Page 30 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 30


                                Gary Miles, General Manager for Advanced Technologies and Strategic Initiatives, Amdocs

in the

Recently, the Internet has begun to                 WebRTC faces the same dilemma.                  would clearly have fragmented and failed.           The replicated data is signed using a
show a disturbing trend: it is starting           Thousands of sites are adding VoIP/Video                                                            blockchain-style signature to mitigate
to fragment. This fragmentation is                calling functionality but none of them can        Just imagine a world where the only content       tampering, and the federated traffic is
not good for consumers or the                     interoperate. Calling someone via WebRTC                                                            encrypted with HTTPS and signed with each
industries which have benefited so                requires sending them the URL of a WebRTC-        on the Web lives in the respective walled         server’s private key to avoid server identity
much from the Internet’s open,                    enabled website, which they are then forced                                                         spoofing. Replication follows eventual
ubiquitous capabilities.                          to use. But why should they be forced to use      gardens of AOL and Compuserve.                    consistency semantics, allowing servers to
                                                  the service you picked? Imagine if you could                                                        function even when offline or after data-loss
New developments such as the Internet             only read email using the same service            So how does one create an equivalent open         by resynchronizing missing history from
         of Things and WebRTC  heralded as       (Gmail, Yahoo etc.) that it was sent from – it                                                      other participating servers. End-to-end
         the Internet’s next major strides        would be a terrible experience. Yet this is the   ecosystem for sharing arbitrary real-time         encryption is being defined, ensuring data at
forward  will not be nearly as successful as     direction WebRTC is currently headed.                                                               rest is encrypted and only readable by the
they could be if we do not solve this                                                               data? The Web provides a consistent               room participants.
fragmentation problem, both for the services      BARRIER 2: SILOS OF CUSTOMER
they offer and for the underlying data            AND SERVICE DATA                                  interface for consuming data: you just visit a      The end result is that data transmitted over
associated with these services.                                                                                                                       Matrix is never stored in any single place, and is
                                                  The single biggest inhibitor to innovation on     URL. But there is no consistent way to            instead securely shared on a purely need-to-
  Practically, the only way to solve this is for  the Internet today is that there is no way for a                                                    know basis between relevant parties, with
the industry to adopt new open standards and      person or service to securely publish data in     publish data: you have a myriad of                control of access residing solely with the author.
open source technologies which specifically       real time and allow for the safe sharing of this
address this fragmentation problem. Several       data across all services the data owner has       inconsistent APIs for different blog engines,       Matrix only entered beta in December, so
new initiatives are now underway which show       authorized.                                                                                         it’s early days – but there is a groundswell of
real promise to this end, and are gaining                                                           message boards, cloud services, DAV servers,      adoption around this standard. Indeed,
adoption among both the grassroots and              For example, individuals’ conversation                                                            Matrix may provide the disruption needed to
mainstream Internet players.                      history or health data are trapped in different   SFTP servers, etc.                                change how we share data on the Internet,
                                                  silos. Everyone wants to own this data and                                                          opening a new age of services which are
BARRIER 1: FRAGMENTED SERVICES                    meanwhile the consumer is rarely in a    is a new open source and non-          forced to retain users through quality rather
                                                  position to use it freely and securely. A                                                           than by holding their data hostage.
Some of us may remember when it was               person’s heart-rate and athletic activity data    profit project addressing the issue with a very
impossible to send emails to the majority of      should not be lost when their current devices                                                         Let’s overcome the barriers of service
other email users. Email was not a universal      are replaced with the ever-latest new gadgets.    pragmatic and novel approach. Matrix              fragmentation and data silos, and unleash the
standard and was instead broken into several      An individual’s driving history should not be                                                       Internet’s potential for innovation once more:
siloed communities. Can you imagine this          tied to a specific car or insurance provider.     defines a persistent data layer for the Web,      industry giants and startups alike will
today? Probably you can, as we see the same       IoT devices record our life, and our life should                                                    together benefit both from collaboration and
situation with the various instant messaging      be accessible to us, and only us, for the         with open federation, strong cryptographic        freer competition.
and VoIP apps on the market: none of them         duration.
talk to one another. Viber users can't send                                                         guarantees, eventual consistency and push           “Imagine if you could only
messages to WhatsApp; Skype can't place           SO HOW CAN THIS BE SOLVED?                                                                            read email using the same
calls to FaceTime.                                                                                  semantics.                                          service that it was sent
                                                    Fixing this situation is unashamedly hard.                                                          from – it would be a
  The IoT is clearly fragmenting on the           Thankfully there is a precedent for this: the     Like the Web, Matrix can be used for many           terrible experience. Yet this
service layer as well. The only way to collate    Web itself.                                                                                           is the direction WebRTC is
data from my Fitbit wristband and my                                                                purposes.   The “missing link” of                   currently headed.”
Withings heart-rate sensor is to aggregate          The Web empowers users to consume data
data from their proprietary APIs into another     and services from a completely open,              interoperable calling between WebRTC silos
silo. Meanwhile many of the larger                federated ecosystem with total choice,
companies are creating vertical silos, be it      creating an industry where federation             becomes as simple as a single HTTP PUT to
IBM’s IoT cloud, Apple HomeKit, Logitech          between different browsers, vendors and
Harmony, etc.                                     platforms is accepted as table stakes. Had the    invite the callee, and a single HTTP PUT for
                                                  Web been created by for-profit companies it
                                                                                                    them to answer. Meanwhile, OTT messaging

                                                                                                    apps can finally federate by synchronizing

                                                                                                    their conversations into Matrix; letting users

                                                                                                    own their history and select their preferred

                                                                                                    app and service.

                                                                                                    And most interestingly, the Internet of

                                                                                                    Things can use Matrix as a vendor-neutral data

                                                                                                    exchange service – a secure data lake where

                                                                                                    devices, hubs and services can share data

                                                                                                    while the user retains exclusive ownership. IoT

                                                                                                    hardware manufacturers can simplify their

                                                                                                    world immensely by leveraging Matrix for

                                                                                                    interoperable data transport and persistence,

                                                                                                    letting them concentrate on the hardware.

                                                                                                    The Matrix standard specifies simple

                                                                                                    RESTful HTTP APIs for securely transmitting

                                                                                                    and replicating JSON data between Matrix-

                                                                                                    capable clients, servers and services. Clients

                                                                                                    send data by PUTing it to a ‘room’ on their

                                                                                                    server, which then replicates the data over all

                                                                                                    the Matrix servers participating in this ‘room’.

PAGE 30 Tuesday 3rd March                                                                           MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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