Page 36 - Mobile World Daily - Day 2
P. 36


                             Andrey Voltornist,
                             Analyst, GSMA Intelligence

Mobile broadband
reach expanding

3G networks are now ubiquitous in               notably the timely allocation and assignment     Mobile broadband coverage reach, global, 2009-2020
many markets and 4G networks are                of required 3G/4G spectrum in each country,
being deployed at an even faster rate           as well as macro-economic conditions that                                                          Source: GSMA Intelligence
                                                can influence investment decisions.
New research from GSMA Intelligence                                                              3 (Hutchinson) in the United Kingdom, Italy,      over 80 per cent of the population in
         predicts that more than four out of    3G NETWORK ACCESS IS BECOMING                    Sweden, Denmark and Austria in 2003. By the       December 2014, while in developing
         five people worldwide will have        UBIQUITOUS                                       end of 2005, 66 operators had commercially        economies 4G coverage stands at just above
access to 3G networks by 2020 (up from 70                                                        launched 3G networks, providing coverage to       10 per cent of the region’s population. It is
per cent today), while 4G networks will cover   To date, 649 operators have commercially         over 40 per cent of the EU population. In         expected that deployments across countries
over 60 per cent of the global population by    launched 3G networks across 217 countries,       early 2009, three out of four people living in    in Latin America and Asia Pacific will drive
this point (up from 25 per cent today). More    covering over 70 per cent of the global          the region had access to 3G services with 97      global 4G coverage over the next five years.
consumers worldwide have access to mobile       population. In developed economies, 3G           per cent of all operators in the region offering
broadband networks that support download        coverage surpassed 95 per cent of the            3G networks and services.                           The early allocation of spectrum in the
speeds that have been continuously              population in 2011, against almost two thirds                                                      Digital Dividend band (700 MHz) and
increasing since the launch of the first        of population in developing economies in         4G NETWORK COVERAGE EXPANSION                     programmes to expand coverage in rural
3G/WCDMA network in 2001 and the first          2014. It is important to note that the           IS ACCELERATING                                   areas helped to position the US as one of the
4G/LTE network in 2009.                         deployment of mobile broadband networks in                                                         most advanced 4G markets in the developed
                                                countries with large population sizes influence  There are currently 335 mobile operators that     world. The FCC assigned LTE spectrum in
  This data measures mobile broadband           coverage results at regional and global levels.  have commercially launched LTE networks           700 MHz in 2008, which allowed operators to
network coverage as a share of population for   3G networks were only launched in late           across 118 countries worldwide. The number        deploy base stations early and commercially
each country worldwide where 3G and 4G          2007–early 2009 in countries such as             of operators is forecast to almost double over    launch LTE services having reached initial
networks have been commercially launched,       Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Nigeria,       the next three years to reach close to 600        high coverage rates – notably with Verizon
including forecasts to 2020. The data notably   Pakistan and Russia — where almost 50 per        operators in 156 countries. In developed          Wireless covering 35 per cent of the US
shows that 4G networks are rolled out at a      cent of the global population is located.        economies, 4G coverage has already reached        population at launch in Q4 2010.
faster pace than 3G networks; while it took
ten years for 3G network coverage to reach        In Asia Pacific, 3G coverage will increase
half of the global population, it will take 4G  by approximately 20 percentage points
networks eight years after launch to reach the  between 2014-18 to reach 90 per cent of the
same milestone - therefore reaching this level  region’s population. Meanwhile, 3G networks
in 2017. Several factors impact the             currently cover 97 per cent of the population
deployment of mobile broadband networks,        in the European Union. This region witnessed
                                                a wave of 3G deployments since the launch of


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