Page 22 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 22


                                    Avi Schechter, President, Amdocs Network Solutions

How good is your
network experience?

The proliferation of smart devices               frequently cite a lack of call coverage and a        Another key consideration is how
                                                 lack of data coverage as their top frustrations.  operators can become more agile and
coupled with the dramatically                    This feedback gives a stark reminder of the       enhance their provisioning of new service           “Operators need to
                                                 ever-increasing load carried by wireless          offers. Operators need to rapidly deploy            address the challenges in
increased demand for data services               networks and the level to which individual        multiple technologies such as fibre, LTE,           their mobile networks in
                                                 customers are negatively impacted.                Small Cells, and Wi-Fi. In addition they must       order to deliver the highest
has created an inflection point for                                                                be able to target service to key segments           levels of reliability and
                                                    As networks become increasingly complex        (e.g. enterprise and M2M) with solutions            customer experience.”
mobile service providers. As revenue             with 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi and Smart Cell                 that cost-effectively create and rapidly fu lfil
                                                 technologies, operators need to centralize,       data services.                                    from a network planning perspective, an end-
streams dry up in the face of                    optimize and exploit a unified management                                                           to-end approach can help to identify and
                                                 interface. In an effort to rein in complexity        With the challenge of flat or declining        monetize under-utilized cells and aid in the
competitive threats and mobile                   they have to build the foundation upon which      revenue streams, policy control that enables      rollout of Wi-Fi and Small Cell technologies
                                                 to gain network oversight, and correlate          quality of service for strategic data offers      to augment network capacity and bandwidth.
networks  become  capacity                       customer and network intelligence to deliver      such as VoLTE and video is critical. Likewise,    From an ongoing operational perspective
                                                 a better customer experience.                     advanced network control capabilities can         better decisions regarding maintenance and
constrained, the ability to deliver a                                                              enable intelligent offload between Wi-Fi and      network optimization can be achieved with
                                                   Mobile operators are starting to                cellular networks and further enhance             this approach.
better quality of experience (QoE) for           automate and optimize their existing              customer experience. But most importantly,
                                                 networks and they are evolving their              operators need to monetize all of this in real-      Customers and their quality of experience
the end user is a serious challenge.             networks to respond to customer demand.           time through the integration of policy control    have now become essential aspects of the
                                                 As they roll out new adaptive infrastructure      and online charging.                              decision-making process for operators.
In Amdocs’ annual whitepaper report              and integrate mission critical billing and                                                          Whether it be in a particular geographic
    “State of RAN 2015” we analyzed more         operational support systems with their               Operators have to maximize network             location, during a special event or related to a
    than twenty five million voice and data      network assets, operators can deliver real        performance, increase the time to market for      specific valuable customer or group of
connections from more than 100,000 mobile        value. In effect, they can shape the network      new services and enhance monetization             customers, quality of experience is a key to
devices on some of the busiest networks in       experience to meet the specific needs of          potential but these efforts cannot be             success. Solutions that support a critical
the world. Based on global analysis of cities    the customer and their corresponding value        considered in isolation. It is essential to take  linkage to customer billing data, big data
with high smartphone penetration, the report     to the operator. At the same time, operators      an integrated, end-to-end approach that can       analytics and OSS can help operators predict
shows that network data traffic has increased    are seeking to rapidly deploy new network         help automate and optimize the many               capacity bottlenecks and prioritize traffic on
by 100% from this time last year.                services and technologies. They want to           network functions that directly impact            their networks. This can allow for the
                                                 acquire new customers, retain their existing      operational and financial objectives, and most    proactive analysis of the network and the
  Users are no longer satisfied with basic       subscriber base and monetize new and              importantly the resulting customer                rapid remediation of issues directly impacting
voice messaging and email and have               more profitable revenue streams. But, given       experience. Such solutions have to be             customer satisfaction. After all, customer-
embraced real-time imaging and data              unrelenting financial pressures, operators        customer-centric, based upon sophisticated        centric network performance improvement
streaming. Not only are mobile users             have to accomplish this without incurring         analytics and user insights gained through        directly impacts the end user’s quality of
streaming more content from sources such as      unnecessary capital investments or                billing systems. Ideally they are real time,      experience, helping to reduce churn and
YouTube and Facebook, they’re also               increasing ongoing operational costs.             automatic and independent of network              enhance revenue potential.
uploading more content to these same sites.                                                        equipment providers’ hardware infrastructure.
The continued growth demonstrates                   As a result operators are seeking vendor-                                                          The implications are clear. Operators need
subscribers’ overwhelming use of                 neutral network solutions that enable them to        An end-to-end approach to network              to address the challenges in their mobile
smartphones and tablets to consume and           gain insight into their customers’ network        enhancement needs to be tied to policy            networks in order to deliver the highest levels
share content. Several interesting insights      experience. In order to succeed, operators        control, billing systems, RAN performance         of reliability and customer experience. They
emerge from the study, including:                should consider software-driven solutions         insight and big data analytics. It needs to be    need to manage the complexity and rapidly
• Second-screen behavior at live events can      that can help them maximize network               customer-centric and able to support              deploy automated solutions that can
                                                 performance but also deliver greater cost         emerging smartphone applications and              integrate customer, network and operational
  induce a 40% spike in data demand              efficiencies. Solutions that leverage customer    services such as VoLTE. It should allow for       insight to dynamically respond to network
• Growth in indoor data demand is                insights that result in better overall QoE for    the integration and analysis of user data such    demand and customer expectations.
                                                 users and more efficient network resource         as personalized bandwidth utilization drawn
  outstripping outdoor data demand by 20%        allocation that can help to delay CAPEX and       from user profiles, application-specific
• 80% of voice call drops and 50% of data        minimize OPEX.                                    requirements and geo-location data. As well,

  throughput issues originate in the radio
  access network (RAN)
• 10% of subscribers comprise 80% of
  network data usage
  And from external analysis of customer
feedback it’s clear that data demand has led to
an increase in dropped calls, while the stress
placed on networks has compromised many
customers’ quality of experience. Users

PAGE 22 Tuesday 3rd March                                                                          MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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