Page 18 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 18


                    Anukool Lakhina,
                    CEO and Founder of Guavus

MNOs are Moving
Forward with Data

Many mobile network operators struggle to benefit from the huge and growing amounts of structured and unstructured data that they, their partners, and
their customers generate. The growth of the Internet of Things is further complicating matters. Anukool Lakhina, CEO and Founder of Guavus, a big data
analytics company, tells Mobile World Daily how mobile carriers can turn big data to their advantage as they develop new services and partnerships, enhance
customer experience and deploy technologies such as NFV and SDN.

MOBILE WORLD DAILY (MWD):                            The network centre and the call centre, for    data management is about being able to             AL: The shift to SDN and NFV makes it
WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT                        example, are probably the two biggest silos      make correlations between different data         easier for operators to manage more
CHALLENGES THAT MOBILE                             that exist today. Organizational and technical   groups and draw conclusions that add value       elements of their network -- whether it is
OPERATORS FACE TODAY WHEN                          boundaries inside carriers often meant           as the data hits the network or to even predict  congestion, the routing of traffic, or the
TRYING TO MONETISE – OR EVEN                       resistance to breaking them up. Today,           what it is going to happen in the future. The    response to failures – and to do so with
SIMPLY MANAGE – BIG DATA?                          however, big data has become a C-level topic     carriers that are most successful in managing    greater flexibility. This ability to fine tune the
                                                   and there is a top-down move to use analytics    data are those that are able to make useful      network goes hand in hand with the
  Anukool Lakhina (AL): We've been around          to eliminate silos that get in the way of doing  associations that assist in decision-making.     generation of much richer network data. But
for more than a decade and it is interesting to    business leading to a more holistic way to                                                        if operators are going to reap the full benefits
see how practices and attitudes have evolved.      spot intelligence across the different             The other problem of course is the sheer       of SDN and NFV deployment and use
Data management is still about the challenge       organizations.                                   velocity with which data travels, which can      network data to improve customer service or
of dealing with the volume, velocity and                                                            leave operators wondering how to take            to develop new products, then they cannot
variety of data, but how it is dealt with is         Of course carriers face a growing              action. The smartphone was a real game           rely on manual intervention. Instead there
increasingly sophisticated and has become a        aggregation challenge, but when it comes to      changer. Five years ago North America saw        will be an even greater move to automate the
real area of concern for C-level executives. At    volume it is a question of sizing the problem,   the impact of the smartphone and carriers        analysis of data and any resulting actions.
the board level there is a realisation that data   and is it possible to store volumes in a cost-   had to adjust how they prepared their            Virtualizing network functions also means
analytics is not just about filtering and storing  effective way.                                   networks. The question then moved from           that some of the legacy reporting and
information appropriately; it is about                                                              being 'how do I keep my network from             element management systems might not be
extracting and understanding information in          When it comes to dealing with the variety      choking?' to 'how do I deliver a better          at par with the newly deployed technologies.
a timely manner and ultimately, not just using     of data, carriers are a lot more sophisticated   customer experience?' It's a shift that
it to answer questions in ways that enable         than they were previously and there is a new     operators in some other regions are going        MWD: CAN THE USE OF DATA
businesses to derive value, but to take            appreciation of the complexity issues. The       through now, as they evolve from marketing       ANALYTICS IMPROVE OPERATORS'
immediate actions.                                 traditional way to deal with disparate data      subscriptions.                                   COMPETITIVE POSITION IN AN
                                                   sources had been to bring everything into one                                                     ENVIRONMENT WHERE SERVICES
                                                   place and look for insights. But successful        Again it's a question of understanding what    SUCH AS WHAT'SAPP ARE
                                                                                                    you are dealing with and the effects of the      IMPACTING REVENUES?
“Data analysis is a critical piece of                                                               actions you take. If a customer is watching an
enabling that cooperation, as both the                                                              online video, an operator with the right           AL: At the heart of the debate is the mobile
OTT and MNOs bring complementary                                                                    information can handle network issues by         operators' business model. They lost part of
sets of information that, when combined,                                                            dynamically making changes to the                the consumer value chain to companies such
can be used to help improve customer                                                                bandwidth and avoiding service degradation       as Google or Apple, but carriers cannot afford
experience.”                                                                                        issues.                                          to look at OTTs merely as killers of voice or
                                                                                                                                                     SMS revenue. If you take a step back it is clear
                                                                                                    MWD: WHAT DOES THE ROLL OUT OF                   that both carriers and OTTs want to deliver a
                                                                                                    NFV AND SDN MEAN FOR                             high quality experience to customers, and to
                                                                                                    OPERATORS' ABILITY TO GATHER                     do that they need to co-operate more.
                                                                                                    AND ANALYSE INFORMATION IN REAL

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