Page 20 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 20


                              Rémi de Fouchier, VP Marketing Communication, Gemalto

Back… to the present

a few key ways in which the vision of Hill

Valley 2015 differs from today’s reality

As we hit the 30th anniversary of                    This connectivity will deliver a wide range   waiter for a Pepsi. Perhaps he had a secure        In reality, a lot of this sort of technology uses
Back to the Future – and the year                  of applications, of which NFC car keys are      payment NFC tag woven into his self-drying         the smartphone as the hub of the
into which Marty McFly and Doc                     just the tip of the iceberg: cars have          coat? We didn’t see anyone on public               experience, with apps and potentially even
Emmett Brown travelled in Back to                  incredibly sophisticated in-car entertainment   transport in the film, but imagine that the        Mobile ID providing a route to secure
the Future 2 – we take a look at                   systems already, and the sensing and            problem of a lack of loose change would            authentication and control over the
some of the predictions the film                   mapping systems are so advanced that we’ve      have persisted. In one scene, Biff does pay for    connected home: after all, the security
made and compare them to                           seen some impressive early autonomous           his taxi using a thumbprint, correctly             implications of unauthorized access here are
today’s reality.                                   vehicle demonstrations and proof of             anticipating the surge in biometric                significant. But given that Back to the Future
                                                   concepts developed, from Audi, Google and       authentication we’ve seen. In our reality,         assumed fax would remain dominant for
It’s 2015. For Marty it is a pivotal year: the     others. Realtime vehicle location data is       we’ve seen a rise in contactless payments on       data communications, it’s understandable
    date of his first glimpse of the future after  already being used by insurance firms to        public transport, an increasingly common site      that it didn’t imagine a future in which these
    he and Doc got together on that fateful        improve tariffs, and by emergency and rescue    today in many cities around the world.             sorts of commands could be transmitted
day in 1985, travelling through time in an         services to improve response times to drivers.                                                     securely, wirelessly, from a pocket device to
amazing flux-capacitor powered Delorean                                                              The film was fairly accurate in anticipating     a connected home.
time-machine.                                      HILL VALLEY 2025: A SMARTER CITY                how we communicate and consume
                                                                                                   entertainment, anticipating the rise of 3D           In our reality, the very fact of this possibility
  For us in the mobile industry, it’s              Some of the things imagined in Back to the      Films, video telephony and Google-Glass like       emphasizes the need for strong security
interesting to reflect on how a 26-year-old        Future 2 were remarkably prescient.             devices for video calling. It didn’t quite         mechanisms, from the core of a system to the
Hollywood-tinted vision differs from today’s       Contextual advertising for one: who doesn’t     predict the rise of the internet-enabled           edge, to protect users from unintended
reality, and to cast our gaze to what things       remember the shark from Jaws 19 leaping out     smartphone, however, and thought the fax           consequences or malicious attack.
might look like if we were to travel back… to      from a billboard and targeting Marty as he      machine would be more important in 2015
the future, to 2025 or beyond.                     walked past. Of course: the Jaws 19 billboard   than it has been. We can all be grateful for the  DELIVERING OUR CONNECTED
                                                   was relatively ‘dumb’ – proximity driven.       fact that Siri and Cortana are less irritating    FUTURE
  Here are a few key ways in which Hill            Today’s reality is already significantly more   than the stuttering virtual waiter in Back to
Valley’s future is different to what was           personalized, with advertisers and mobile       the Future 2’s 2015.                                As became clear in the last example, the
imagined, and how it may yet change.               operators sharing data to ensure that – when                                                      defining factor in delivering all of these
                                                   opted in to promotions – consumers get a          Most exciting, though slightly misjudged,       services and applications has been, and
NO (MAINSTREAM) FLYING CARS…                       relevant, personalized and engaging             was the vision of the connected home we           continues to be, trust. If you don’t trust an
YET                                                experience.                                     glimpsed: our home knowing its owner,             NFC chip in your phone to protect your
                                                                                                   unlocking on ‘recognition’ – presumably           personal data, you won’t use it. If you don’t
The power systems required for flying cars           Voice recognition and the cashless society    facial or DNA ID of some kind, to let ‘young’     trust advertisers, mobile phone providers or
(and indeed, the “1.21 gigawatts” needed for       too – Marty doesn’t offer any form of           Jennifer through – and then responding to         operators to respect your interests and
time travel) aren’t quite at the point where we    payment when he asks the cafeteria’s virtual    voiceprinted commands to turn the lights on.      personal details, you won’t provide them with
have mainstream models. However, a key                                                                                                               access to your data. And if you don’t trust
differentiator of cars of the future will be how                                                                                                     urban infrastructure to keep your data secure,
connected they are. As Dieter Zetsche, Chair                                                                                                         you will avoid using it as much as possible.
of Daimler AG and head of Mercedes-Benz                                                                                                              When you do trust these services, as the
worldwide said earlier this year: “The car of                                                                                                        youth of Hill Valley did, using these systems
the future [is] a smartphone on wheels.”                                                                                                             becomes so natural and ubiquitous as to be
                                                                                                                                                     virtually invisible; an automated reflex, much
  This highlights the importance of in-car                                                                                                           as EMV payments are for European
connectivity. The market is anticipated to                                                                                                           consumers today.
grow from 45 million connected cars on the
road just a couple of years ago to 420 million                                                                                                         Back to the Future may not have scored
connected cars in the next three years. Unlike                                                                                                       100% in its predictions for the future, but it
smartphones, these cars need to last a decade                                                                                                        has had enduring value as a piece of science
or more, transcend multiple generations of                                                                                                           fiction and consumer entertainment. My
network technology, and be rugged enough to                                                                                                          prediction: building the reality of our future
ensure a cyber-security breach doesn’t cause                                                                                                         will happen in step with the development of a
a risk to real-world security. After all, as cool                                                                                                    bedrock of trusted services and
as NFC or Bluetooth locks might be, if                                                                                                               infrastructure. And by 2025, perhaps the
someone can just stroll right up and steal                                                                                                           flying car will seem as anachronistic as the
your Delorean, and travel back to 1955 to                                                                                                            fax machines of Back to the Future 2’s 2015,
give their younger self an Almanac of all the                                                                                                        as we all zoom around on our jetboots or fire
sporting events from 1955 to the present                                                                                                             our consciousness off into virtual avatars
day… well, the results could be catastrophic.                                                                                                        around the globe.

PAGE 20 Tuesday 3rd March                                                                          MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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