Page 26 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 26


                              Lars Nielsen, General Manager, Global Certification Forum

Mobile interoperability
is key to M2M and
IOT success

Industry analysts are predicting that                At the time GCF was founded, operators          Comparison of global device sales against device certifications
the number of “things” connected to               played a more prominent role in handset
mobile networks could vastly exceed               distribution than today. Many operators had           The common testing framework also helps        Understanding these developments and
in-service mobile phones by the end of            their own device acceptance regimes which          many manufacturers expand their                   ensuring their devices are compatible with
the decade. Machine-to-machine                    meant manufacturers were required to               addressable markets by enabling them to           them will help M2M device manufacturers
(M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT)            undertake multiple tests of the various            build confidence in their devices among the       protect themselves.
open up many exciting opportunities -             device attributes in order to present their        major operator groups. The underlying
for traditional mobile players, new               operator customers with data in their              principles are equally relevant to the success      Unsuccessful devices aren’t good for the
entrants and for society at large.                preferred format. A common certification           of IoT where partnerships between multiple        industry: as well as damaging the reputation
                                                  scheme accepted by a broad cross-section of        stakeholders are expected to be the basis of      of their manufacturers, they can also damage
It says something about the achievements          the world’s leading operator groups had the        many propositions.                                the brands of the operators over whose
    of the mobile industry over recent years      potential to generate efficiencies that would                                                        networks they were intended to connect.
    that many IoT propositions appear to take     improve economies of scale while reducing            Interoperability will remain a critical         While there is a cost to certification, the
the mobile connectivity component for             both costs and time-to-market for the benefit      success factor for IoT. Interoperability still    financial and reputational cost of a failed
granted: there is an assumption that it will      of the wider industry.                             matters. Any IoT device with poor                 device will almost certainly be higher.
simply work. However, radio can be a                                                                 interoperability will struggle to achieve scale.
demanding medium and good connectivity               GCF’s maxim of “Test once, use anywhere”                                                            The ability to benchmark interoperability
happens through careful design and                has delivered efficiencies and has made an           In addition, devices that do not fully          will continue to be important even as
implementation, not by accident.                  important contribution to expanding the            conform to the standards can also negatively      operators play a less prominent role in
                                                  overall market by increasing the choice of         impact mobile networks. This risk could be        marketing devices and the proportion of
  The global potential of IoT is attracting       trusted devices. In the first full year of         compounded in large-scale M2M                     “open market” sales increases. After-sales
millions in investment – most of it from          certification, two manufacturers delivered 12      deployments. If an outage in an M2M system        support costs for poorly performing devices
outside the traditional mobile industry.          certified devices. In 2014, 531 different          were to trigger thousands - or even millions -    could rapidly erode margins for independent
Appropriate levels of interoperability for        devices were certified by 53 manufacturers.        of devices to attempt to re-register with         distribution channels.
these new types of connected device will be                                                          mobile networks simultaneously, the
critical to realising global scale and               Dual-band GSM handsets represented the          disruption could be serious. With mobile             As a scheme that has been designed “by
generating the anticipated returns on these       cutting edge when GCF was founded. In the          networks increasingly being seen as part of a     the industry, for the industry”, GCF
investments.                                      15 years since, the scope of the scheme has        nation’s critical infrastructure, the regulatory  certification has made a significant
                                                  expanded to accommodate new mobile                 backlash could be severe.                         contribution to the global expansion and
  The growing interest in the concept of the      technologies and functionalities. GCF took                                                           success of the mobile industry. A GCF Task
connected car is a good example. The              over the certification of CDMA2000 devices           Enhancements to the core 3GPP standards         Force is currently analysing how
automotive industry gears its capital-            in December 2014.                                  are being developed with the aim of giving        Certification can best contribute to the
intensive manufacturing processes,                                                                   operators tools to mitigate such risks. These     success for M2M and IoT. GCF welcomes
production lines and supply chains to                In 2014, the “typical” GCF-certified device     on-going developments are already feeding         input and insight from any organisation with
produce models that are distributed across        incorporated 3.5 GSM bands, 2.6 3G bands           into GCF’s Certification Criteria.                interests in this growth sector.
multiple markets. There is, therefore, an         and 2.3 LTE bands.
explicit need for vehicle connectivity
solutions that are able to connect to any            Illustrating how ever more RF functionality is
network in any country or region the vehicle      being packed into higher-spec devices, the
is likely to be driven in. From the perspective   “average” GCF-certified LTE device had 4.4 FD
of mobile networks, a significant proportion      LTE bands, 3.1 3G bands and 3.5 GSM bands.
of connected cars will be in a permanent          With FD LTE being deployed in approaching
roaming state.                                    20 bands worldwide, the complexity of higher
                                                  end smartphones and phablets is likely to
  By providing an assurance of interoperability,  increase further in 2015 as Carrier Aggregation
device certification can make an important        is adopted more widely and more bands are
contribution to the success of IoT.               implemented in e ach device to facilitate
                                                  international roaming over LTE.
                                                     The abundant variety of sophisticated
The Global Certification Forum (GCF) was          multi-mode, multi-band mobile devices that
established in 1999 as a voluntary certification  has driven the smartphone market would not
scheme focused on interoperability between        have been possible without a trusted
mobile handsets and networks.                     certification scheme providing a robust
                                                  benchmark of a device’s interoperability while
                                                  keeping testing overheads under control.

PAGE 26 Tuesday 3rd March                                                                            MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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