Page 34 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 34


By Denise Dubie, Senior Principal, Content Strategy at CA Technologies.

Research – Mobility:

Why Your Customers Aren’t
Satisfied and What to Do About It

New research shows enterprise-wide
mobility can improve your
customers’ overall experience.

In the application economy, simply               economy. And two, the best way to achieve         Denise Dubie
    providing the next killer app is no longer   this is to implement an enterprise-wide
    enough. Consumers’ expectations have         approach to mobility.                               Denise is senior principal, content strategy at CA Technologies. As a former IT
never been higher, and you can lose a                                                              industry journalist with IDG Enterprise, her work was featured in print and online daily
customer in a split second if you have not       UNDERSTAND THE CUSTOMER                           in publications such as Computerworld, CIO and Network World. Now Denise is a top
focused on optimizing the entire customer        EXPERIENCE.                                       contributor of articles, blogs, whitepapers, eBooks and more. She manages the
experience.                                      To truly deliver a quality mobile experience,     REWRITE and Highlight content editorial process and leads social media strategy. With
                                                 IT and the business must know how the             more than 20 years experience, Denise reports and writes on the application economy,
  CA technologies recently sponsored             customer interfaces with the app and how          IT skills and careers, management cloud, mobility, DevOps, big data, security and more.
research company Vanson Bourne to conduct        well the app responds to customer demand.
a global survey of 1,425 senior IT and           Learn, understand and try to experience what
business executives on their mobility            your customers are experiencing.
initiatives. The results revealed that overall
user satisfaction with mobility efforts to date  DEFINE CUSTOMER-DRIVEN RESULTS.
remains low: respondents report that only        Do you want more customers using your
20% of their customers are completely            services? Do you want to deliver more apps
satisfied with their experiences with mobility.  or more feature releases to existing apps?
                                                 Businesses must understand the goals of their
  The most important result is what              mobility efforts to better design the enterprise
organizations are actually doing to meet         strategy.
these challenges: implementing a more
holistic approach to enterprise-wide mobility.   DEVELOP AN ENTERPRISE MOBILITY
In fact, 40% of respondents have already         STRATEGY.
adopted enterprise mobility and another 47%      It’s clear mobility projects cannot thrive in an
plan to in the next two years.                   ad hoc environment—they must be
                                                 integrated across and baked into all IT and
  By taking a holistic approach to improving     business endeavors from the start. A
and securing the overall end-to-end mobile       successful enterprise mobility strategy will
experience, organizations are reaping huge       encompass managing the data from the back
rewards:                                         end to the user device.

• Enterprise mobility adopters report six        IDENTIFY AND NURTURE MOBILITY
  times more end users who are completely        TALENT.
  satisfied with their mobility products or      To drive an enterprise mobility strategy, IT
  services.                                      organizations must be equipped with the skills
                                                 needed to not only develop mobile apps and
• Twice as many enterprise mobility              services but also the talent to envision how
  adopters have already seen an                  mobility could enhance existing applications.
  improvement in overall user experience.
                                                 MEASURE MOBILE SUCCESS.
• Enterprise mobility adopters have seen a       Mobility needs monitoring. Mobile apps can
  24% revenue increase from customer-            thrive or die in an instant. Learn what works
  facing mobility apps and a 25%                 and what doesn’t early, and build on
  improvement in the overall customer            successes.
                                                 See more at
  The research proves a few critical points
about mobility. For one, optimization of the
overall end-user and customer mobile
experience is the most important thing you
can focus on for success in the application

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