Page 19 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 19


 “But successful data                            MWD: HOW DOES NET NEUTRALITY                         MWD: CAN YOU PROVIDE EXAMPLES                    One wireless operator we worked with
 management is                                   IMPACT WHAT OPERATORS CAN DO                         OF HOW OPERATORS HAVE                            noticed that in New York City a single
 about being able to                             WITH NETWORK DATA?                                   INCREASED REVENUES, REDUCED                      application was using 5% of its network
 make correlations                                                                                    COSTS OR IMPROVED SERVICE                        capacity each weekday at 9am, 12pm and
 between different                                 AL: Rather than viewing net neutrality as          THROUGH A BETTER ANALYSIS OF                     5pm. We detected the root of the anomaly
 data groups and                                 either good or bad, it can be seen as a question     DATA?                                            and discovered that a taxi cab company had
 draw conclusions                                of how you use analytics. With the right                                                              re-jigged its credit card connection to carry
 that add value as                               metrics you can partner in meaningful ways.            AL: There are many examples of significant     live video broadcasts so that its customers
 the data hits the                                                                                    returns on investment in data analytics. One     could sit in the back and watch breaking news
 network or to even                              MWD: WHAT DEMANDS WILL THE                           of the world’s largest cable operators, for      and headlines. Not only did the video app use
 predict what is                                 INTERNET OF THINGS MAKE ON DATA                      example, was rolling out a lot more trucks       a lot of network capacity, the taxi cab was
 going to happen in                              MANAGEMENT?                                          than it needed to address customer               running it over a very low-cost M2M
 the future.”                                                                                         complaints. One reason it was making such a      connection. Once the operator had this
                                                   AL: Given that M2M ARPUs are low, the cost         costly mistake was that call centre employees'   information it was able to renegotiate the
  Data analysis is a critical piece of enabling  of supporting sensors has to be significantly        performance was measured by how quickly          contract on the basis of a video service rather
that cooperation, as both the OTT and MNOs       below that of supporting subscribers. If             they dealt with a customer. So when              than M2M.
bring complementary sets of information          operators are going to cost-effectively manage a     customers rang to complain their cable
that, when combined, can be used to help         huge number of new devices in their networks         modem wasn't working it was in the call           “A failure to use
improve customer experience. For OTTs,           then they need an understanding of the               centre's staff's interest to find the fastest     automated
better analytics means making better use of      machine's environment and enough information         resolution possible – and usually that meant      systems to access,
network APIs. On the network side,               to trigger rapid automated responses to any          sending out a truck to the customer's home.       analyse and act on
information on OTT service quality of            changes that affect service performance.             Often, however, the fault was with the network    pertinent data
experience can result in proactively taking                                                           and there was nothing the repairman could do      from the machine's
targeted actions to improve the service and        A failure to use automated systems to              when he reached the customer's premises.          environment
manage the network load.                         access, analyse and act on pertinent data            Time and money were wasted, and                   erodes the M2M
                                                 from the machine's environment erodes the            customers, who may have taken time off work       business case.”
                                                 M2M business case. Especially when the               to wait for the cable company, were annoyed.
                                                 operator is in an IoT partnership.
                                                                                                         The answer was to analyse call centre data
                                                   After all, if there is a problem with the          and network data to understand why the
                                                 connection to the thermostat of a customer's         customer had called, and then work to fix the
                                                 refrigerator then the customer is going to call      fault before the operator received another
                                                 the mobile carrier -- not Google Nest,               complaint. The operator managed to save $50
                                                 regardless of the cause.                             million in the first six months, mainly through
                                                                                                      truck roll deflection. And that figure does not
                                                   IoT is not just about network connectivity; data   include the gains made in customer experience.
                                                 is the real value that many carriers can bring to a
                                                 partnership, whether it is with automobile             Mobile operators face different challenges.
                                                 manufacturer or a healthcare company.

MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |                                                                                         Tuesday 3rd March PAGE 19
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