaaS) in Europe, is
that fits on existing clothing vs a top of the range smartwatch are quite different.                                                                                  introducing Nubo, “the world’s
There’s no silver bullet for increasing engagement levels, but more generally it’s                                                                                    first 4G-enabled monitoring
all about the functionality and the services you get from the device that either                                                                                      camera” which will allow
meets, or ideally exceeds, your expectations.                                                                                                                         consumers to monitor property
                                                                                                                                                                      and belongings without needing
Where do you see the opportunity for mobile operators?                                                                                                                Wi-Fi connectivity
Where a wearable links directly to a smartphone to sync up text messages,
emails, social media notifications and so on then there’s clearly a distribution                                                                                      Nubo is weather resistant and offers
opportunity whereby these devices are sold alongside smartphones or as add-                                                                                           sensor connectivity through an
ons afterwards. Similarly, where a wearable device has its own in-built                                                                                               integrated wireless radio and claims
connectivity then we can provide reliable and fast connectivity offering various                                                                                      to deliver a complete platform,
cross-device deals where needed.                                                                                                                                      including a mobilecamera, data
                                                                                                                                                                      plan, app and secure cloud storage

PAGE 12 Tuesday 3rd March                                                             MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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