Page 28 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 28


                       Dave Fraser,
                       CEO of Devicescape

Advances in Wi-Fi
Provisioning Enable New
Disruptive Cellular Services

The spread of 4G LTE networks and the rapid adoption of smartphones and tablets have spurred consumer demand for increasing amounts of mobile data.
Now Internet companies such as Google and cable operators are looking to provide access services to meet the increasing appetite for wireless connectivity.
And they plan to use Wi-Fi to help them do so. Dave Fraser, CEO of Devicescape, which provides managed access to a virtual network of public amenity Wi-
Fi hotspots, tells Mobile World Daily how changes in Wi-Fi provisioning are creating new disruptive wireless business models and how mobile network
operators can use these forces to their advantage.

MOBILE WORLD DAILY (MWD):                         Wi-Fi Calling on selected smartphones, and         These developments also show that                hotels, 71% of stadiums and convention
WE SAW SOME WI-FI                                 AT&T and Verizon in the U.S. and EE in the       disruption in the market is coming from            centres, 72% of museums, 68% of cafes and
ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM BIG NAMES                      UK have followed suit.                           heavyweight brands as well as small start-ups.     bars, and 69% of fast food outlets. It’s a huge
LIKE APPLE AND T-MOBILE LAST                                                                       And a company like Google is clearly in a          resource.
YEAR. HOW WOULD YOU                                  2014 was also the year of the Wi-Fi First     position to subsidize a low price point with
CHARACTERISE 2014 IN TERMS OF WI-                 movement, which is a huge disruptive             revenue from other services.                         It’s also highly flexible, which means
FI AND ITS PLACE IN THE INDUSTRY?                 development. In Wi-Fi First we see new                                                              operators can use it to meet a range of needs.
                                                  models for wireless connectivity provision         So the potential threat is substantial. But      Some mobile operators are still interested in
  Dave Fraser (DF): 2014 saw the beginning of     being exploited by new players in the market. I  the impact it has on mobile operators will         Wi-Fi for capacity offload, some for coverage
a shift that will result in Wi-Fi becoming a      think this movement will further showcase the    ultimately depend on how they react. The           expansion. For others the focus is on ensuring
mainstream part of the connectivity mix           strengths of Wi-Fi, increasing its appeal to     benefits of Wi-Fi—particularly public Wi-          there’s a backup in place when the cellular
employed by the majority of mobile operators.     existing mobile operators yet further. So Wi-Fi  Fi—are no less available to mobile operators       network drops in performance, maybe
As LTE was coming online, many voices in the      grew in importance for everyone last year.       than to this new breed of competitor. The          because of network load, or because the user
industry were saying that it would kill the need                                                   extension of indoor coverage at a great price      is indoors and out of range. More advanced
for Wi-Fi, but that didn’t happen. Certainly the  MWD: DO CABLEVISION'S                            point, the ability to offer connectivity           operators are looking at an Always Best
introduction of LTE has led to a huge increase    'FREEWHEEL' SERVICE AND                          appropriate to the user’s immediate                Connected approach that moves the user
in the amount of cellular data that smartphone    REPORTS THAT GOOGLE PLANS TO                     circumstances, these are service                   between LTE and Wi-Fi according to
users consume. But over the same period there     GO AHEAD WITH AN MVNO SERVICE                    enhancements that mobile operators can             whichever network can provide the best
has also been enormous growth in the amount       THAT WILL COUPLE CELLULAR AND                    easily effect with Wi-Fi.                          connectivity at all times. Amenity Wi-Fi has
of data consumed over Wi-Fi; in fact, Wi-Fi       W-FI POSE A SIGNIFICANT THREAT                                                                      operators covered in all of these situations.
now accounts for the majority of smartphone       TO OPERATORS?                                      So we expect that the real impact of these
data consumption.                                                                                  disruptions will be that the clear majority of       More broadly, mobile operators need to
                                                     DF: The potential of the threat cannot be     players in this market will start to think of the  move from seeing themselves as cellular
  When John Legere [CEO of T-Mobile USA]          underestimated. Consider what these moves        service they provide in terms of connectivity      network providers towards seeing themselves
announced his Wi-Fi Un-leashed plan last          tell us: First, they remind us that mobile       first, and underlying technology second.           as mobile connectivity providers, able to use
year, he compared it to adding millions of cell   operators don’t have exclusivity over the                                                           the most cost-effective and efficient networks
towers to his network in a single day. It was     provision of smartphone connectivity. In the     MWD: HOW CAN OPERATORS USE                         available. Smartphone data consumption is
an acknowledgment that the delivery of            last few months at Devicescape we have had       PUBLIC WI-FI TO THEIR ADVANTAGE                    growing fast and the vast majority of usage
coverage and connectivity is more important       just as many enquiries from newcomers as         IN AN INCREASINGLY COMPETITIVE                     occurs indoors, where it is more challenging
than the means by which they are delivered.       from traditional mobile operators. Second,       ENVIRONMENT?                                       for operators to provide the same quality of
                                                  they show that pure cellular isn’t the only way                                                     cellular coverage as they do outside.
  It’s also true that Wi-Fi Calling generated a   of providing that connectivity. These new          DF: It’s important to understand the scale
lot of headlines, particularly the                players and others like them are starting with   of this resource. The growth of public Wi-Fi,        As T-Mobile has shown, operators can take
announcement from Apple. The adoption of          a clean slate, rethinking the concept of         particularly what we call ‘amenity Wi-Fi’,         advantage of changes in the public Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi calling, by operators worldwide as well     wireless service. They all seem to conclude      offered by businesses to their customers for       landscape and technology developments
as Apple, reflected this recognition of the       that providing a total smartphone connectivity   free, is a global industry megatrend. Look at      such as Wi-Fi Calling, to quickly ramp up
importance of Wi-Fi in a changing wireless        experience requires both cellular and Wi-Fi.     the U.S. as an example: Free amenity Wi-Fi in      data service coverage and meet latent
environment. T-Mobile and Sprint now allow                                                         the U.S. is available at 99% of airports, 95% of   customer demand. And it can be done cost

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