Page 16 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 16


                                         Pardeep Kohli, President and CEO, Mavenir

The Service

The time is now for network operators to not just virtualize, but
revolutionize. The switch to all-IP LTE and IMS networks based upon NFV and
SDN architectures is bringing revolutionary change to mobile operator
services and the vendor supply market. The underlying transformation,
driven by software methodologies, will impact every aspect of the mobile
operator ecosystem – starting with voice, the most fundamental yet most
constrained telephony service.

MAKING VOICE PORTABLE IS A                       service into a truly portable and seamless         necessary tools for operators to incubate and   anticipate expanded offerings, including
CATALYST FOR CHANGE                              service across devices, networks, and              host new solutions that lead to new revenue     video calling and video interoperability.
                                                 geographical boundaries.                           opportunities.
In a connected world, we can’t expect voice                                                                                                            Moving forward, we’ll also begin to see the
service to stay tied to a single device with a     Similarly, NFV and SDN provide the                 Here, too, is where virtualization as an      introduction of new services and new multi-
single phone number. Smart apps offer a          separation of software from the underlying         enabling technology will dramatically reduce    network and multi-device access to services.
diversity that impacts our lives in a myriad of  hardware. They drive operational efficiencies      the cost and time to implement new mobile       Because VoLTE is inherently an all-IP network,
ways, from touch to non-touch, wearable to       and reduce capital and operational expenses,       operator services. Customer expectations        operators can move beyond delivering service
hearable, and handy personal devices to fixed    while transitioning network services to a          have changed as well, driven by the             to only those users connected to their network
appliances. Voice calls shouldn’t be restricted  standardized commodity infrastructure.             smartphone revolution, an app-driven            or roaming partner network. Connection
to phone-to-phone calling with a finite          Regardless of the hosting mechanism –              environment, and the power of digital and       types, devices, and geography will also no
beginning and ending. Rigid usage                hypervisors-based virtual machines or              social media – all of which have combined to    longer be limiting factors.
marginalizes their potential to be part of       container-based applications – the                 deliver a constant stream of new features and
users’ everyday lives, despite the universal     virtualization process externalizes the            must-have capabilities. With virtualization        The service revolution will not end with
reach of operators’ services. Until now.         management of network nodes and makes it           technologies as the basis for service           VoLTE. On the network of the future,
                                                 possible to program their utilization. And         deployment and operation, operators can         operators will be able to introduce ideas such
  The VoLTE ecosystem and accompanying           though their scope is slightly different, both     innovate more rapidly, experiment more          as “second party pays” and communication
software networks provide operators with a       NFV and SDN separate both network and              freely, and ultimately succeed in less time     services embedded in websites. It will allow
platform for change and opportunity,             routing function software logic from their         with greater frequency. The goal will be to     them to provide a wholesale infrastructure to
delivering access to technology that enables     deployed hardware, and provide                     create network services that are both reliable  enterprises and other businesses, and create
them to adapt to changing customer lifestyles    programmability and automation of the              and dynamic, and offer users the benefits of    new revenue streams and business
with greater flexibility, and to build services  deployment and management of network               Internet technologies with the security and     opportunities not previously available. At the
that address real-life needs. VoLTE provides     services. This enables fast, efficient rollout of  privacy of a trusted network operator.          same time, there will be new communication
numerous technological and cost benefits,        network services and enhancements, with                                                            services replacing or converging legacy
such as spectral efficiency, faster call setup   minimal disruption and easy scalability.           VOLTE AND BEYOND                                touch-points with hyper-productivity
times, HD voice, and more. It also directs                                                                                                          solutions that better meet customer needs.
operators toward an all-IP network for           THE NETWORK OF THE FUTURE WILL                     2014 was a transformative year for VoLTE.
delivery of their core services, which           BE BUILT ON SOFTWARE                               Early adopters proved the feasibility of          VoLTE is an inflection point where Internet
fundamentally changes the reachability of                                                           VoLTE implementation and validated many         technology and telecommunications services
those services.                                  Adding VoLTE capabilities to NFV- and SDN-         of its technical and business benefits. And     come together to underpin a wide range of new
                                                 based networks powers the service delivery         several operators worldwide took the first      operator services. We believe the right portfolio
  VoLTE allows operators to separate the         revolution to drive new operator business          steps toward VoLTE as their new service         of services can drive operator networks of the
services they offer from the network             models. While baseline VoLTE provides              model. As they become increasingly              future, become the catalyst for changing service
technologies over which those services are       tremendous service upgrades, it can’t be           comfortable with their service rollout, we      delivery models, and make core operator
accessed.                                        enhanced for new service dimensions if it’s                                                        services, beginning with voice, truly portable.
                                                 ‘boxed in’ like legacy 2G/3G voice services.
  IP technology enables operators to fully       The mobile marketplace is intensely
participate in the disaggregation of services    competitive, and traditional service providers
and access them in the same way that Skype,      need to evolve to maintain their relevance to
Viber, WhatsApp, and others pioneered            their customers. The software application
Internet services. VoLTE is the catalyst for     model is relevant only if VoLTE is
change for mobile operators, due to the all-IP   implemented as a platform that inherently
nature of LTE and IMS core networking            uses suitable software design patterns to
technologies. Operator deployment of VoLTE       handle flexible call models, manage multiple
services will not only help improve the user     endpoints and identities logic, and support
experience, but also provide the means for       multi-modal enhancements. Having an end-
operators to change their business model and     to-end software network provides the
innovate new services. With the VoLTE
platform, mobile operators can turn voice

PAGE 16 Tuesday 3rd March                                                                           MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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